Topic: Site Changelog

Posted under General

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I'll be keeping an up-to-date changelog for every change we make to the site here, be it a minor CSS edit or a major overhaul.

Updated by KiraNoot

April 7 2011

  • New "download" link under images
  • Disabled downloading of and commenting on deleted posts
  • Flag for deletion restored, normal users can flag 2 posts per day, privileged and up has no limit
  • Removed "find similar" button (it doesn't work)
  • Fixed favorite/unfavorite bug
  • Fixed "post without bumping" comment exploit
  • Various other fixes

Updated by anonymous

May 7 2011

  • Various help page tweaks (removed references to danbooru and westernized Japanese references)
  • Beginning switchover to HTML5
  • Renamed "unapprove" to "flag for deletion"
  • Added some files forgotten in the last update
  • Deleted posts' thumbnails don't show a thumbnail of the actual image anymore
  • Added moderator action page

Updated by anonymous

May 7 2011

  • Artist tags are back to the classic gold color
  • Special tags (artist, copyright, etc.) are bolded
  • Quote boxes in forums and comments look nicer
  • Background colors darkened a bit

Updated by anonymous

May 8 2011

  • Missing files uploaded (fixes bug where background ends too far up the page)

Updated by anonymous

May 31 2011

  • Fixed searching for implications and aliases
  • Removed big ugly dtext reference from forum/comment submission form
  • Pagination bar shows more pages before collapsing it with a ...
  • Removed unused user levels from the user search form (unactivated, test janitor, etc.), and reordered the rest correctly
  • Added Forum link to homepage
  • Added new takedown system
  • Changed old takedown page to link to the takedown form
Design overhaul
  • Text fields and buttons are rounded and have a shadow
  • Redesigned many forms, including upload, user settings, etc.
  • Redesigned tables, including forum listing, user record list, etc.
  • Added left/right arrows to incoming/outgoing mail messages
  • Red outgoing mail color improved
  • "New Mail" notice redesigned
  • Unread forum thread titles are now bold and white
  • + - ? next to tags is no longer bold
  • Banned users' usernames in comments/forums have a strikethrough effect now
  • Made homepage shorter (doesn't scroll the page)
  • Number GIFs on the homepage are now transparent PNGs

Updated by anonymous

June 2 2011

  • Moved parent, child, and pool information on post pages to the sidebar
  • Added a background image to the page
  • Created a new news system
  • Fixed tag subscriptions
  • Added SSL to some pages

Updated by anonymous

June 5 2011

  • Tag edits limited to 150 per hour.

Updated by anonymous

June 11 2011

  • Posts limited to 15000 x 15000 resolution.
  • Post index now shows 160 posts per page.
  • Implemented dynamic thumbnail loader, thumbnails only load when you scroll down to them to conserve bandwidth.

Updated by anonymous

July 22 2011

  • Updated rails version
  • Increased comment limit
  • Fixed a tagging bug
  • Made the takedown process more streamlined
  • Added IP address saving to registration
  • User record system updated; negative records can now be created
  • Javascript-based blacklist system for anonymous users has been implemented
  • Edited news system to work better
  • Emails sent from the takedown system now also include the admin's response
  • Did some work on the users table in the database

Updated by anonymous

August 7 2011

  • New error pages (404, 500, etc.)
  • New favicon
  • Changed "Nobody here but us chickens!" to "No posts matched your search"
  • New API pages, /post/show.xml and /post/deleted_index.xml
  • Web IRC client now allows /part and /join (only #e621 still)
  • Improved display of user records on user profile pages
  • Made user record index look better
  • Normal users can now search for only excluded tags (like searching for "-female")
  • Removed 'ID' line from post statistics panel
  • Improved display of source URL on post pages
  • Updated API help page
  • Made help pages take up the full width of the window
  • Added anchors to post pages: #image, #edit, #comments
  • More takedown system updates
  • Various bugfixes
  • Anonymous blacklisting redone for cross-site
  • Fixed some problems with the IP system
CSS tweaks
  • Added borders to advertisements
  • Made search bar and mode bar the same width as the small advertisement
  • Made the "Blocked" header for blocked users look better

Updated by anonymous

August 8 2011

  • Changed "Download" flash thumbnail to "Flash"
  • Fixed favicon.ico so it works properly in IE

Updated by anonymous

October 13 2011

  • Added actual counts to user profile page for deleted posts, favorites, comments, and forum posts
  • Added "Hide comments" feature, found in your account settings
  • Revamped the notice bar at the top of the page. Instead of plain red text, it will be a green bar for positive notices (like "post #12345 added to favorites", or a red bar for errors (like "Error: Must provide a reason")
  • If you try to comment before your account is a week old, the error message doesn't say "Hourly limit exceeded" anymore (but you still have to wait a week)
  • Removed database and performance statistics from the bottom of the post index
  • Added a drop shadow to image thumbnails
  • Clarified that the "Hide reason" option on the takedown form is ONLY to be used for sensitive, personal reasons, and not for reasons like "nobody asked me" or "i don't want my art here"
  • Clarified that the given email address is never made public on the takedown form
Post Pages
  • Accounts must be at least a week old to vote down on posts now, but not up
  • Added "ID" line back to post statistics panel
  • Slightly modified the look of note overlays
  • Changed "Add translation" to "Add note"
  • The rating in the post statistics panel is now colored (red for explicit, yellow for questionable, green for safe)
  • Added shortcuts to the source page, these will be converted to a link: "artist on FA", "artist on furaffinity", "artist on da", "artist on deviantart", "fa artist", "da artist", etc.
  • URLs now redirect to instead of giving a 404

