Topic: Site Changelog

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.


Former Staff

March 20, 2023


  • Changed [Themes] Switched to CSS custom properties. This makes the code easier to follow and reduces the uncompressed CSS bundle by almost 25%. Userscripts/styles will have an easier time adapting to the users currently selected theme. pr #486
  • Changed [Stats] Reworked layout. Same data, different presentation. 4ccbcedfc
  • Changed [Comments][Community Contribution] Add blank option to some search inputs. pr #485


  • Fix [Comments][Community Contribution] Theme stickied comments. pr #482

Thanks to Donovan and faucet for contributing code this release.


Former Staff

March 29, 2023


  • Changed [Maintenance] Should maintenance happen in the future the site will return status code 503 instead of 200. issue #483
  • Changed [Users] Replace a few links on the profile page with id searches instead of name searches. e25878b03 cbc0fd3aa


Nothing spectacular here, this update mostly contains permission tweaks to the moderator role. Hi slyroon (:


Former Staff

April 05, 2023


  • Changed [Uploader][Community Contribution] Switch arrow direction for implications in final tag preview. pr #495
  • Changed [Posts][Janitor+] Reword the predefined edit deletion reason from "Low quality/effort edit" to "Trivial or low quality edit". e7b0cfbd7
  • Changed [Posts] Autotag animated if filetype is webm. I was told this wouldn't work as an implication, so here we are. ae269b88d


  • Fix [Artists] Remove an undocumented and unused api endpoint which allowed you to mark an url as active/inactive without creating an artist version. 63db033dc issue #497


Thanks to faucet for contributing code this release.



Former Staff

April 11, 2023


  • Changed [Search][Community Contribution] Change explicit value checks to truthiness/falseness checks. pr 498


  • Fix [IQDB] Show a graceful error message when the iqdb server is down. 22ae2f6bc
  • Fix [HelpPages] Return 404 for api requests when not found. 5c0df625d
  • Fix [HelpPages] Invalidate cache on destroy, fixes old entries remaining for up to 12 hours. 7221dfde3
  • Fix [Posts] Fix repopulated tag notice always showing when adding prefix tags. 417682106 issue #494 topic #36248 topic #37778
  • Fix [Posts] Fix force locked notice always showing after editing a post with dnp tags. aef584042 issue #462
  • Fix [Posts] Fix missing artist notice when uploading a post without an artist containing a broken link. Also makes this notice appear on all posts, instead of only posts with pixiv/furaffinity sources. b2e5d65bd

DText changes:

I imported a bunch of commits from the Danbooru implementation of DText which overall should fix a bunch of issues and make it more forgiving to newlines and unbalanced input. Here are a few fixes I can explicitly call out, though there are many more improvements for edge cases as well which I don't feel like writing down. Take a look at dtext_rb#6 for a full list of changes.


  • Changed [DText] Use native html <details> element for sections. dtext_rb#27653ff4c
  • Changed [DText] Stop lists incorrectly closing previous tags. In practise this means that the next list element must always come directly on the next line. dtext_rb#c6cd30d7b
  • Changed [DText] When a header is the first element it no longer takes up unnessesary top padding. 460be5632
  • Changed [DText] Use consistent margins for quotes, sections and lists. 4a0571aed


Thanks to Donovan for contributing code this deploy.


Former Staff

April 24, 2023



  • Removed [IQDB] width and height are no longer a part of the api response as a consequence of upgrading the iqdb software. The post object still contains the actual dimensions, the removed values were always 128. pr #508


  • Changed [IQDB] Fix reverse search not working for images with an alpha channel. pr #508 pr #512 issue #313
  • Changed [IQDB] Change default score cutoff from 80 to 60. This should result in more alternate versions being found without showing too many irrelevant results. 2fc65aa1a
  • Changed [ArtistVersions] Allow access without an account. 14756f879 issue #504


  • Fix [Posts] Allow uploading of urls with square brackets [ ] in them. 9ae9fa51c


Bump ruby from 3.1 to 3.2 921e6762e
Bump sidekiq from 6 to 7 eb8e40215



Former Staff

May 11, 2023


  • Changed [Search] Show id/created_at/updated_at input field when the search contains it. This allows you to change other search params without manually changing the url. Example: /tag_implications?search[created_at]=2023-01-01..2023-01-31 83ad5f34a
  • Changed [Wiki] Rename "Edit Tag" to "Edit Tag Type" to be more specific. 70dba28cf
  • Changed [IQDB] Expose the similarity score/post id in the search form. 7ed304762
  • Changed [IQDB] Don't require authentication for POST requests. d0cedd1ef
  • Changed [API] Show a better error message when trying to access endpoints without necessary authentication. 44485e90f
  • Changed [Users] Lower fav limit for contributors+ from 250k to 200k. Nobody is immediately impacted by this change. 91b781ac8


  • Fix [Bans][Community Contribution] Hide ban button for non-moderators. pr #505

Thanks to Donovan for contributing code this deploy. There are a few more things he did for the moderator role, take a look at the full commit history if you're interested.


