indie (mythology) created by weremagnus
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  • I don't dress like a Metalhead, but I do like their music for the most part (the traditional bands, anyway). Oh, and I think that Goth bat is sexy as hell.

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  • I'm old and skate Punk, but bright hair, ummm NO, most punks have it dark, and yeah I like my hair spikey, I think It looks cool, I mostly in it for the music and the 'fuck you i'd rather be me than some trendy wanker'.

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  • Take all of these throw them in the blender and extract the underground, you get something like me. I scoff at your labels and spit on your silly fashions.

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  • Remember, these are just Magnus' own views ("Ones I'm most familiar with"). Any kind of cross and twisted personality, including the preppy, nebbish and closet psycho is still out there :P

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  • well, i fit most with geek. although my shoes always stay tied, and i don't wear a backpack. but the rest fits rather well.

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  • Mine isn't here... the military nut doesn't often get represented, though. So I'll default to geek as a close second.

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  • For fuck sake. I can't go anywhere without finding people who paste labels onto everyone and everything - even the furry fandom has failed me.

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  • I'm the indie kid :D
    But that description makes indie kids sound like pretentious stuck-up assholes X3

    Which makes it pretty much correct

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  • your a stupid cunt if you thinkhaving a mow-hawk makes you punk.

    and as for the little indie ass cunt, I hope you rott in heaven with steve albini. *grumbles to myself* I don't give a shit if my timings off.

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  • O.o Wow

    scriffer said:
    little indie ass cunt, I hope you rott in heaven with steve albini.

    I'll take that as a complement!

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  • it wasn't ment as a compliment. indie sucks hard dick. the whole indie genra and people associated with it are way too bitchy about music. just because you majored in music theory doesn't meen you can go around bitching about how other peoples music is off timing and doesn't harmonize.

    and geek isn't a subculture you silly fucking wankas, its a clich. learn the difference and facts before you go trying to spread what you "think" (if that can even be used to describe it) is information.

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  • scriffer said:
    it wasn't ment as a compliment. indie sucks hard dick. the whole indie genra and people associated with it are way too bitchy about music. just because you majored in music theory doesn't meen you can go around bitching about how other peoples music is off timing and doesn't harmonize.

    and geek isn't a subculture you silly fucking wankas, its a clich. learn the difference and facts before you go trying to spread what you "think" (if that can even be used to describe it) is information.

    Just because Indies favor more refined music does not mean that we all whine about the music quality. Only whiners do that. Most of us don't even care enough to post anything. We do, however, tend to be slightly more sensitive to musical errors.

    Also, here's the definition of clique (if that's what you meant by "clich" as there is no such word):(n) A small, exclusive group of people. Synonyms: Set, Coterie, etc. Geeks are typically not exclusive nor small in number and therefore are not cliques by nature.

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  • Triple-X said:
    I'm a Grunge-head, which isn't on here.

    Also, how the fuck is Tool considered "gothic"?

    cos the person who drew this doesn't know shit about music, 'gothic' isn't even a style really, korn and MM maybe I guess but there still more nu-metal than anything else, I'm a mix of everthing besides techno and radio play when I comes to music and a fan of punk, metal and hip-hop styled clothes

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  • underground pff that is so weak not even underground is like crest pos ordinary people and other artists he should be labled main stream with the indie underground is way way diff than on what this shows it to be god dang

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  • underground pff that is so weak not even underground is like crest pos ordinary people and other artists he should be labled main stream with the indie underground is way way diff than on what this shows it to be god dang

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  • who did this, cos there an idiot, wezzer emo? eminem and 50 cent underground? indie shit? yep just another radio freindly person

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  • WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
    Just because Indies favor more refined music does not mean that we all whine about the music quality. Only whiners do that. Most of us don't even care enough to post anything. We do, however, tend to be slightly more sensitive to musical errors.

    Also, here's the definition of clique (if that's what you meant by "clich" as there is no such word):(n) A small, exclusive group of people. Synonyms: Set, Coterie, etc. Geeks are typically not exclusive nor small in number and therefore are not cliques by nature.

    i dont give a shit about how to spell. and definitions are derived not only from thtechnical word meenings, but also from the more common uses of a word.

    anyway, nerd is deffinatly not a sub culture. its just a silly label.

    and go shove you over sensitiyity up your fathers ass you lime cunt.

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  • Siriku said:
    Metalhead primarily, followed by (Cyber)Goth. Then Geek ;D.

    what do you meen? my hair is baby blue, and my band mates have orange, pink, green, purple, and blond hair.