Updated by anonymous

October 28, 2011

  • Cleaned up the layout of the takedown view page
  • Fixed "partially approved" statuses in the takedown index being broken
  • Added a few new sort options for the forum in addition to the original (Updated at): Title, Responses, and Created at. Title and Responses can be viewed by clicking on the respective column headings on the forum index, but for now, you'll have to view /forum?order=created to sort by creation date.
  • Fixed the description meta-tag being the one from
  • (Mod+ only) Made usernames on the Blocked Users list link to their profile instead of being plain text
  • (Admin only) Modified the user level selection dropdown on the Edit User page to correctly order them
  • (Admin only) Made the default value of the dropdown on the Edit User page the user's current level
  • (Admin only) Fixed autocomplete on the edit user/reset password pages
  • (Admin only) Created a new vote removal system to combat vote vandalism
  • (Admin only) Added a link to the new vote removal system on the "More" page
User pages
  • Fixed user profiles all showing your deleted count instead of the user's
  • Made the title (browser title bar) of a user's profile page "/user: username" instead of just "Users"
  • Made minor grammatical edits to some user pages
  • Made the username on a user's profile page show underscores instead of spaces
  • Moved the ban stuff on a user's profile page to a notice bar at the top instead of in the "Level" row
  • Made the "Level" row show the user's real level (privileged, etc.) if they are banned
  • Made the password reset email show your actual username, with underscores and everything, instead of a "pretty" version (underscores were replaced with spaces)
  • Added something fun to the user home page
  • Made the column names on the user list page clickable
  • Added new user sort options: Deleted post count, Tag edits, User record
  • Added a new user setting : Posts per page. Default is 160 (current), max is 320. You can override it for a single search by adding "&limit=__" to the end of a search URL
  • Added a new user setting : Hide URL tags. When enabled, the tags in post URLs will be omitted (/post/show/12345/these-tags-will-be-gone). This doesn't affect functionality in any way, but makes post URLS shorter and cleaner.
  • (Admin only) Added "reset password", "edit user", and "votes" links at top of user profiles for admins
Post pages
  • Added a new order tag: order:random
  • Fixed most "Mode" modes on the post index not working
  • Fixed said modes not actually altering the background color
  • Modified the background colors for the different modes to make them look nicer
  • Moved the (Help) link by the search bar slightly up
  • Made the username in the post deletion notice box bold, like the reason is
  • Capitalized the 'd' in 'Id' in the post statistics panel
  • Colored the post's score green if it's above 0, and red if it's below 0
  • Hid the +/- links next to tags when viewing a post
  • Made the "Respond" link under posts hidden if you have comments disabled
  • Fixed very wide images having a ton of empty space to the left
  • (Admin only) Added a class name to the IP shown in comments to make it easier to style/hide
  • (Admin only) Added a Votes link next to the score on the post page
  • (Mod+ only) Made a bunch of changes to the mod queue, including:
    • Removed high/low vote highlighting
    • Added avoid_posting and flagged post highlighting
    • Modified the guidelines text at the top of the page
    • Made tags clickable
    • Added flagger username to the flagged line
    • Added vote up link next to the vote down link
    • Colored rating and vote up/down links

Updated by anonymous

December 4, 2011

  • Fixed the takedown index for real this time (partially approved rows aren't messed up anymore)
  • Added colors to the status line of takedown pages
  • Rewrote the mascot background changer code on the homepage (and now works properly in Opera)
  • Modified the 'fuzzy time' code, now it shows "x minutes ago" up until 59 minutes instead of 45, shows "x seconds ago" up until one minute, and shows "x years ago" instead of "over x years ago"
  • Modified display of exact dates (usually when hovering over previously mentioned 'fuzzy times': Looks like "Jan 01, 2011" instead of "2011-01-01"
  • Fixed the problem with explicit thumbnails not being shown with Javascript disabled. There is now an option in your user settings to show or hide explicit thumbnails when Javascript is disabled. It defaults to showing them. The option only appears in your settings when Javascript is disabled
  • Added a new metatag to use when tagging an image - child:123. Works similar to the 'parent:' tag. It sets the given post's parent as the current post.
  • Updated help pages; added metatags (rating:, parent:, child:, pool:) to tag help page
  • Fixed the tag
  • Updated the dtext help page
  • Added a ticket system. This allows users to report abusive private messages (will not be made public), comments, forum posts, or users, or request a name change from the user home page
  • Fixed the mascot changer on the index page not working if you're viewing it from "/static/index"
  • Made the center box on the index page partially transparent
  • Added a "Go" button to the search bar on the index page
User pages
  • Fixed the Swedish and Polish welcome messages on the user home page
  • Hid 'Uploaded tags' section of user profile since it's just for your convenience and there's no point showing it to other users, plus banned users abused it to show derogatory messages
  • Hid 'Invited by' section of user profile since we do not use this function anymore
  • Hid the 'invited by' text on the user listing (the stuff that looks like "<- Arcturus" for example)
  • Added a link to the blacklist help in the Blacklist section of the user settings page
  • Added validation to the posts-per-page setting. If you enter something that's not a number, or a number below 1, it will reset to 160. If you enter a number above 320 (the max), it will reset to 320
  • After clicking Save on the user settings page, it will redirect to the settings page, not the home page
  • Added a change username link to the user home page
  • (Contributor+ only) Hid the 'Invitations' link on the user home page
Post pages
  • Modified the flagged notice bar a bit, and made the username link to their profile
  • Fixed deleted post pages crashing if the flag details are missing for some reason. In this case, it just shows "This post was deleted."
  • Fixed the "Score:" text not being shown on posts with a score of 0
  • Hid the "(Vote up/down)" on deleted post pages
  • Made it impossible to vote on deleted posts
  • Added a comment hiding system. Users can hide their own comments, but there is no way to restore them. Moderators can hide any comments, which is similar to deleting a post: the comment still exists, but invisible to users
  • (Mod+ only) When deleting a post, made the 'no reason' error redirect to the delete page instead of a blank error page
  • (Mod+ only) Implemented a fix to make sure a user doesn't inadvertently perma-destroy a post when he meant to just delete it. This usually happens when two mods try to delete the same image at the same time
  • (Mod+ only) If a post is deleted, the "Delete" link will be changed to "Destroy"
  • (Mod+ only) When permanently destroying a post, there is now a bold warning message shown

Updated by anonymous

December 4, 2011

  • Fixed not being able to vote on unapproved posts.

Updated by anonymous

December 30, 2011

  • Added 'ticket #xxx' linking, just like 'post #xxx' links.
  • Fixed a minor time display bug ("80 seconds ago" instead of "1 minute ago")
  • Deleting the last post in a forum thread now correctly updates the latest response time/user
  • Cleaned up the date display on the mod action index
User pages
  • Added username change history to user profiles
  • Added a new user setting : Show Hidden Comments: When disabled, you will no longer see hidden comments (Hidden with the new hide feature, not due to a low score)
  • Cleaned up the form on the "user index"/user
Post pages
  • Fixed a single comment page (/comment/show/xxx) not showing the comment if its score was below the user's threshold
  • Added -user:username tag to filter out uploads by certain users. Blacklisting user:username also works now
  • Fixed not being able to edit images when comments are disabled in your settings
  • (Mod+ only)Added a Delete link to the FFD notice bar, which uses the FFD reason as the default deletion reason
  • Added response and "handled by" field to tickets
  • Handling a ticket creates a mod action entry
  • Username change tickets now show the user's original name instead of their current name
  • Hid more details on user and PM complaint tickets
  • The "Type" column now also links to the ticket instead of just the ID column
  • Added filter options to the top of the ticket index
  • (Admin only) Added length/whitespace checks when changing a user's username
  • (Admin only) Made the "Response" field mandatory when updating a ticket

Updated by anonymous

December 30, 2011

  • Tag limits in searches have been raised to 6 for normal users and 8 for privileged users
  • Posts-per-page setting has been lowered to 75, however, feel free to raise it again
  • Many optimizations have been performed, allowing the site to run faster
  • e621 has been added back in to Google's index, with a new "super special image relocator"

Updated by anonymous

January 07, 2012

  • Reordered the "Respond | Edit | Report/Delete" links under forum posts so it's harder to accidentally click Report

