Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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Banned for besmirching the good name of the Princess of the Night with your atrocious "spelling" and "grammar." She would be displeased to see you using her visage as your avatar.

Updated by anonymous

naughtyirish said:
i bann you cuz i crushed you with my prometheous mech

banned because you stole the first and last slice of the chocolate mint tofu pie I made and didn't even say "thank you".

Updated by anonymous

naughtyirish said:
i bann you cuz i crushed you with my prometheous mech

Also "i bann you cuz i crushed you with" THE GHOST CRAB!!!!!!!

Updated by anonymous

Crystalinn said:
Banned, as the will of the Klaxxi is eternal!

banned because "nothing is eternal, baby, NOTHIN!!!

Updated by anonymous

itsapainfulworld said:
banned because you stole the first and last slice of the chocolate mint tofu pie I made and didn't even say "thank you".

itsapainfulworld said:
Also "i bann you cuz i crushed you with" THE GHOST CRAB!!!!!!!

itsapainfulworld said:
banned because "nothing is eternal, baby, NOTHIN!!!

..... -_- I ban myself for triple posting. again. post #74140

Updated by anonymous

BrerFox said:
Banned for besmirching the good name of the Princess of the Night with your atrocious "spelling" and "grammar." She would be displeased to see you using her visage as your avatar.

What... Remember she was banished a long time ago and she's still learning, let her have fun! Also, THE ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE DEMANDS YOU TO SPEAK IN CAPS LOCK!


Updated by anonymous

I banisheth thee, oh tragic mistress of the night, upon demand of our great princess of the sun and life.
Thine voluminous voice be missed amongst these halls, until our princesses judgement be ceased!

Updated by anonymous

I bann all for not eating chocolate mint tofu 3.14! (except naughtyirish cause he ate some)

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
What... Remember she was banished a long time ago and she's still learning, let her have fun! Also, THE ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE DEMANDS YOU TO SPEAK IN CAPS LOCK!


i bann myself for likeing you . OH and my bro for saying i only ate SOME

Updated by anonymous

Banned because I made someone ragequit.

Y'know how I did it? I was a furry and he was a /b/tard.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Banned for lying

hey are you a girl

i bann crystalinn for not going to the dentist

Updated by anonymous

naughtyirish said:
hey are you a girl

i bann crystalinn for not going to the dentist

not you crystalinn

i bann myself cuz i made a boo boo

Updated by anonymous

Supreme Tri-Banned for still not getting the game.

Updated by anonymous

Banned for making me agree with something.
Now to weave in an insult to make sure I don't sound too caring - you schmuck.

Updated by anonymous

Steelswarm said:
Banned for making me agree with something.
Now to weave in an insult to make sure I don't sound too caring - you schmuck.

i bann you cuz u chose a futa avatar

Updated by anonymous

BrerFox said:
Supreme Tri-Banned for still not getting the game.

banned cuz right now by korn

Updated by anonymous

Banned because Derpy is no Al the Killer, and wouldn't know the Faint of Hearts from the bubbles on her ass.

Updated by anonymous

Banned because my Ten Speed bicycle thought it was a good idea.

Updated by anonymous

banned cuz derpy hooves kicks doctor wooves for saying no to a blueberry muffin

Updated by anonymous

Banned because when a post has no comments, a sad cyclops appears at the thumbnail stats and now you cannot unsee it

Updated by anonymous

Banned for making me spit spaghetti out of my mouth.

Updated by anonymous

Banned because the cutscenes in SA2 can be really poorly cut together someti-- I'LL MAKE YOU EAT THOSE WORDS!

Updated by anonymous

BrerFox said:
Banned for making me spit spaghetti out of my mouth.

banned cuz up your nose with a rubber spaghetti hose!!

Updated by anonymous

Banned because what's the point of using the strikeout feature if you can just remove the word altogether before you post?

Updated by anonymous

Banned for failure to man your own Jackhammer.

Updated by anonymous

Mario583 said:
Banned for penis joke.

banned for making me fix your ban reason. < _ >

Updated by anonymous

itsapainfulworld said:
banned for making me fix your ban reason. < _ >

Banned for not realizing "penile" is an adjective.

Updated by anonymous

Banned for having a mind so open your brain fell out.

Updated by anonymous

Banned for being a broken recor- banned for being a broken recor- banned for being a broken record.

Updated by anonymous

banned because you came up with two of the exact same excuses on page 87.

Updated by anonymous

hg3300 said:
Banned for not realizing "penile" is an adjective.

Banned because I read dictionaries, thesauruses, and encyclopedias in my spare time, among other things.

Updated by anonymous

itsapainfulworld said:
Banned because I read dictionaries, thesauruses, and encyclopedias in my spare time, among other things.

Banned for skipping the last person, and claiming that you read dictionaries and other reference books but you still felt the need to "correct" the word "penile" to "penis"

Updated by anonymous

naughtyirish said:
banned for not shuting up

Banned because you put a brony curse on me. Now I've become interested (not sexually) in Vinyl Scratch and Twilight Whatshername. post #130482

Updated by anonymous

hg3300 said:
Banned for skipping the last person, and claiming that you read dictionaries and other reference books but you still felt the need to "correct" the word "penile" to "penis"

Banned because You won't let me joke 2:32-2:40

Updated by anonymous

Banned because you still double and triple post. The name of the thread is Ban the User Above You Game, not Pick a Person at Random to Ban Game.

Updated by anonymous

Banned for banning those who can't follow the rules. That's MY job.

Updated by anonymous

BrerFox said:
Banned for banning those who can't follow the rules. That's MY job.

Banned because you are not an Administrator. That's ippiki_ookami's (and other Administrators) job.
I just backseat moderated didn't I?
post #116508

Updated by anonymous