Former Staff

May 23, 2023


  • New [Users][Community Contribution] Add a link to a users opened tickets to their profile. This link is only visible to the logged in user. Count data is currently being backfilled. pr #518


  • Changed [ModActions][Community Contribution] Log more info for report_reason_update and user_feedback_update. pr #521
  • Changed [Posts][Janitor+] Show a more specific error when double-approving. 6ec8a9a27
  • Changed [Takedowns] Add more contact links for verification.


  • Fix [Posts] Fix video samples sometimes not generating. 4bc3f744b
  • Fix [User] Don't advertise shortcuts in hover text when shortcuts are disabled in user settings. 39a61c113
  • Fix [Posts] Hide mode menu on favorites page when not logged in. 7b4434032 issue #516

Thanks to Donovan for contributing code this deploy, yet again.

June 26, 2023


  • New [Posts] Allow prefixing sources with - to mark them as dead. Dead sources are strikethrough and not clickable. 73954bdd3


  • Removed [Wiki] Removed category_name from api responses. category_id was added as a replacement a few months ago. 1a1ef6dfa


  • Changed [PostFlags] Removed Category and added Type on the index page. category was also replaced with type for api requests. 97d001a3c 0a7f67e59
  • Changed [Tags][Community Contribution] Disallow é in tag names. Pokemon was the primary reason for this exception. pr #527


  • Fix [Everywhere] Prev/Next links for sequential navigation now work correctly again. pr #525
  • Fix [Artists] Unbreak autocomplete. 33bab9e9f
  • Fix [Wiki] Newly created accounts can no longer create wiki pages without waiting a week. f503e8d18
  • Fix [Artists] Fix missing access check when reverting. 858c5d757
  • Fix [IQDB] Show a better error message when the server hosting it goes down. 75c2adc2a
  • Fix [Artists] Failing validations during revert can remove urls without creating a corresponding ArtistVersion. eb7033dbc


August 10, 2023


  • New [Everywhere][Community Contribution] Allow ordering by id_asc on (almost) all endpoints. pr #534
  • New [IQDB][Community Contribution] The IQDB result page now also shows the file extension of posts. pr #528
  • New [PostVersions] Undo/Revert now adds a reason to the edit saying which version got undone/reverted. 52bc715a2


  • Changed [Tags][Community Contribution] Show more info for aliases/implications when doing a MetaSearch. pr #535
  • Changed [Uploader][Community Contribution] Remove "I am the source" from the uploader. Being the source doesn't exclude you from needing to provide source links. pr #538
  • Changed [Search] Allow searching by user id in every place that allows searching by username. Consistently enforce a limit of searching by 100 ids at once. 79bada339
  • Changed [Posts][Janitor+] Don't clear flags when approving a post. e6d3fabc2


  • Fix [Users][Community Contribution] User autocomplete now correctly replaces all underscores with spaces. pr #532
  • Fix [PostVersions] Trying to undo version 1 through the api now returns a proper error. 42abd4ca3
  • Fix [Users] Renaming didn't properly clear the name cache. 66c66af58
  • Fix [Tags] Don't cache nil as a category for non-existant tags. 12e996dc0
  • Fix [PoolVersions] Don't 404 when searching for a non-existant pool id. 814b722c9
  • Fix [Users] Replacements didn't count against the hourly upload limit. 2ce42c49e
  • Fix [Misc] Don't load the logo image twice. 45b97053d


Open-Sourced the discord joiner.

Thanks to binaryfloof, donovan, and faucet for contributing code this deploy.

August 30, 2023


  • New [Posts] Allow specifying most metatags multiple times and allow negating metatags. Notable exceptions that don't work are id: and md5:. pr #543


  • Removed [Users] Get rid of the Contributor rank. Current users have been set to Privileged instead. b7b9a8c40


  • Changed [Users] Set the favorite limit to 80k for everyone, regardless of rank. The few users currently exceeding that got a custom limit rounded up to the next 5k. ef554b4ec


  • Fix [Replacements][Janitor+] Don't error when approving and no upload limit left. d6bfa0269
  • Fix [Themes][Community Contribution] Set correct hover color for invalid tags on the default theme. pr #544
  • Fix [Posts] A tag with an invalid cached category id will no longer result in all other general tags being overwritten in the API response. The root cause of this was already fixed in the previous deploy. e0182057a

Thanks to OpportunePineapple for fixing the theming issue.