Updated by anonymous

February 12, 2012

  • Links in spoilers are properly hidden now
  • Moved "Report" link for comments to the right of Vote Up/Down
  • Added X button to notice and error bars
  • A search for a post's children does not return the parent post anymore
  • Stopped rewriting source links to
  • Updated the alias and implication pages:
    • Added username and approved filters
    • Added an order option (tag, implied/aliased tag, reason, user, date, tag count, implied/aliased tag count)
    • Added Username and Date columns to the list

Updated by anonymous

May 03, 2012

Artist Update
  • Added "About me" and "Prices" to your user settings, they will show up on your profile (prices will only show up if your account is linked to an artist tag)
  • Allowed accounts to be linked to artist tags
  • Added avatars, you can change your avatar and disable avatar display in your user settings
  • Added blips
  • Added new user page with avatar/blips/user info, you can use classic pages instead by changing a user setting
  • Added @username DText, just bolds whatever you enter (for example, @tony311)
New Features
  • Rewrote the mass edit page; one field for a search, one field for tag additions, one field for tag removals
  • Added a [color] tag to dtext, only usable by privileged users and up. Don't abuse it or you may face disciplinary action. See the dtext help page for usage
  • Added incoming/outgoing filter to Dmail inbox
  • Added a "Clear Flag" options to flagged posts to remove the flagged status without approving the post
  • Added a way to clear the current news notice without creating a new one
  • Added /post/show.json and /post/show.xml
  • Added sort, search, and filter options to the user record index and takedown index
  • Made the above options hidden by default. If you can't use javascript, you can show them by adding ?show=1 to the URL
  • Added a parameter to the comment index to only show comments for posts you uploaded. Link can be found next to Posts line in a user's profile
  • Made the blacklist box in the user settings convert to lowercase on submit so trying to add capitalized tags will work fine
  • Added post ID linking in deletion reasons ('post #123', 'post 123', '[http://][www.]')
  • Added new metatag: -id:123. You can also blacklist id:123 to blacklist a specific post
  • Added new metatags: isparent:true, isparent:false, ischild:true, ischild:false. ischild:false is an alias of parent:none
  • Rewrote the forum lock code, mods+ can now freely edit locked topics without having to unlock it first, and the locked error is nicer looking
  • Made the user record system send a dmail to a user when a record is removed from their account
  • Modified user record dmail title/body text
  • Added a newline between a post's score and favorite list in the sidebar
  • Added mod action entries for stickying, unstickying, locking, unlocking, and adding aliases/implications
  • Cleaned up lots of mod action entries, and added more links in the descriptions
  • Added a link to a user's mod action list to their profile, if they're mod+
  • Added sort/search/filtering to the mod action list
  • Added help tooltips to parts of a user's upload limit formula
  • When logging in with an incorrect username or password, you'll either get a bad username error or bad password error, not just "Access denied"
  • Added tag tooltips to thumbnails in comments/forum posts
  • Added tagcount: metatag, for example, tagcount:3. Remember, ranges work too: tagcount:1..5. order:tagcount is planned but not complete yet
  • Cleaned up the user settings page; Re-ordered options and merged some related options
  • Implemented a new flag for deletion page instead of a javascript popup, with flagging guidelines
  • Posts can now be flagged for deletion even if they already have in the past
  • Added some more links to static/more
  • Account levels are now shown under the username in forum posts/comments
  • Blacklisting a user's uploads (user:username) now also hides the user's comments and forum posts
  • Added quick links to search for your username in forum posts, comments, and blips to the user home page
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed usernames with spaces not working on the IRC page
  • Fixed Chrome Flash bug
  • Fixed some errors using the notice (green) bar instead of the error (red) bar
  • Fixed pages with no subnav bars looking ugly; they now have a thin, empty subnav bar instead (example:
  • Fixed SSL being broken by trying to load non-SSL javascript files
  • Fixed only being able to add 25-40 posts to takedowns before breaking them
  • Fixed aliases and implications not firing on tags with prefixes (like artist:someguy not adding avoid_posting)
  • Fixed some Japanese terms left in a help page
  • Fixed a crash when trying to delete the only remaining post in a topic (not including the original post)
  • Fixed DText not working in some places where user records are shown
  • Fixed not being able to change the capitalization of a username with the username-change feature
  • Changed some notices (green bar) to errors (red bar)
  • Made it only show recent uploads/favorites on user profile pages when there actually are any
  • Removed some forgotten debug lines on takedown pages
  • Disallowed favoriting of deleted posts and hid the favorites list for them
  • Records are now removed in real-time on the user record when you click Delete
  • Made it so users can only delete their topics if they're less than 5 minutes old and have no responses
  • Fixed usernames that consist only of underscores being impossible to see/click on
  • Fixed getting a "Daily limit exceeded" error when uploading within your first week
  • Changed "Daily limit exceeded" error to "Unapproved post limit exceeded"
  • Updated the upload limit page
  • Fixed some areas of the site not working properly for blocked users (for example, the navbar still said "Login/Signup" instead of "Account"
  • Fixed not being able to modify any aspect of a user whose IP is banned (for example, they were unable to be account-blocked and could not change their password)
  • Clarified some wording in the terms of service (Upload Agreement section)
  • Fixed pool names being truncated partway through the pool name
  • Fixed SSL requirement missing on some pages
  • Made colors show up in comment, blip, and forum previews when reporting them
  • Fixed a bad email link in /static/contact

Updated by anonymous

May 04, 2012

  • Fixed some posts being broken and returning a 500 error page
  • Fixed responding to blips on the blip index not working correctly
  • "Show hidden comments" option extended to blips
  • Fixed poster_id parameter not carrying over to other pages of the comment index
  • Fixed deleted posts in pools not showing up on the pool's page
  • Fixed searching for reporters with underscores in their name on the user record index
  • Fixed mod_action entries being created when a user hides their own comments/blips
  • Fixed other user's blips not showing up correctly in the userpage

Updated by anonymous

May 07, 2012

  • Added titles to some title-less pages ("e621")
  • Removed "commit=search" from tag search URL
  • Added "apply username blacklists to forum posts" option
  • Added "apply blacklist to avatars" option
  • Reversed approved/denied colors of takedowns on a takedown's page
  • Updated look of new user profile page, still being tweaked a bit
  • Fixed some more 500 errors

Updated by anonymous

May 08, 2012

  • Cleaned up user stats on user/show
  • Fix "x comments below threshold" text also counting hidden (by a mod, not hidden below threshold) comments
  • Made the random post option available to anonymous users
  • Fixed very long tags breaking the layout of the tag history page

Updated by anonymous

May 10, 2012

  • Allowed the random post page to be used by anonymous users
  • Added a new DText tag, \

, to make collapsible sections for large blocks of text. See the DText help page for more info

  • Fixed some more 500 errors
  • Added some more text to the username change submission form

