Chaser said:
The terms are not SJW in any way, and are actually scientific biology terms, so we have actual science on our side with this one! It makes the terms less vulgar while actually making sense.
Just some Greek words that mean roughly "manly" and "girly".
This is a very SJW-ish change, about as much as it can be. "We hereby declare cuntboy to be a slur, from now on we shall use (another word) instead". Nothing else changes, but now fingers will be pointed at those who say "cuntboy".
If I'm tracking the origin of this right, the word itself wasn't the problem. It's a legit tag. Not offensive at all when used appropriately. There are probably artists who would prefer to see it on their works, who are into this stuff, and users who would search for it. But it's a very very niche tag, and there are very few images that should legitimately carry it.
The problem is, you pick an image and say, this be a boy. Because we say so. Oh he's got a cunt?.. huh well it's a cunt-boy then. But we said boy so boy it is. Everyone who disagrees shall be banned.
This isn't changing. You still want to keep it so that this would be "andro" and that would be "gyno", and one of them should always be tagged according to arcane rules in the wiki. And regardless of anything else, like for instance common sense. The only change is some new Greek flavor.
On top of that you've now got a full-blown SJW discussion on whether a random word is offensive to some irrelevant minority of the week.
Updated by anonymous