Topic: [REJECTED] Tag implication: belly_slapping -> penile_masturbation

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

This tag should definitely be renamed; it's not clear at all that it refers to masturbation without reading the wiki.
Also, most posts with it are just erect horses, and probably shouldn't have this tag.

scth said:
This tag should definitely be renamed; it's not clear at all that it refers to masturbation without reading the wiki.
Also, most posts with it are just erect horses, and probably shouldn't have this tag.

I'm not sure what it could be renamed to without losing the specific meaning because it is a fairly specific concept with a somewhat established name.
And the thing that makes it belly slapping is that the penis is pressed up against the belly, since if it were in a neutral state it would just be hanging down due to gravity.

scth said:
This tag should definitely be renamed; it's not clear at all that it refers to masturbation without reading the wiki.
Also, most posts with it are just erect horses, and probably shouldn't have this tag.

It's a colloquial term used by the equine community to describe how a stallion masturbates, simply for a lack of a better term (also see Wikipedia ).

The phenomena typically consists of a stallion grinding/slipping of their erect penises against their own bellies, which may be followed by the flaring of the glans or an ejaculation.

Colloquial terms can be fine for tags, but not so much when the term could mean something entirely different to someone unfamiliar with the concept. The phrase "belly slapping" already has meaning outside of this use (primarily, literally slapping a belly in any context other than masturbation). We don't normally do tags like that, since people assume meaning without reading the wiki.

scth said:
Colloquial terms can be fine for tags, but not so much when the term could mean something entirely different to someone unfamiliar with the concept. The phrase "belly slapping" already has meaning outside of this use (primarily, literally slapping a belly in any context other than masturbation). We don't normally do tags like that, since people assume meaning without reading the wiki.

I could say the same for hands-free, which can be any action done without using the hands. However, over here we define it as orgasm without manual stimulation of the genitals.

If your argument is that it sounds too similar to the *_slap tags (e.g., belly_slap), then I would agree. The issue would then be to find another term that describes penile belly_slapping.

thegreatwolfgang said:
I could say the same for hands-free, which can be any action done without using the hands. However, over here we define it as orgasm without manual stimulation of the genitals.

If your argument is that it sounds too similar to the *_slap tags (e.g., belly_slap), then I would agree. The issue would then be to find another term that describes penile belly_slapping.

Yeah, I don't like hands-free either. One of the tags aliased to it is handsfree_ejaculation, might have been better to go the other way on that alias.
belly_slap being completely different from belly_slapping is basically part of this issue.
This could potentially be considered a type of autobellyjob.

scth said:
This tag should definitely be renamed; it's not clear at all that it refers to masturbation without reading the wiki.
Also, most posts with it are just erect horses, and probably shouldn't have this tag.

Especially when "belly slapping/slapping belly/belly slap" more obviously refers to... well, someone slapping a belly.

cloudpie said:
penile_belly_slapping perhaps?
or just autobellyjob, since they seem very similar

Looking at the posts tagged autobellyjob that seems to be a very different action, penile_belly_slapping would at least retain the original meaning of the penis slapping against the belly Vs just rubbing one's belly against their own penis.

alphamule said:
Reason: This sounds too much like slapping a belly, when the definition is clearly meant to be something entirely different. Since people will be tempted to use the most common term for it, anyways, might as well take advantage of the autofill feature on tagging.

Should be a disambiguation with a wiki explaining the alternatives, otherwise people can still tag it for slapping a belly and not masturbation, and have it erroneously tagged as the latter. I also think I prefer penile_belly_slapping, to better indicate penile stimulation.

watsit said:
Should be a disambiguation with a wiki explaining the alternatives, otherwise people can still tag it for slapping a belly and not masturbation, and have it erroneously tagged as the latter. I also think I prefer penile_belly_slapping, to better indicate penile stimulation.

OK, then we'll need an aliasupdate to penile_belly_slapping so that it gets autocorrected to make it still searchable. *fixes it*

So, if we do an update on this tag, then when it's done, we can add the disambiguation.
"alias belly_slapping -> belly_slapping_(disambiguation) # duplicate of has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through BUR" It seems someone else is already doing this tag. Ugh, now I have to go remember where I saw the BUR search. Here it is.


So in summary:

mass update belly_slapping -> penile_belly_slapping
imply penile_belly_slapping -> penile_masturbation
imply penile_belly_slapping -> autobellyjob
alias belly_slapping -> belly_slapping_(disambiguation)

scth said:
So in summary:

mass update belly_slapping -> penile_belly_slapping
imply penile_belly_slapping -> penile_masturbation
imply penile_belly_slapping -> autobellyjob
alias belly_slapping -> belly_slapping_(disambiguation)

I think so...

To be honest, it looks like it's being way over-tagged. There are a lot of instances where it's just showing an erection with no indication of stimulation or movement
post #3914495 post #3188593
or there's other stimulation going to result in an orgasm without any apparent belly slapping
post #4156188 post #3690488
EDIT: And even of the posts where there's ejaculation, it's either tagged spontaneous_ejaculation (indicating no direct stimulation, i.e. no belly contact), or the penis is just hanging there not touching anything and it should be tagged spontaneous_ejaculation rather than any kind of masturbation:
post #1004736 post #1821864
There are also cases where the belly slapping happens due to the penis becoming erect or twitching ahead of having sex, and not for masturbation:
post #2193504 post #3740014

This tag is quite messy and needs heavy cleanup, removing it from posts where there's no visible contact or no apparent stimulation from said contact, where the remaining few can be moved over manually, otherwise it will cause mistags. Though given how much it's being mistagged, the vagueness or ambiguity with spontaneous_ejaculation or incidental contact rather than masturbation, and such movement is difficult to portray in still images, I wonder if it should be invalidated. Or if the tag would be for any penis-to-belly impact, an implication to penile_masturbation would be improper since not all impacts would be masturbation.


watsit said:
To be honest, it looks like it's being way over-tagged. There are a lot of instances where it's just showing an erection with no indication of stimulation or movement
post #3914495 post #3188593
or there's other stimulation going to result in an orgasm without any apparent belly slapping
post #4156188 post #3690488
EDIT: And even of the posts where there's ejaculation, it's either tagged spontaneous_ejaculation (indicating no direct stimulation, i.e. no belly contact), or the penis is just hanging there not touching anything and it should be tagged spontaneous_ejaculation rather than any kind of masturbation:
post #1004736 post #1821864
There are also cases where the belly slapping happens due to the penis becoming erect or twitching ahead of having sex, and not for masturbation:
post #2193504 post #3740014

This tag is quite messy and needs heavy cleanup, removing it from posts where there's no visible contact or no apparent stimulation from said contact, where the remaining few can be moved over manually, otherwise it will cause mistags. Though given how much it's being mistagged, the vagueness or ambiguity with spontaneous_ejaculation or incidental contact rather than masturbation, and such movement is difficult to portray in still images, I wonder if it should be invalidated. Or if the tag would be for any penis-to-belly impact, an implication to penile_masturbation would be improper since not all impacts would be masturbation.

I think the name itself is part of the problem. Adding the penile or masturbation clarification would reduce this in future? Hmm, guess we'll get to a cleanup before the mods approve it.

watsit said:
To be honest, it looks like it's being way over-tagged. There are a lot of instances where it's just showing an erection with no indication of stimulation or movement
post #3914495 post #3188593

It's not just an erection but an actual flexing of muscles that causes the penis to push up towards the belly like that, the second image also shows the neutral position for an erect equine penis where it just points down due to gravity.

or there's other stimulation going to result in an orgasm without any apparent belly slapping
post #4156188 post #3690488

It's possible for a character to masturbate while being otherwise stimulated and there are even tags for it such as masturbating_while_penetrated.

There are also cases where the belly slapping happens due to the penis becoming erect or twitching ahead of having sex, and not for masturbation:
post #2193504 post #3740014

Masturbation just means a character stimulating themselves, I don't think it specifies not to tag instances where it occurs right before sex so I don't think this is much different from a character stroking their own penis or fingering themselves prior to penetration. Though I can see there being some difficulty in drawing the line between masturbation and just flexing the penis for insertion, and since it is an unusual form of masturbation it probably is going to be missed by most people.