Updated by anonymous

May 18, 2012

  • Hid thumbnail border colors for avatars
  • You can now escape dtext tags with \. Example: \This text won't be bold\
  • Fixed some DText parsing with the @username function
  • Fixed a \ turning into a \ in comments/forumposts/blips
  • Added titles to all help pages
  • Updated the dtext help page with examples and new stuff
  • Updated the source code help page
  • Updated the mass tag edit help page
  • Removed "Suggestions" and "Hidden Tags" links on help index, not applicable to e621
  • Fixed not being able to have a blank email address
  • Fixed usernames with ( or ) in them breaking some systems

Updated by anonymous

June 11, 2012

  • Added a lot of optimizations to a lot of pages, so they should load faster
  • Fixed up display of the \
DText tag
* added JSON call for pool/show ([b]/pool/show.json?id=???[/b])
* Fixed being unable to connect to IRC if your username has invalid IRC nick characters in it(like parentheses)
* Added tag tooltips to post #123 links
* Added source to post's tag history
* Re-added tag subscriptions back to top of user profiles, but only for privileged users and up
* Fixed forum threads being bumped to the top when a post in the middle (not first or last post) is deleted

Updated by anonymous

July 26, 2012

  • The forum is now split into categories. See category list here
  • The bug causing accounts to give a 500 error upon logging in has been fixed. Broken accounts may need to be fixed with this page
  • The blacklist now has a 3900 character limit. There is a counter under the blacklist entry box to help you keep track of it
  • The blacklist now applies tag aliases when you submit it
  • You can now search with "quoted strings" on the comment search page
  • Fixed URL parsing
  • When using the API to upload a post, you can now pass the sourceurl parameter if you are already using post[source] for the remote image URL
  • Wiki pages now show a complete list of all tag aliases and implications involved with the currently viewed tag
  • Made it much easier to switch between alias and implication searches
  • Hovering your cursor over a post's score now shows total up and down votes
  • Made usernames in comment/search link to their profiles
  • Added a stats bar under post thumbnails
  • Added delreason: metatag to search for posts with a given deletion reason
  • Added Atom feeds for comments, forum posts, and user records. Maybe more later
  • Allowed voting on flagged images
  • Disallowed banned ips from creating takedowns
  • Added show.json API call for pools
  • Added the ability to delete takedown requests (this is only for cleaning up takedown request flooding)
  • Fixed 500 error when searching for a nonexistent alias
  • Fixed 500 error on the post tag history page
  • Fixed 'view blacklist' link missing from the user profile page
  • Fixed privileged and contributor users being able to create records

Updated by anonymous

July 27, 2012

  • Added a user setting to disable post thumbnail stats
  • Made page numbers by thread titles a bit less ugly
  • Fixed issued with favorite counts being inaccurate, and not counting Member favorites
  • Fixed the delreason: metatag returning posts that are no longer deleted
  • Re-added the 'Any' option to the user level dropdown on the user index
  • Fixed uploading not working when using the 'sourceurl' param

Updated by anonymous

August 24, 2012

  • Added the species tag type. Its prefix is 'species:' or 'spec:' and the tag color is red-orange
  • Made user pages load a bit faster, and added a cookie-based user setting to load minimal, but faster-loading user pages
  • The upload page now shows a preview of the image you're about to upload, to make tagging easier
  • Hid the "Uncategorized" forum category if there are no more uncategorized topics
  • Added a mod-only system to chart out user contributions
  • Added inpool:true and inpool:false
  • Users must now wait 7 days after registration to create tickets
  • Added the ability to reorder forum categories
  • Fixed the alias and implication creation forms, they now work correctly
  • Fixed the 500 error when attempting to change your password
  • Cleaned up the wiki's edit/new forms
  • Fixed searching for users with underscores in their name on the mod action page

Updated by anonymous

September 27, 2012

  • Added checkboxes next to category names in the forum category dropdown to hide topics in that category
  • Added a Mail link under the Users section of static/more
  • Added a minimum width to the post thumbnail stats bar
  • Added rating to the post thumbnail stats bar
  • Approved takedowns should now add a link to said takedown in each post's deletion reason
  • Switched some systems over to jQuery, some elements now fade in/out
  • New thumbnail hover tooltips. They can be disabled in your user settings
  • Added XML call for user index
  • Initial release of mobile site
  • Added status:any metatag to show both deleted and undeleted posts in one result (mostly only useful to mods)


  • Fixed searching tickets by username sometimes not returning the correct tickets
  • Removed useless username field from password reset page
  • Replaced lazy-loading thumbnail system
  • Fixed 500 on alias and implication suggestion forms
  • Fixed /user/show giving a 500 error (now redirects to the user index)
  • Fixed category dropdown not dropping down when you click the arrow
  • Various fixes of bugs reported in thread I'm too tired to dig up, good night! - Aurali

Updated by anonymous

September 29, 2012

  • Namechange tickets now have a 'Desired Name' line instead of a 'Reason' line
  • Added a search button to the mobile post index
  • Password reset page is now case-insensitive
  • Fixed blacklisted posts (mainly avatars) not showing the Blacklisted placeholder
  • Updates to thumbnail hover box

Updated by anonymous

October 7, 2012

  • Added a link to the dmail in email notifications for new dmails
  • Disabled hover previews for anonymous users, it is now only enabled if you are logged in and have it enabled
  • Reverted the newer slide-up animations to a simple hide (notice/error bar mainly) because it's much faster and smoother
  • Fixed mobile post search redirecting to the non-mobile index
  • Fixed "Unapprove" link appearing next to posts even when you're not a mod
  • Fixed problems preventing you from viewing original images when resizing is enabled
  • Sped up user and post pages
  • Fixed some cosmetic issues with user profiles
  • Fixed blacklist not working on note pages

Updated by anonymous

October 22, 2012

  • Users can no longer exploit API returns to gather filenames of deleted posts
  • Added a way for admins to hide certain posts from anonymous users or Google
  • Added a confirmation popup when attempting to remove a post from a pool
  • Added category link dtext: category #2
  • post #xxx links in FFD reasons now link to their respective posts
  • Fixed status:any, it now actually works
  • Accessing /post/show now redirects to the post index
  • Left-aligned avatars
  • Added tag matching
  • Fixed user profiles returning a 500 error when you have both profile-related user settings checked

Updated by anonymous

October 23, 2012

  • FINALLY fixed thumbnails in Internet Explorer 8

Updated by anonymous

November 11, 2012

  • User pages now load substantially faster!
  • User records can now be edited
  • Added post flag histories. Due to limitations with the old system, each post will only show the latest flag if a post has been flagged multiple times. As of this update, every new flag is preserved.
  • Submitting an alias or implication now also creates a pending alias/implication for ease of approval
  • Images that have been flagged in the past can now definitely be flagged again
  • Added a "ban expired" disclaimer to user profiles when a user's ban has expired but hasn't been removed yet due to user inactivity
  • Wiki pages now have proper titles
  • Added proper titles to user record pages
  • Reverted vertical alignment of content on the homepage
  • Removed certain conditions for the "Clear Flag" option for mods, and renamed it to "Unflag and Unapprove"
  • Fixed takedown post ID searches not properly returning completed takedowns
  • Added missing "Switch to aliases" link in the implication index
  • Background changes for
  • Background changes in preparation for

