Topic: General bug report thread - bugs here, bugs there, bugs everywhere, come here and report your bugs

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

The blacklist no longer works. I have my account settings changed to filter out things I don’t like but I continue to see tags I have blacklisted

theswag said:
The blacklist no longer works. I have my account settings changed to filter out things I don’t like but I continue to see tags I have blacklisted

Can you please try putting each tag on its own line? I have a theory that separating tags you want blacklisted with commas no longer works.


Flag History bug:

My history only shows 18 flags, says I have 23 (I had 100+ before for sure)[creator_name]=AoBird API requires login, without login it returns an empty array.

- - - - -

When searching if image exists using the md5, like
and there are no results, api returns html of post page. (correct address is

Previously, the response was json in both cases, with "exists" boolean field.

It makes no sense for api to return html pages.


tonylemur said:
The "Drawn by" prefix on post page titles makes it extremely difficult to tell tabs apart from each other when they're not full-size (e.g. you have more than a handful open):

Submission titles do not seem to be able to register tags with irregular characters--any Pokémon image comes up as Nintendo and etc drawn by [Artist name].

The Upload page also still lacks a title.

There seems to be no indication that of the user's status whether they're an admin or they're blocked.

Blacklisting type:swf doesn't seem to work. I'm using Chrome and I've put each tag in it's own line, which didn't help. All my other blacklist entries work fine though.

I am unable to search multiple tags at once it only shows the results for the first tag in the search bar.

Adding favorites is broken for me, does not work at all.

You click the button, it says it's done, you go back to the favorites and it's not there


User profiles no longer
show or lists the amount of public sets a user has.
This was not mentioned as intentional changes.

Since the new site has launched, I've been unable to access my normal account (Ctahrpoe, hence why I'm here on this new account) - I used the login reminder and it sent the email to the expected address, however, the reset password emails are not arriving, nor is the password I've been using for the past 2 years with the account working.

Is there anything that can be done to help me? I'll be quite disappointed if the account is lost, considering it is the artist name I use everywhere and has *a lot* of favourites... I searched for it, and the account still exists as least, has something gone wrong when my account was migrated across to the new site?

Appreciate any help people can provide.

I can't contact anyone via Dmessage either, or get on the Discord server due to this account being so new... it's kinda impossible for anyone having account issues to get noticed, dunno what to do other than leave this message here...

ctahrpoe2 said:
Since the new site has launched, I've been unable to access my normal account (Ctahrpoe, hence why I'm here on this new account) - I used the login reminder and it sent the email to the expected address, however, the reset password emails are not arriving, nor is the password I've been using for the past 2 years with the account working.

Is there anything that can be done to help me? I'll be quite disappointed if the account is lost, considering it is the artist name I use everywhere and has *a lot* of favourites... I searched for it, and the account still exists as least, has something gone wrong when my account was migrated across to the new site?

Appreciate any help people can provide.

I can't contact anyone via Dmessage either, or get on the Discord server due to this account being so new... it's kinda impossible for anyone having account issues to get noticed, dunno what to do other than leave this message here...

Well, managed to speak to site staff and get this sorted, disregard.

I can't respond and send pm to other members, when i try to send the message it says: An unexpected error occurred.

Log ID: "various numbers here" don't know what they are

millcore said:
There is an 80K favourite limit now, and you are at well past 100K

What? So people at 80,000+ cant favorite anything anymore? Whoes bright idea was that?

Trying to upload a webm gives me the error

error: Errno::ENOENT - No such file or directory - the ffprobe binary could not be found in /home/e621/.gem/ruby/2.7.0/bin:/opt/rubies/ruby-2.7.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/bin:/opt/rubies/ruby-2.7.0/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin

EDIT: Tried it again and it works now!


metalforever666 said:
Blacklisting doesn't seem to work for me. I'm using Mozilla Firefox.

metalforever666 said:
Blacklisting doesn't seem to work for me. I'm using Mozilla Firefox.

Does not work for me either on Android chrome. I'm hoping this bug is fixed soon because it's killing me lol
None of my blacklist tags are working, I'm seeing tonnes of stuff I don't want to

robrobl said:
When is it okay to use 'target=_blank'? Pretty much never, especially not on the 'Download' link (even if a video is playing since it leads to the video). There could be a case made for links to '' when writing a comment, but that's about it.

(And don't get the idea to add the 'download' attribute now. That's just as bad, if not worse.)

If you're referring to the Download button, then one of the good reasons listed in your link involves pages where users may lose information such as modifying post fields (tags, description, sources). I commonly try to open wiki links, links to other posts in new tabs to avoid leaving the tab I am editing or comparing. It used to save the text you placed when you loaded a new window, but now any text you enter gets lost if you leave. I'm not sure if that is a bug or not.

kn0t said:
What? So people at 80,000+ cant favorite anything anymore? Whoes bright idea was that?