September 07, 2023



  • Changed [ModActions] Stop logging name changes, hide old/previous names. c51029ea1
  • Changed [Posts][Community Contribution] Make disabling comments not hide the whole comment section. pr #546


  • Fix [Routes][Community Contribution] Fix handling of periods in artist/tag/user/wiki urls when doing something like /artists/ pr #545
  • Fix [Comments] Fix dtext h2 not showing on mobile. c430248f6
  • Fix [Artists] Fix html when viewing artists with are part of a group. 097d7461a

Thanks to Donovan for their two contributions this time.


Former Staff

October 02, 2023

Not much here this time around, most of my time was spend on making the switch to OpenSearch possible.


  • Fix [Dmails] Trying to send a dmail when rate limited now properly informs you that you are being rate limited. 632b611c4
  • Fix [Posts] Clear up visual inconsistency on the children/parent message when opening and closing again. cd50549bb ac0f2e9a4


Migrated from Elasticsearch over to OpenSearch. pr #548 pr #550
Enabled YJIT on production for about a 15% speedup in Ruby execution speed. Nice.


Former Staff

October 31, 2023


  • Changed [Wiki] Improve the history view. Pages with many changes are now much easier to understand. Performance is also much improved because of this change. 2620ea983
  • Changed [Artists] Add a bunch of sites (like itaku and bluesky) to the the url sort list so they don't appear all the way at the bottom. 61a0a6518


  • Fix [Uploader] Trying to upload by direct url that redirects fails. cc6e18797
  • Fix [User] Don't count replacement backups against the upload limit. 0d94e076a
  • Fix [Comments] Clicking on "Show all" when logged out would error. 2624a0f70


Former Staff

December 20, 2023


  • Changed [Users] If your username doesn't follow current validation guidelines (like being numbers only) you will be prompted to change your username. 57d5d58ad
  • Changed [Blacklist]. Allow user:!123 for filtering users. c00466a8c
  • Changed [Replacements] Hide "penalized" state from non-approvers. b1a46cbfc
  • Changed [Posts] Added colors to a few mode menu entries that didn't previously had them. 50bfe9f3a
  • Changed [Posts][Janitor+][Community] Add quick links for Pending/Flagged posts to the Related links section. pr #561
  • Changed [Bans][Community] Add a ModAction when updating. pr #539


  • Fix [Blacklist] Fix filtering users with a - in their name. edf67da44
  • Fix [Wiki] Validate titles follow tag rules. b08d5e697 9b8344d94
  • Fix [Comments] Disable the submit button on click, to hopefully prevent some of the double-submits that keep happening. d4f72baf5

Thanks to Donovan DMC and Catt0s for contributing this time.


Former Staff

January 25, 2024


  • Changed [Posts][Community] Show icons instead of text for Favoriting and Downloading a post on mobile. pr #584
  • Changed [Posts][Community][Janitor+] Tweak the janitor toolbar. pr #589
  • Changed [Posts][Community] Add the file extension to the information sidebar. pr #591
  • Changed [Tickets][Community] Show info to people making a comment/forum/blip report, informing them that what they are doing might be pointless (user is already permanently banned, etc.). pr #588
  • Changed [PostVersions][Community] Allow searching for only uploads. pr #595
  • Changed [Comments][Janitor+] Allow Janitors to see hidden sticky comments, which are usually used as staff post notes. 2c832dc63
  • Changed [Comments][Janitor+] Allow janitors to sticky comments so the above change is more useful. 23fcee235


  • Fix [Users][Community] Fix a feedbacks update notice always being credited to the original creator. pr #581
  • Fix [Tickets][Mod+] Prevent sending empty responses. 1fed677a4
  • Fix [Artists][Community] Don't offer to edit notes if the wiki page is locked. pr #580
  • Fix [PostVersions] Properly accept upercase tag names. 1b982f64e


Thanks to Cinder and Donovan for doing most of the work.