This tag is quite messy and needs heavy cleanup, removing it from posts where there's no visible contact or no apparent stimulation from said contact, where the remaining few can be moved over manually, otherwise it will cause mistags. Though given how much it's being mistagged, the vagueness or ambiguity with spontaneous_ejaculation or incidental contact rather than masturbation, and such movement is difficult to portray in still images, I wonder if it should be invalidated. Or if the tag would be for any penis-to-belly impact, an implication to penile_masturbation would be improper since not all impacts would be masturbation.

Although I do agree that the tag is pretty messy I also noticed you removed the tag from some pretty clear examples such as:
post #1134822
Where you can clearly see the penis pressed up against the belly leading to ejaculation. When I submitted the implication request I mostly went by the wiki description specifying it as a form of masturbation, but maybe the tag would be better used to describe the flexing of primarily equine penises towards or against the belly for any reason and to forego the penile_masturbation implication instead.

themasterpotato said:
It's not just an erection but an actual flexing of muscles that causes the penis to push up towards the belly like that, the second image also shows the neutral position for an erect equine penis where it just points down due to gravity.

Either way, it looks like an erection without any belly slapping going on. Art isn't bound to the real world, and if we don't see something, we don't tag it. Just like we wouldn't tag orgasm or after_orgasm for a flared or knotted penis, even though those things happen with an orgasm, they're very often depicted before one too; so an erect equine penis that's slightly bent upward doesn't necessarily mean there's belly slapping/masturbation going on. Having a strong erection that bends and stays pointing upward (including one that stays pressed against the belly/chest and not slapping it) is more than possible with art, so I don't think we should assume there's any slapping going on if it's not indicated through motion, or impact sounds/lines, etc.

themasterpotato said:
It's possible for a character to masturbate while being otherwise stimulated and there are even tags for it such as masturbating_while_penetrated.

It's possible, sure, but it doesn't appear to be what's going on. anal_orgasm and oral_orgasm (where a character orgasms from anal or oral stimulation respectively, as those posts are tagged) is also a thing, and there's no indication they're pleasuring themselves for masturbation to apply.

themasterpotato said:
Masturbation just means a character stimulating themselves, I don't think it specifies not to tag instances where it occurs right before sex so I don't think this is much different from a character stroking their own penis or fingering themselves prior to penetration.

Sure, but again that doesn't appear to be them pleasuring themselves. It'd be like tagging a character that's holding_penis as they're getting ready to penetrate someone as masturbating. If there's no sign they're pleasuring themselves with the slapping, I don't think it's appropriate to call it masturbation.

themasterpotato said:
Although I do agree that the tag is pretty messy I also noticed you removed the tag from some pretty clear examples such as:
post #1134822
Where you can clearly see the penis pressed up against the belly leading to ejaculation.

It's erect, but it doesn't look to be slapping against the belly or using the belly for stimulation. The flare may be brushing against the chest area, but that appears incidental as a result of the erection bringing the penis close to the body and the flare being wide enough to touch.

themasterpotato said:
When I submitted the implication request I mostly went by the wiki description specifying it as a form of masturbation, but maybe the tag would be better used to describe the flexing of primarily equine penises towards or against the belly for any reason and to forego the penile_masturbation implication instead.

Limiting it to cases where there is apparent slapping (via motion, sound effects, etc), and not implicating it to masturbation may be the best option. It may be what animals without flexible forelimbs/hands do to masturbate, but it's an 'A is B, but B isn't always A' thing. They masturbate by belly slapping, but belly slapping isn't always masturbation. There was also the instance like in this post:
post #1903817
where another character was moving the penis to make it slap against the belly, making it more akin to a handjob than masturbation. Or something like
post #2614473
where the lack of any apparent motion or impact, along with the penis being pointed toward the viewer instead of underbelly, makes it look more like it's being presented stationary to the viewer, not slapping/masturbating.


watsit said:
There was also the instance like in this post:
post #1903817
where another character was moving the penis to make it slap against the belly, making it more akin to a handjob than masturbation. Or something like

My interpretation is that the penis is slapping up against the belly and then landing back into the character's hand since there is no real indication of the arm moving.

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