I think they will need to do something about that. You might have to contact an admin to remove favorites for you. I don't expect they will require you to manually remove 20,000 favorites in order to add new favorites.

This seems to be an inconvenient flaw with adding caps to favorites. There's is no easy way to selectively choose which favorites to keep and which to get rid of if you managed to be over the cap.


Is it just me or are a lot of my favorites not registering? Like they aren't in my favorites after I press the button

Edit: I see it on the front page of my profile but when I click into my favorites they aren't there

hurt said:
Is it just me or are a lot of my favorites not registering? Like they aren't in my favorites after I press the button

Edit: I see it on the front page of my profile but when I click into my favorites they aren't there

I was confused too. It seems that when you add a new fave now, it doesn't add it to the end like it did before. It seems to add it in a random spot in the list. Possibly based on date? Not sure. It does get put there though, just... not the right way.

I really hope they fix this mess...

Searching with a date range no longer works. For example when I add "date:2020-01-01..2020-03-01" to my search it gets completely ignored and shows results based on the keywords without the date range argument like I never even included it.

On e926, only a few results per page will load in, presumably as a result of how blacklists now work. If we could get blacklisted tags not taking up space in what I assume is the internal post list (array?) for a page of results, that would be quite nice.

lusty_isn't_lustful said:
On e926, only a few results per page will load in, presumably as a result of how blacklists now work. If we could get blacklisted tags not taking up space in what I assume is the internal post list (array?) for a page of results, that would be quite nice.

From looking at, I think the old code used Javascript to iterate a full page, while new one just hides them (but still loads them).

everyday_im_shufflin said:
The blacklist is not working. It blocks all the posts when enabled. I created account a few days ago and had this problem ever since.

Yeah, noticed that even though my BL is blank. XD

thevileone said:
If you're referring to the Download button, then one of the good reasons listed in your link involves pages where users may lose information such as modifying post fields (tags, description, sources). I commonly try to open wiki links, links to other posts in new tabs to avoid leaving the tab I am editing or comparing. It used to save the text you placed when you loaded a new window, but now any text you enter gets lost if you leave. I'm not sure if that is a bug or not.

The section you're referring to also goes into detail on how to handle that better: Instead of changing standard behavior for everyone regardless of what they're doing, set a 'onbeforeunload' handler only once there is even something that could be lost.

odisaodi said:
just to be clear.... have you been saving the setting after changing it?

Yes I've saved it everytime I changed the setting I'm on this site about 4 years now.
I've set it to 120 posts on one page, but still having 53 posts on one page when I search for some pics.

redhunter said:
I can't respond and send pm to other members, when i try to send the message it says: An unexpected error occurred.

Log ID: "various numbers here" don't know what they are

It's just me? Any fix?

I'm on mobile and can't see any posts no thumbnails nothing just a sea of blue the page says there's 1-750 pages but guess what more blue before this update it worked perfectly fine on mobile for me because I could actually see what I searched for

chrysalisluna said:
Favorite button doesn't work, only the favorite link works

On chrome mobile

chrysalisluna said:
Favorite button doesn't work, only the favorite link works

On chrome mobile

I'm facing a similar issue, I try to favorite a pic or animation and it keeps telling me an unexpected error occurred, I even cleared the cookies and relogged in, still doesn't let me favorite things, I'm using the Chrome browser for PC

I suspect that this just has to do with the browser itself, but on Edge for iOS the “toggle mobile support” button does nothing. When signed-in (which I usually am not), the setting in the accounts page does over-write this behavior.

Hi. I've had several problems or missing functionality and I figured I'd list it all here. I'm sure some of this has been mentioned already.


1. Ranges don't seem to work. Like date:month..week and all variations using ".." just returns the normal post list. Meta tags with built in ranges like "5_days_ago" or "5_weeks_ago" just return posts made on the day 5 days ago or on the day 5 weeks ago instead of returning ALL posts made from then to now.

2. In add to set mode in both the post list and on the post itself it no longer tells you if something already exists in a set. This has been annoying for letting me know whether I've already done something or not. It always just says "Post updated" instead of "*** already exists in set"

3. In add to set mode in both the post list and post itself: The dropdown now always defaults to the first set at the top of the list whatever it may be. Instead of defaulting to the last set I used. So if I refresh the page I have almost accidently added things to the wrong set because it just goes to the top of the dropdown now instead of the last set I used.


1. Ratings on posts Safe/Questionable/Explicit are no longer colored. Its a small issue but I liked having that information when scrolling down a post to know if I should be expecting anything explicit or questionable. It's harder to notice when its the same color as all the text.