Former Staff

February 27, 2024


  • New [Posts/Artists][Community] Add the sites favicon to places where a source is displayed. pr #610
  • New [DMails][Community] Allow marking as unread. pr #620


  • Changed [Dmails][Community] Increase title input length. pr #612
  • Changed [Comments][Community] Show "Post Uploader" search field if filled out in url. pr #598
  • Changed [AIBUR][Community] Link to forum post & show votes in show action. pr #601
  • Changed [Help] Order entries by their display title. 16de61c04
  • Changed [Users] Remove "Api limits" column when viewing your own profile. bab944ba9
  • Changed [Users] Add a note about the sensitivity of api keys when viewing it. Please don't carelessly share it around etc etc. 066c7559c
  • Changed [Pools] Disallow duplicate post entries. This was only possible for "Series". 20 pools did this, 18 by mistake, the other two should be 2 pools instead. b02b2353e


  • Fix [Forum][Community] Fix AIBUR voting buttons on other posts in the same topic to not disappear after voting on another post. pr #596
  • Fix [Forum][Moderator+][Community] Correctly color hidden forum posts. pr #615
  • Fix [AIBUR] Fix no modactions for implications and no modaction on alias reject. 43ade626e
  • Fix [AIBUR] Aliases and Implications could be left stuck in the queued state. They will now properly get the error status. f59399ed6
  • Fix [Blacklist] Fix a post containing only a single tag exclusivly out of numbers (2023 or similar) breaking all posts on a page. 5560829b0
  • Fix [AIBUR] A mass update where the tag has already been aliased away could result in both tags being removed completely. ca56ef352


Updated to Rails 7.1

Again thanks to Cinder and Donovan


Former Staff

March 25, 2024


  • Changed [PostVersions][Community] Let tags link to their wiki page instead of of a search. pr #622
  • Changed [TagAliases] Don't transfer the category to the target tag if the target tag already has a large amount of posts. aaf1423ef


  • Fix [BURs] Only allow approving if is is actually pending. Approving a deleted BUR makes no sense. ae105140f
  • Fix [TagRelations] Only allow rejecting if it isn't already rejected. d9fe9a760
  • Fix [TagRelations] Fix rejection not being allowed if active duplicates exist. 1da52e3d0
  • Fix [PostVersions] Don't linebreak obsolete tags before the dash. f480e8cbb
  • Fix [TagAliases] Fix locked artists preventing approval. aeb2076b8
  • Fix [Posts] Fix sources with special characters not showing their favicon. 2e140a560
  • Fix [Help] Correctly link to related help pages in the subnav menu. 700bf05ba


Former Staff

April 12, 2024


  • Changed [Blacklist] Increase the size of the editor on the posts page. pr #604


  • Fix [BURs] Tweak duplicate alias/implication error message to be more correct. pr #627
  • Fix [Posts] Add back missing whitespace next to tag names. d5c371dcc
  • Fix [Pools] Fix discrepancy between index page count and actual page count. e3fdc5d61
  • Fix [Help] Related pages now show up for everyone again. pr #632
  • Fix [Misc] Errors because of query takes too long now show a proper error page again. d2d6e8353
  • Fix [Posts] Initial import to OpenSearch included deleted notes. 584f69d40

July 8, 2024


  • Changed [Posts] Allow some of the reverse image search links when a post isn't visible. (#648) [faucetlol]
  • Changed [Posts] Generate samples with supplied background color. (#649) [DontTalkToMeThx]
  • Changed [PostEvents] Add event for changing background color. (#655) [DonovanDMC]
  • Changed [Bans] Enable API for index & show. (#659) [DonovanDMC]
  • Changed [Posts] Add a toggle for the janitor toolbar. 69207aa


  • Fixed [Posts] Fix video samples not working in iOS. ea8c7d7
  • Fixed [UploadWhitelist] Make upload whitelist case insensitive. (#651) [DonovanDMC]
  • Fixed [StaffNotes] Fix note body searching. (#654) [DonovanDMC]
  • Fixed [Blacklist] Fix the anonymous blacklist not working if the default blacklist is empty. df3f33e
  • Fixed [Posts] Stop the URL parameters from vanishing when disapproving posts. 0adeff6
  • Fixed [Posts] Fix the page not reloading properly when undeleting a post. 1b31f4b
  • Fixed [Misc] Minor fixes to the CSS of the site notices. 8072325
  • Fixed [Misc] Fix the inconsistent h1 and h2 styles on mobile. 6d28595
  • Fixed [PostEvents] Fix an error caused by the event action not being found. 1e7011b

Thank you to DonovanDMC, faucetlol, and DontTalkToMeThx for their contributions.
Full Changelog:

July 22, 2024


  • Changed [NewsUpdates] Enable the API endpoint for index. 727df84
  • Changed [Uploader] Add more query parameters for tag categories and the rating. ca8e940
  • Changed [PostReplacements] Allow setting additional_source & reason parameters in url. (#667) [DonovanDMC]
  • Changed [Artists] Properly delete artist pages instead of just marking them as inactive. (#660) [DonovanDMC]
  • Changed [Tags] Make tag preview case insensitive. d235ce2
  • Changed [ForumTopics] Add a confirmation before marking topics as read. 5fa2cd0
  • Changed [Posts] Only show the webm video if browser supports vp9. e72c0f4
  • Changed [UserFeedbacks][Mod] Add the ability to soft delete feedbacks. (#670) [DonovanDMC]
  • Changed [Posts][Janitor] Only check the "Move Favorites" box when applicable. 40773dc