Updated by anonymous

November 14, 2012

  • Voting on posts is vastly improved:
    • Score text changes color upon voting if it went from 0 to >0, etc.
    • Your selected vote is now highlighted (up or down)
    • Votes can now be changed - click your selected vote to remove it, or click a different option to change it
    • Mods can now delete locked votes, to allow a user to vote on a post once again
  • Made artist 'show' and 'update' pages look much nicer
  • User record creation form now defaults to neutral instead of positive
  • Aliases and implications created through the forum now have their creator set properly
  • Removed the option for bare user profiles since it's largely unnecessary now with faster profiles (the option for classic profiles is still there)

Updated by anonymous

November 26, 2012

  • When editing a forum post, it now redirects to the correct page and autoscrolls to the edited post
  • Moved note transparency from JS to CSS so it doesn't rely on JS
  • Added a title attribute to note divs so they can be read without JS
  • Added flag history links to /static/more and the Post subnav bar
  • When approving aliases/implications, it only redirects to the job task queue if job tasks are actually enabled
  • Fixed order:comments
  • Fixed 500 on user profiles with the classic profiles option enabled
  • Fixed 500 on deleted_index.xml
  • Fixed 500 when approving aliases/implications with nothing selected
  • Fixed 500 when deleting posts, comments, records, etc. for a user who no longer exists

Updated by anonymous

December 22, 2012

  • Added a stylesheet selector to the top-right corner of the site
  • On profile pages, removed the italic style from user info/rates text, and made one take up 100% of the width of the other is absent
  • Added confirmation prompt when deleting user records
  • Removed confirmation prompt when approving posts
  • Added ?mascot=x URL to the homepage to force showing a specific mascot. Example: show the new ECMajor mascot
  • Fixed editing a user's record to a different type not updating their total record score
  • Changed 'can't edit post during first week' error to 'can't edit post during first 3 days'

Updated by anonymous

January 12, 2013

  • Changed way password resets work. Instead of emailing you with a new randomized password, you enter an email address, and you will be emailed a link that allows you to change your password to something new. This method is much more secure as it doesn't send passwords through (insecure) email.
  • Viewing /user/show without an ID will now show your profile (if you're not logged in, redirects to the user list like it did before)
  • The "Forum" text at the top of the site is now italicized when the forum is updated for everyone, not just privileged+ users
  • The text on various takedown pages has been updated to be cleaner and clearer
  • Users now cannot hide their forum threads if someone else has posted in them

Updated by anonymous

January 21, 2013

  • Fixed takedown submitters not being able to view the vericode on their takedowns.

Updated by anonymous

February 6, 2013

  • Added info about tag separation (spaces between tags) to the tag cheatsheet and made the "Search Help" link above the search bar more obvious
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed users to break the layout of any page with specially crafted DText

Updated by anonymous

February 17, 2013

  • Massively overhauled the tag cheatsheet and the tag help page
  • Changed the vericode box on takedown request pages from green to red to hopefully make fewer people miss it
  • Fixed 500 error on the admin Find User page
  • When deleting a record, Dmail is now sent from the user who deleted it, not the user who created the record

Updated by anonymous

February 23, 2013

  • Fixed alias suggestions being able to alter data on the site before being approved
  • Fixed wiki counts not updating. Missing update counts have been retroactively applied to accounts

Updated by anonymous

March 4, 2013

  • Reversed default sorting of the mod queue
  • Added sorting options to the mod queue
  • Improved link to parent thread/post when viewing a single comment/forum post
  • Members can now flag 5 posts per day
  • Fixed posts being able to be flagged while they are already flagged
  • Fixed fav counts being wrong in profiles (especially negative fav counts)
  • Fixed 500 error when trying to delete aliases

Updated by anonymous

April 1, 2013

  • Fixed 500 on alias and implication indexes when searching by user and ordering by date
  • Clear Flag option no longer shows up next to ALL posts in the mod queue
  • Redesigned the news bar
  • Swapped user section to entirely ssl
  • Started the tag subscriptions into the daemon
  • Built a reset system for daemons

Updated by anonymous

April 23, 2013

  • Fixed mass edit page not working with job tasks enabled, and preview not working at all
  • Fixed user home page greetings looking weird with RTL languages and usernames starting with a number
  • Fixed some mascots missing from the homepage
  • Fixed clicking 'Cancel' on a post's FFD page still flagging it
  • Fixed deleting a post from the mod queue not creating a mod action entry

Updated by anonymous

June 16, 2013

Note: Many of these changes are older (during May) but we forgot to post a changelog entry.

  • Tags on posts are now categorized by type; this can be disabled in your user settings if you prefer the classic alphabetical sorting
  • Added mod actions for user records
  • Added preview button for bans
  • Added username search to user records
  • Added /show page to view a single "user record:/user_record (previously it was only possible to view all of one user's records)
  • Added DText parsing for record #123 links
  • Added a new mascot from wiredhooves
  • Added the ability to see comment scores, and redesigned the vote up/down links
  • Comments now have a slight background/border
  • Improved display of job task queue and added filtering/searching
  • Changed default and existing default comment threshold from 0 to -2
  • Updated stats page, now has charts and caches once a day to reduce server load
  • Updated posts help page with information about the new 'trending tags' list
  • Added descriptions and view counts to posts
  • Fixed Mass Edit not working with job tasks enabled
  • Fixed not being able to search tickets for usernames with spaces in them
  • Fixed editing a post with tag titles disabled in your settings appending an extra / to the URL
  • Fixed exploit allowing a user to upload as many posts as he wants, as long as they all get flagged

Updated by anonymous

Tony you forgot these..

June 16, 2013

  • Fixed exploit for forum search showing hidden topics.
  • Optimized Daemon
  • added a way for daemon to clean itself up
  • Added a way for daemon to clean up mod actions (disabled)
  • Added descriptions
  • Added Post View counts
  • Added Comment scores

Updated by anonymous

September 7, 2013

  • Added sets. Sets are similar to favorites or pools, in that posts can be added to them. Sets can be private or public. Private sets work similarly to favorites and can be used to further organize posts for your convenience. Public sets work similar to pools, but they will not be moderated like pools are (although using defamatory names or descriptions for public sets or spamming pointless public sets is against the rules).
  • To add posts to a set, use the "Add to set..." mode dropdown on the post index, or click "Add to set" on the sidebar of any post page. Removing a post from a set works similarly.
  • Sets are intended to be used like groups or photostreams on other sites, in that any user is free to add any posts to any set they own (or maintain). For more information on sets, please see the sets help page
  • Account creation now requires email validation
  • Descriptions are now collapsible, and can be set to auto-collapsed in your user settings
  • Added some new welcome messages to the user home
  • Added a new mascot by Evalion
  • New meta-tags (for help on using them please see the cheatsheet)
    • order:desclength to order posts by description length
    • notelocked:true/notelocked:false to search posts whose notes are/aren't locked
    • note:text to search post notes
    • notecount:5 to filter by number of notes (same syntax as id, width, etc.)
    • In addition, all meta-tags can now be negated (previously, only specific ones like -user: and -id: worked)


  • Cleaned up account creation and login forms
  • Cleaned up the user home a lot
  • Added "Comments on my posts" link to the user home
  • Added mod action entries for admins editing users' blacklists
  • Added mod action entries for forum category creation
  • \

DText titles are now bold, 100% width when expanded, and HTML-escaped

  • \

now supports being expanded by default with \

or \

Title Here
  • Sections are now always expanded by default when javascript is not available
  • Added titles to various pages
  • Description edit box is larger
  • New page for description histories
  • Description changes no longer destroy the layout of "post tag history:/post_tag_history
  • Added link to user's flag history in their profile
  • Username change tickets now fail if you supply a taken or invalid username
  • Heavily improved username ticket handling for admins
  • Tag categories in a post's tag list are now in a specific order when the option is enabled, and General tags are now always at the bottom
  • Tag categories in a post's tag list can now be collapsed by clicking the title
  • Add/remove favorite button on post pages now looks nicer and stands out more
  • Added "Set as avatar" option to posts
  • New users can now edit a post's source, parent, and rating after 3 days, down from 7


  • Added a bunch of missing mod action types to the filter dropdown
  • Apostrophes are no longer considered part of a URL in DText parsing
  • "Fix thumbnail" option no longer shows up for flashes
  • Fixed 500 errors on IP search pages
  • Fixed some typos in various help pages
  • Fixed not being able to view full-size images by clicking "Size:" link in post sidebar in some cases
  • Fixed bad links in RSS/Atom feeds

revision 621

Updated by anonymous

September 8, 2013

  • Fixed Atom links again
  • Fixed categorized tags on the post sidebar not being alphabetized
  • Fixed favorites not being in the correct order
  • Forum now uses some javascript to ensure that light-dark row coloring is consistent (before, usually when you hid a category, it would throw off the alternate row coloring and look really ugly)
  • Added description field to post API data

revision 625

Updated by anonymous

September 11, 2013

  • Added reverse image search links to the post sidebar (Google, SauceNAO, iqdb, TinEye)
  • Added transfer-to-parent-on-delete functionality to sets (works like favorites). You can enable it on a set-by-set basis in the set's settings.
  • Uploading from HTTPS links now works properly
  • Clicking the "Mark all read" link in the DMail inbox is now less annoying
  • Fixed broken tag scripts
  • Fixed broken tag subscription links
  • Fixed a minor Javascript error on the forum index when all categories are shown
  • Fixed tickets 'response' column not being large enough to hold longer responses
  • Visiting /dmail now redirects to /dmail/inbox instead of showing a 404 error
  • Added an easter egg :)

revision 637

Updated by anonymous

November 3, 2013

Updated the theme system:
  • Added a new 'autumn' override
  • Overrides are extra styles that can be loaded on top of the existing color themes (hexagon, pony, bloodlust, etc.). For now they're just extra background images (you should see leaves at the bottom of the page now, for example).
  • Overrides can be changed at will (or disabled) by clicking on the "Style" link in the top-right corner of the site.
Fixed a couple of really annoying bugs:
  • User blacklisting now doesn't cause the entire page to turn white when doing certain things
  • The 'downcase' 500 error when submitting aliases is now a thing of the past
Added some features people have been asking for:
  • Added an optional 'reason' field to fill out when editing a post's tags/rating/whatever. You can use it to explain your reasoning behind a potentially controversial tag edit. Inline dtext is allowed (no quotes, for example), limited to 255 characters
  • Added an 'invitation' system to set maintainers - you can now accept, deny, or block maintainer invitations
  • You can now hide (and unhide) dmails now!
And a bunch of other useful stuff:
  • Leading and trailing whitespace is removed from alias and implication submissions
  • Tag history now shows edit reasons, and the table is forced wider so everything actually fits
  • Added a confirmation popup when reporting comments and forum posts, should prevent people accidentally reporting instead of responding
  • Tickets have an accessible XML/JSON API now. See the new tickets help page for more info.
  • Tickets now have visible 'created' and 'updated' dates
  • Ban mod actions now show ban duration
  • Users can now change the category of their forum posts after creation
  • DText thumbnails can now be on the same line
  • You can now blacklist filetypes using the type: metatag
  • Replying to forum posts is now possible when JS is disabled or broken
  • Added HTML titles to a bunch of dmail pages
  • Flag reasons in the flag history are now truncated to prevent layout breaking
  • Made classic thumbnail tooltips look nicer
  • It's now possible to view a user's profile by browsing to /user/show/username_here
  • Added duplicate comment/forumpost detection - submitting two identical comments/posts in a row now blocks the second one
And bugfixes:
  • Fixed thumbnails not showing up in dtext previews
  • Fixed an error when deleting certain posts, when its parent is trying to be added to a set it's already in
  • JS no longer breaks on the post index when there's a post with no tags somehow
  • Fixed an error when viewing a post with no tags (somehow) when tag categorization is enabled
  • Fixed the anonymous blacklist window showing up behind thumbnails in Chrome
  • Fixed a minor JS error with the blacklist character counter
  • Reverse image search links now don't show up for deleted posts
  • Fixed 500 when ordering the user index by records

revision 672

Updated by anonymous

November 4, 2013

Bunch of bugfixes from yesterday's update:

  • Disabled 'comments i've participated in' page until I can fix the many problems with it
  • Removed some excess bottom-of-page-padding from a few 'extra' themes
  • Fixed 'none' option for extra themes not working
  • Fixed dtext thumbnails not working
  • Fixed some set error messages saying pool instead of set
  • Pools can no longer have blank names
  • Cleaned up pool create/edit forms a bit
  • Janitors now report comments instead of hiding/deleting them
  • Fixed 500 when permabanning a user
  • Fixed 500 when submitting aliases and implications
  • Fixed site's CSS being screwed up when loading it for the first time since the update
  • Alias/implication improvements:
    • Now click 'Suggest' instead of 'Add' to suggest one
    • Link to switch between aliases and implications is now in the subnavbar instead of in the search form
    • You can now filter aliases/implications by the tag that's being aliased/implied to
    • (Newly created) suggestion topics now give a link to the alias/implication in question for easy approval/denial