2. I really wish I could see who uploaded images again. I liked knowing if the artist themselves uploaded something so I know if the image/tags/description came from the source themselves and are more legit i guess. Also I liked to follow certain uploaders. Also aren't the sources of some images e621 directly? Like I think there are some artists on here that upload just directly to here and noone else. Would help to know if they're the uploader so I don't need to know if there is another source?

3. The tag index/landing page is now a url like ".../posts?tags=whatever" I really hope it goes back to the old url style with directories or preferably the way the urls used to be with it being ".../post/index/1/*tag*" The reason being that I have a lot of bookmarks here of various tags and artists I wanted to keep track of and it would be a real pain to have to change every single url.

4. This is related to the rating information being colored. But I really wish the Favorite button or text was red or green now instead of having a + or -. The reason being that I could just look at the color of the button to check if I had already favorited the image or not, if its an updated/better image then I'll need to resave it. So yeah I wish this information was as easy to see as it used to be.

5. This is a personal thing. But I really wish that the sets didn't have a limit. HOWEVER I certainly understand the need to do this. I'm sure some sets get out of control. However lately I've been using sets to sort certain images into so I can use "-set:whatever" in searches so I don't get results I've already seen. I have ADD and it is really difficult to remember which images I've seen and which ones I haven't so using sets to remove stuff I've seen already really helped.

For the above issue. If anybody else has ADD or memory issues does anybody have a suggestion for this issue opposed to putting things into sets to remove from my searches? With so many images posted each day its really hard to keep track of stuff that I've already seen.


Theres probably more things but I kinda want to wait until this stuff is fixed before continuing to use the site as its just made it too annoying for me to continue browsing with these issues and others that I forgot about.

I believe some posts uploaded by anomynous users didn't transfer correctly (5763, 8098, 8401, 8619, 8662, 9482, 9580 and probably more).
All were previously uploaded by either Anomynous or The Dog In Your Guitar. You've got no chance to see them on this site.
If you have the url like this the file is viewable but searching for the md5 yields no results. Api also doesn't return anything for those posts

There is nothing preventing you from viewing the file from from some posts even though the post is deleted. If you build the url on your own the file is still accessable. Posts I found: 2169570, 2171813, 2171565. Those were all deleted since the new site. I also tried with some older ones but didn't find one where it was like this.

Another thing: this api call<27500 status:any errors out. If you remove status:any or set it something else all works fine.

In the browser "safari" there is no window to confirm the age, and because of this doesn't show anything

dubak_n said:
In the browser "safari" there is no window to confirm the age, and because of this doesn't show anything

Is this on a handheld device?

millcore said:
Is this on a handheld device?

No, this problem on a laptop. Also I checked on handheld device and there is the same problem


shingen said:
Seems that you've dropped XML API support, boo :(

If you want some kind of XML, you can use /post.atom, but it's missing way too much data (compared to the old post/index.xml) for any proper usage.

As expected, this change kills a ton of scrapers (requiring everyone go over to the JSON), including my iqdb site, but it's nice to see the admins making such big changes and hope they stay active to fix what's left :)

dubak_n said:
No, this problem on a laptop. Also I checked on handheld device and there is the same problem

What OS/version? It looks fine for me on Safari 13.0.5 on macOS 10.15.3.

yesthebest said:
What OS/version? It looks fine for me on Safari 13.0.5 on macOS 10.15.3.

Safari 12.1.2 and macOS 10.14.6
I'll try to update Safari and macOS, maybe after the update will work
UPD: After update nothing changed except user avatars instead of pictures there was an inscription "image placeholder"
UPD 2: I turn off JavaScript and it worked


Can anyone tell me, why the information about who approved the post is more important than who uploaded it?
In my opinion, it is the opposite. More users want to know the uploader and this information should be more accessible.

When viewing page history and clicking view version it shows current version instead of that one revision you clicked.


doctorhauster said:
Going back a page takes you to the top of the page. Would be nice if it left you where you left off.

I was looking to see if anyone had the same problem. I did some looking into this, and I believe this might be a non-Chrome (e.g., Firefox) related issue due to AJAX and when Firefox decides to restore the scroll position.

bipface said:
there seems to be some inconsistency in the result structure of API calls,

for example,[post_id]=385222 gives me an array:
[{"id":252110, ...}]
but[post_id]=0 gives me an object:

also gives me an object:
{"posts":[{"id":2171868, ...}]}
but danbooru ( gives me an array:
[{"id":2171868, ...}]


A proper hotbar needs to be included in the mobile version just like the one in the desktop version of the website. I believe that having 'Posts>Popular>Day/Week/Month' being so hidden on mobile can have negative effects on the popularity of this ws. The current one ( is very broken on mobile with only one colum being displayed, etc.

Also (and I know this isn't a bug) but don't keep the thumbnails being cropped by default... it's a website that adapts to the images not the images that adapt to the website.