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  • Siriku said:
    Metalhead primarily, followed by (Cyber)Goth. Then Geek ;D.

    what do you meen? my hair is baby blue, and my band mates have orange, pink, green, purple, and blond hair.

    and it sounds like your a fashion punk. the core of punk has very little to do with music or attitude. it's adout standing up and tryink to make a change.

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  • Siriku said:
    Metalhead primarily, followed by (Cyber)Goth. Then Geek ;D.

    what do you meen? my hair is baby blue, and my band mates have orange, pink, green, purple, and blond hair.

    and it sounds like your a fashion punk. the core of punk has very little to do with music or attitude. it's adout standing up and tryink to make a change.

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  • scriffer said:
    what do you meen? my hair is baby blue, and my band mates have orange, pink, green, purple, and blond hair.

    and it sounds like your a fashion punk. the core of punk has very little to do with music or attitude. it's adout standing up and tryink to make a change.

    ummmm thats called being an 'indervisional', stupied fucking scences

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  • I love how you guys can't read the "A look at today's common stereotypes" part, or the ones who think this is all about genres of music (Because geek is a music genre). They never said this is how it actually is. It was the artist wanting to make a drawing of a whole bunch of different clichés and generalizations about them. They did this for their own amusement, not as some sort of attempt to spread information. Please read the picture before posting about how it's garbage/untrue/whatever.

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  • Wow, this is cool. I really like how she talked about each one in detail and managed to say something good about each individual and not be a stupid snot nosed kid picking on people. Very nice :)

    I def fall into the category of indie kid stoner. Not one of those stuck up puss bags though, I'm not a trust fund baby or a bitch to people in the mainstream. I don't enjoy mainstream pop-culture, but I put up with it and act civil. :p
    Oh, and I don't smoke cigarettes either, those are nasty D:

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  • stereotypical stereotypes that are often quiet false, I'd prefer to get to know the person [or in this case, furies] personality first, as for hating stereotypes i say let bygones be bygones and to each his own, spread love not hate<3

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  • Metal and geek seems to be quite good at blending since I am also most fitting that description.

    P.S. Scriffer relax, if you don't like it just say so and move on.

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  • Manson has prrrrrretty much nothing to do with the goth subculture, and definitely didn't "set the stage and style" for it. That's like saying Kary Perry set the stage for 70s punk.

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  • russianmetalhead said:
    clearly whoever wrote the discriptions dosn't know much about metalheads.

    Whoever wrote the descriptions doesn't know much about anything at all except for MTV-induced stereotypes.

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  • Wahai said:
    Whoever wrote the descriptions doesn't know much about anything at all except for MTV-induced stereotypes.

    ^ This X Infinity

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  • I'm a mix of skinhead and punk, but that drawn there does NOT look like a metalhead, only a nu-metal poser.
    Besides, metal has too many subgenres which makes them all look different, thrash metal being lots of DiY denim jackets and jeans with hi tops and bullet belts.

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  • Hardcore/rocker here. This is a crock of shit about both. Korn is a fucking joke of a band, ain't metal in the least.

    mercenarywhite said:
    I'm a mix of skinhead and punk, but that drawn there does NOT look like a metalhead, only a nu-metal poser.
    Besides, metal has too many subgenres which makes them all look different, thrash metal being lots of DiY denim jackets and jeans with hi tops and bullet belts.

    You/ Skinhead? Really? Eh, no offence, meant, my good man. Sarcasm and a rude mouth are my typical language.

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  • I'm a mix of Punk/Hardcore with a little bit of emo, and maybe a tiny tiny bit of Indie. My friend in our 2 man band could be described as indie Lol except he doesn't smoke, and while he can be a real douche about music sometimes, he's actually a generally nice enough guy.

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  • But what if I don't restrict myself to fixed subcultures and just enjoy what I enjoy?

    What abomination does that make me?

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  • Also, these are probably the best personality-to-species match-ups I've ever seen. So, +1 for that. Good art, too: another +1.

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  • RaccoonThatQuacks said:
    Also, these are probably the best personality-to-species match-ups I've ever seen. So, +1 for that. Good art, too: another +1.

    i think a parrot would be better for rave, because parrots can understand music and dance to it.

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  • I'm bit hardcore goth and metal with a hint of geekness, that only because the wife and I share our love of 70s&80s sci fi film and tv syndications and also anime.

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