revision 682

Updated by anonymous

February 5, 2014

Major changes/additions
  • Posts can now have up to five source links, separated by a newline (enter key)
  • Tag history columns can now be toggled on/off
  • Added new metatag: "favcount:[number/range]". For example, favcount:>100, favcount:30..50
  • Takedown show pages look much nicer/cleaner now
  • Selected themes/extras are now loaded in the head instead of the body, meaning no more flickering on page load as your theme loads!
  • Sets are now ordered by the date the post was added to the set by default (order:set). To order them the old way (by post ID), use order:id_asc. Can also use order:set_asc for reverse
  • Various updates to Dmail
    • Table is wider
    • Filter form is collapsible like most others
    • Added date filtering
    • You can now hide or unhide all of your Dmail at once
  • New post/show and post/index API return fields (more info in the post API help:
    • tags_array - array of all tags on the post including tag type, count, etc. (also for post/index). Returned as a JSON string, even in XML calls - Temporarily disabled
    • pools - array of pools the post is in - Temporarily disabled
    • children - array of child posts
    • sources - array of all sources (up to five, currently) on the post. source only contains the first source, for backwards-compatibility
    • These fields are now shown for deleted posts: created_at, score, rating, status (always deleted), has_comments, has_notes
    • Pool name is now the "pretty name", where underscores are replaced with spaces
Other stuff
  • Post edit form is a bit cleaner
  • In "flag history", a post that is currently flagged, but not for the shown reason now shows as 'Flagged*' instead of 'Flagged'
  • Renamed some controllers to fit conventions: take_down -> takedown, tickets -> ticket, blips -> blip, forum_categories -> forum_category. Old links/URLs still work fine
  • Post deletion reason text field is now larger
  • Users are now sent a Dmail if one of their forum topics was moved to a different category
  • Takedowns can now be 'Inactive', meaning the submitter hasn't responded in a while - that way they don't clutter up the Pending list, but can still be finished if/when the submitter responds
  • Takedown status ordering now orders from most important to least (Pending -> Inactive -> Denied -> Partially Approved -> Approved)
  • Added 'Blip complaint' option to ticket filters
  • Attempting to view page 2+ of tag histories now shows an error instead of silently redirecting to page 1
  • Trending tags should no longer be blank
  • Fixed a bug with flag history and unclosed HTML tags
  • Fixed/cleaned up anonymous blacklist a bunch
  • Added missing ticket #123 syntax to DText help page
  • Added missing Custom Title syntax to DText help page
  • Added a bunch of missing titles to takedown pages
  • IP address column of tag history now doesn't appear unless you're an admin
  • You can no longer attempt to login if you're already logged in
  • Only mods can now delete artists, instead of members and up
  • Fixed a bug where alias/implication suggestion topics' link to the alias/implication broke because of spaces in the URL (not retroactively applied to existing topics)
  • Fixed bug where capitals in http/https part of takedown source URLs broke the links
  • Blocked users can now do a bunch of things they shouldn't not be able to do:
    • View posts hidden from anonymous users
    • View user profiles
    • Mark all forum posts as read
    • See subscription help in post sub-nav-bar

revision 736

Updated by anonymous

April 4, 2014

  • Notes on posts now support DText
  • Added descriptions to forum categories
  • Users' upload limits are no longer hard-capped at 20
  • Reduced all new-account waiting periods to 3 days (some were 3 days, some were 7)
  • Added three-day waiting period after registration before you can flag posts for deletion
  • DText is now case-insensitive. \text now works as well as \text
  • Added /news/index.xml (and .json) API calls
  • DText syntax reference link now opens in a new tab/window
  • Vastly improved searching/filtering on the artist index
  • Artist URL searching is now case-insensitive
  • Cleaned up the post sidebar:
    • Most options are now hidden if you're not logged in
    • Combined a few things into one line, such as "Previous / Random / Next"
    • Reordered lines from most important/used at the top to least important/used at the bottom
    • "Favorited by:" line is no longer visible if the post hasn't been favorited yet
Bug fixes
  • Fixed unclosed \

DText tags breaking layouts

  • Fixed blip dates linking to something other than /blip/ (usually /user/)
  • Fixed remaining problems related to clicking on the forum category dropdown (hopefully)
  • Fixed "already logged in" when trying to get your password hash through /user/login.xml/json
  • Removed an alert from the upload page
  • Fixed middle- and right-clicking on post thumbnails on the post index running Post Mode actions (fav post, apply tag script, etc.) in some browsers
  • Users no longer see artist and pool links (Delete, etc.) they can't actually perform at their account level
Admin/mod stuff
  • Reworded the links on the FFD moderation bar to be clearer
  • Deleted posts can no longer be accidentally approved through the mod menu

commit: e00464d

Updated by anonymous

April 9, 2014

  • Added the Edit link back to the post sidebar
  • Cleaned up wording on FFD bar links a bit more
  • If you hide a news notice, it'll also hide older news notices (due to a bug where you sometimes see the second most recent news post instead of the most recent one). This means no more constantly hiding the news as it bounces between the newest and second newest.
  • News cache is expired instantly when creating new news, meaning you get newer news faster! (instantly instead of 15 minutes after submission)
  • Dots in FA usernames are now parsed correctly by the source URL cleaner
  • Fixed #image jQuery error popping up on every page. This also fixed some issues with the forum, like the category dropdown not appearing and hidden categories not disappearing on page load

commit: 490cab5

Updated by anonymous

April 9, 2014

  • Fixed post links in a post's description causing problems on the post's page (like showing the linked post's comments instead)

commit: 11335bc

Updated by anonymous

June 11, 2014

New features
  • [MOD] We've implemented a new job task system which should work better than our existing one. Currently only alias approvals use it
  • Comments and forum posts are now created and displayed on the page when submitted, instead of loading a new page. You'll still have to refresh to see other people's new comments/forum posts, though
  • Notice/error bars now snap to the top of the window if you scroll down past them, meaning they are always visible, no matter what
  • Improved the look of the news, blocked, and unread mail bars
  • You can now mark all Dmail as read and hide the unread mail bar by clicking the X button on it
  • DText color tags can now be used in Dmails for privileged+ users
  • Removed "Post without bumping" for comments since it's utterly pointless and just caused problems internally
  • Overhauled the password storage system (don't worry, we don't and never did store plaintext passwords). You shouldn't notice any difference but a password change is recommended to switch to the new, more secure system
  • The user settings page now has section titles, and the Save/Cancel buttons are always visible at the bottom of the window
  • Post tag histories no longer generate blank edits, and existing blank edits will soon be purged from the database
  • Post tag history now uses a different pagination method, meaning we don't have to limit members to the first page
  • Post tag history now has more search/filter options
  • Email activation is now required for new accounts
  • Emails are now correctly formatted, come in HTML and plaintext flavors, and should set off spam filters far less often
  • Two accounts can no longer share the same email address
Bug fixes / minor things
  • [ADMIN] The admin user-password-reset page works much better
  • [ADMIN] IP addresses should no longer be messed up by Cloudflare, and missing IPs are now instead of
  • [ADMIN] Implemented a new IP log system
  • [JANITOR] The post mode dropdown under the search bar on the post index now allows deleting and undeleting posts
  • The forum index now shows snippets of a thread when hovering over the title
  • Post page titles are now "Post #xxx: artist_tag" instead of a giant list of every tag on the post. This should be much more useful for things like browser tabs
  • Commenting now redirects you to the post's page instead of the comment index, if you commented from the post's page
  • Set/pool notice messages now have more information (for example: "post #1 added to set 'Some Set'" instead of "Post added to set")
  • Added lots of links to the subnav bar on user pages
  • Artist help page now has instructions on linking user accounts to an artist tag
  • comment/show is no longer limited to Member+
  • Very long comments with no spaces are now force-wrapped
  • You are no longer flagged as having unread mail if you send a Dmail to yourself
  • Image size limit is now 15000x15000 or smaller, instead of 14999x14999 or smaller
  • Fixed 'species' being listed twice, in place of 'character' somewhere in the API help page
  • Cleaned up the post thumbnail HTML, no differences to users except that the blue hover tooltip showing the tags (which didn't work very well anyway) was removed and replaced with a standard browser tooltip
  • Fixed FA source cleanup/conversion not working for FA usernames with tildes
  • Comment, forum post, and blip links (Respond, report, etc.) are now hidden when not logged in
  • Deleted post thumbs can now be clicked on to visit the post page
  • On deleted post pages, there's now a placeholder "Deleted image" image instead of no image at all
  • Made unread topics easier to distinguish from read topics in the pony, bloodlust, and serpent skins
  • Changed the color of status notices on post pages (deleted, flagged, etc.) in some skins so they're the correct color