  • Fixed [Posts] Fix navbar overflow issues. 98a7663
  • Fixed [ForumTopics] Fix page number mismatch. (#675) [DonovanDMC]
  • Fixed [DText] Explicitly set when color is allowed in preview. (#665) [DonovanDMC]
  • Fixed [PostSets] Fix an error caused by adding a post to a non-existent set. 0e98266


  • Removed [PostVersions] Limit the "Undo Selected" utility to Priv+. 132703b
  • Removed [Posts][Janitor] Removed the default deletion reason for child posts. de6a38d

Thank you to DonovanDMC for their contributions.
Full Changelog:

July 29, 2024


  • Changed [Replacements] Allow janitor+ to auto approve submitted replacements. (#650) [Tarrgon]
  • Changed [Tickets] Refactor viewing access and add JSON API. (#664) [Donovan_DMC]
  • Changed [WikiPages] Implement basic redirects. ba5b6b0


  • Fixed [ForumPosts] Fix a minor permissions bug. d0748f0
  • Fixed [WikiPages] Prevent renaming wiki pages used by help pages. (#666) [Donovan_DMC]
  • Fixed [CSS] Add colorblind palettes and clean up CSS colors. 7bdabdf
  • Fixed [PostSets/Pools] Handle metatag additions when set/pool is full. (#669) [Donovan_DMC]
  • Fixed [Posts] Standardize thumbnail data-attributes. 164f5b4
  • Fixed [Blacklist] Rewrite blacklist normalization to allow for comments and optional tags. e53b39e

Thank you to Tarrgon and Donovan_DMC for their contributions.
Full Changelog:

August 12, 2024


  • Changed [CSS] Tweak palette text colors. (#715)
  • Changed [Flags] Only show the most recent deletion flag to non-staff. (#717) [Tarrgon]
  • Changed [Uploader] Redesign the file input. (#716)


  • Fixed [Posts] Fix broken avatars and dtext thumbnails. 2f0bcfe
  • Fixed [Posts] Fix the quick edit form not working correctly. (#710)
  • Fixed [PostSets] Bundle add/remove requests for better performance. (#711)
  • Fixed [FileInput] Fix error messages for gif files exceeding size limits. (#704) [Donovan_DMC]
  • Fixed [AvoidPosting] Add caching, order search, and tweak modactions. (#713) [Donovan_DMC]

Thank you to Donovan_DMC and Tarrgon for their contributions.
Full Changelog:

September 2, 2024


  • Changed [Blacklist] Separate blacklist display for posts and comments. (#741)
  • Changed [Posts] Show verified uploaders to everyone. (#723) [Tarrgon]
  • Changed [Posts] Show a warning when removing an implicated tag. (#712) [Tarrgon]
  • Changed [WikiPages] Redirect back to wiki when editing/fixing a tag. (#705) [Donovan_DMC]
  • Changed [Gems] Update rexml and ruby-lsp-rails. (#739)


  • Fixed [Thumbnails] Fix regenerating thumbnails if bg_color is empty. (#738) [Tarrgon]
  • Fixed [Uploads] Show the unload warning if any tags are filled in. (#740)
  • Fixed [Posts] Only show uploader feedback counts to staff. (#742)

Thank you to Tarrgon and Donovan_DMC for their contributions.
Full Changelog:

September 9, 2024


  • Changed [Posts] Add verified artist search. (#663) [Donovan_DMC]
  • Changed [UserFeedbacks] Add deleted record count to feedback summaries. (#743) [Donovan_DMC]
  • Changed [Posts] Allow source_diff to wrap dead sources in quotes. (#714) [Tarrgon]
  • Changed [Themes] Rework the theme config page. (#752)


  • Fixed [DText] Adjust the font size on desktop. (#745)
  • Fixed [Misc] Rework the page margins on mobile. (#746)
  • Fixed [JS] Fix an error in older browsers caused by replaceAll. (#747)
  • Fixed [Thumbnails] Fix an issue caused by the avatar having an invalid value. (#748)
  • Fixed [Misc] Fix the missing bottom margin issue. (#751)
  • Fixed [AvoidPosting] Minor UI tweaks. (#750)

Thank you to Donovan_DMC and Tarrgon for their contributions.
Full Changelog: