Topic: [APPROVED] Invalidate "indie"

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #3714 is active.

change category indie (0) -> invalid

Reason: This has been a long time coming. indie is one of the most-abused tags on the site.

Currently it is categorised as a character tag. It looks like there's already been an attempt to clean up, because most posts currently in the tag are additionally tagged with indie_(character). Despite the ambiguous name, this does seem to refer exclusively to the same blue skunk. That tag should be renamed, but isn't an actual problem yet.

The rest of the attempted uses, and majority of uses throughout history, are split into three separate categories of invalid tagging.

Firstly, fanart of any games classified by the uploader as "indie" (note: the first example was tagged before the electronic_arts implication was made):

post #174199 post #3098908 post #1916888

Secondly, attempts to tag a barely-defined character/fashion archetype:

post #11403 post #70932

Most annoying of all, and increasingly prevalent, are self-promotion posts for the uploader's project:

post #3680455 post #3763588

There are also a handful of other Indies, of which indie_(xanderblaze) and the aforementioned indie_(character) are the only ones with more than 10 posts. I think invalidation rather than disambiguation is the right route to go, since most of this tag's uses should just be removed rather than renamed.

EDIT: The bulk update request #3714 (forum #352426) has been approved by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

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