I'm browsing on UC browser and blacklisting just straight up doesn't work, on mobile or on desktop. EDIT: nevermind I fixed it


Maintainers of a set seem to be unable to contribute to it any more, and an unexpected error occurs when trying to add them back.

Signing in does not redirect you to the page you were browsing before, instead it takes you back to "Posts".

The order:random sorting function has no page selector at the bottom. Seems to be the only sorting function that behaves this way, not sure if this is intentional.

My Biggest problem is that I cant see a single picture on my ipad. I set the setting to show the lowest amount at the smallest thumbnails possible and it still doesn't work. this ipad has been able to view this site for years until now. I don't know what else to do and its my only source of this site.

  • When posting a reply to a forum thread, you're redirected to the top of the current page instead of being scrolled down to your newly created post (and it doesn't highlight it, either)
  • Usernames in quotes are forced lowercase
  • When saving advanced settings in your profile, you're redirected back to the basic settings page

tonylemur said:

  • When posting a reply to a forum thread, you're redirected to the top of the current page instead of being scrolled down to your newly created post (and it doesn't highlight it, either)

It seems when the reply box isn't visible, clicking Reply on a comment sends you to the top of the page (the comment is quoted and filled in for the reply box, you just can't see it since it's not visible). If the reply box is made visible by clicking "Reply>>" at the bottom of the page, clicking Reply on a user's comment then sends you to the bottom of the page.

watsit said:
It seems when the reply box isn't visible, clicking Reply on a comment sends you to the top of the page (the comment is quoted and filled in for the reply box, you just can't see it since it's not visible). If the reply box is made visible by clicking "Reply>>" at the bottom of the page, clicking Reply on a user's comment then sends you to the bottom of the page.

I meant after you've already submitted a reply, not when clicking the reply button.

tonylemur said:
I meant after you've already submitted a reply, not when clicking the reply button.

Oh, right. Yeah, that happens too. I guess I should also partially retract what I said too, clicking Reply on a comment when the reply box isn't visible doesn't send you to the top anymore (it used to), though it still doesn't make it visible.

redflag said:
My Biggest problem is that I cant see a single picture on my ipad. I set the setting to show the lowest amount at the smallest thumbnails possible and it still doesn't work. this ipad has been able to view this site for years until now. I don't know what else to do and its my only source of this site.

What browser are you using?

Bug thread? Ah yes, I have a bug. The Mods decided to fuck over the site, can you please roll everything back 48 hours so we can get on with our lives and not have to deal with this bullshit bug mess? Please and thank you.

A relatively minor thing here, but I noticed if a post is marked as a child or parent, is pending, and is flagged, the thumbnail border will be half yellow or green (for parent or child) and half blue (for pending), but no red (for being flagged). The F properly appears on the status bar below the thumbnail to indicate it's flagged, there's just no red border for it, and I think that flagged status should be more prominent so we can help double-check it (in case it's actually different if flagged as a duplicate, or ensure the correct/lower quality copy is flagged). I believe on the old site, the red flagged border always took precedence on thumbnails.

On mobile here, image previews not showing up for me for animated stuff and my blacklisted things are not being filtered out and blocked

aaaaaaaaab said:
Images don't load on a 1st gen iPad either. Tried both Safari and Chrome. Looks like it breaks on the old rendering engine. Can't update, as it's on the latest version for that device (iOS 5.1.1).

Ok, I tried to turn off Javascript, and that seems to fix the issue with images not loading. It's still annoying that I have to disable it everytime I visit the site, and that downloads won't open in the same tab, and that I need to sign in to remove the default blacklist, but at least it functions for now.

I noticed this with some threads that NMNY locked recently:
The admin who locks a thread is shown as the last poster in a thread, which.. maybe this is intentional, but it seems confusing when you get to the end of the thread and there is clearly no such post.

On the settings page, when you are at the end of a line and you use tag completion on the blacklist it removes the following line break.

So say your whole blacklist is "vore", and you want to add a separate gore blacklist, and you want to put it before vore because you like alpha ordering. So you type "gor" on its own line, and click on the shiny new tag popup to autocomplete "gore". Instead of 2 lines your blacklist is now the 1 line "gore vore" and will not behave like you wanted.

OK heres another bug, I guess this could be viewed as cosmetic? non-essential at least:

the stats page ( is either non-existent or broken

hygiene said:
Opening blacklisted posts shows the "blacklisted" placeholder instead of the actual post
Before the update you can click a blacklisted image to see the actual post, but now you have to disable the blacklisting in order to see the post and it's just tedious

This is kind of necessary to avoid hitting things you wouldn't want to see via Random, but it could and probably should be isolated to that particular case.

EDIT: another bug:
Comments listing only seems to show 6 items per page... this is tiny. how about 10? 20?