commit: ec07291

Updated by anonymous

June 14, 2014

Fixed a bunch of broken stuff from the update the other day. Some of these fixes have been live for a couple of days now.

  • Fixed password reset keys not showing up in emails
  • Fixed long comment/forum post usernames wrapping to two lines
  • Fixed API authentication failing
  • Fixed submitting a forum post through AJAX not working quite right
  • Fixed a bug with admin password resets
  • Fixed a bug with takedown approvals generating an error
  • Fixed the tag index "date" sorting, and the default when clicking Tag at the top of the site is now count instead of date
  • Comment/forum post previews are now hidden when submitting the comment/post

In addition, you can now choose which type of title you want on your post pages in your settings. Use the new Post ID + artist style, or maybe you want to go back to having all of the tags in the title again!

commit: 56ab6a7

Updated by anonymous

June 22, 2014

Mostly a bunch of bugfixes for this one.

  • Added new post title type in the user settings - artist_tag (#PostID)
  • The homepage now has a link to your account page (or to login/signup)
  • Artist username, group, and name fields are now case-insensitive
  • Fixed being able to see deleted post thumbnails on some pages
  • Fixed forum/create API call not working
  • Fixed blacklist preview image not loading
  • Fixed Tag Implication page not working at all
  • Fixed forum/create and comment/create API calls not returning anything

commit: 166ff09

Updated by anonymous

We forgot to post changelogs for the last month or so, so this is everything that's been implemented since the last post:

  • Some improvements to tickets
  • Tickets are now anonymous - non-admins cannot see who submitted a ticket (except username change tickets)
  • Added 'Mine' link to the top of the ticket index to show only tickets submitted by you
  • Width and height now show for flash posts
  • Added reverse image search link
  • The post/delete page looks nicer, has a thumbnail preview of the parent, and has an option to not transfer favorites to the parent on deletion
  • Fixed garbage sometimes appearing under flagged images in the post index
  • Forum posts are no longer marked as read when you're only viewing a single post
  • You can now append ?noread to the end of a forum post URL to prevent it being marked as read
  • Moved alias and implication approval to a new job system which should be faster and more reliable than before
  • Minor changes to 'results per page' setting, including rewording the description to correctly say the maximum is 150, not 320
  • Fixed some bugs with Cloudflare and IP address tracking

commit: 7bd4b54

Updated by anonymous

August 15, 2014

More missed stuff:

  • Got rid of the big ugly "before commenting..." notice when commenting
  • Cleaned up the links next to the submit button for comments, blips, etc.
  • Added a bit of padding between individual stats underneath thumbnails
  • Fixed the created/status columns on the ticket index being swapped around

commit: c607873

Updated by anonymous

September 1, 2014

First off: we're trying out a new method of changing tag types. Previously, to change an existing tag's type you prepended a type to it, such as species:lemur. However, that occasionally led to tag types being changed inadvertently. For example, you upload a post by the artist "outdoors" and tag it artist:outdoors, changing outdoors to the artist type when outdoors_(artist) was the proper tag to use. Now, changing a tag's type will instead append a suffix if the tag already exists. In this case, adding artist:outdoors will leave the outdoors tag as a general tag and add (or create) artist:outdoors_(artist). This does not happen for tags that don't exist yet.

Now, to change a tag's type, you can visit the tag index, search for the tag, click edit, and change the type from there. Standard post-count rules apply, i.e. members can only change the types of tags with 100 or fewer posts.

Now on to the rest of the changelog:

New features:

  • e621 now has rudimentary .webm upload capability! (was applied a few days ago)
  • Comments can now be edited for five minutes after they are created, if you need to fix typos. This will also apply to blips soon
  • The moderation queue now shows image dimensions and file size next to each post
  • The dropdown to select which pool to add a post to now ignores quotes, parentheses, lowercase letters, etc. when sorting
  • View counts on posts now have a thousands separator for easier reading
  • Aliases and implications now have a link back to the forum post they were suggested in. A new filter and sort order were added to the alias and implication indexes for forum post links as well


  • Removed the ability to view a user's blacklist by going through user/index.xml (or json)
  • Fixed post links in FFD/deletion notices not converting post links with weird capitalization (like POst #123)
  • Users with non-html-safe characters in their name (like double quotes) can now be blacklisted properly
  • Fixed tag scripts not working (was applied a few days ago)
  • Fixed dashes being removed from the middle of tags (was applied a few days ago)
  • The tag index now shows a link to each tag's wiki page and if it exists or not (was applied a few days ago)

commit: d8e2768

Updated by anonymous

September 3, 2014

New features:

  • Blip overhaul:
    • Blips may now be edited for five minutes after creation, just like comments
    • Searching is now integrated into the index
    • Blips look a bit nicer now (no second, solid-background div around them)
    • Minor changes to the subnav bar and HTML to be more consistent
  • Flash thumbnails now say 'Flash' instead of 'Download' (may take a bit for the old cached image to expire)
  • WebM thumbnails now say 'Video' instead of 'Download'
  • Added a temporary mobile detection test page (more information here
  • Renamed 'IRC' in the navbar to 'Chat'


  • Fixed FFD history pages showing '#' for all usernames
  • Fixed WebM posts not playing in Firefox (not that we have any yet anyway)
  • Fixed empty dtext tags (like \) not being parsed
  • Fixed dtext colors not showing up in lists (like this)

commit: 393ba20

Updated by anonymous

October 3, 2014

  • Swapped the tags and sources fields in the post upload form so they're in the same order as the post edit form
  • Fixed wiki diff (version comparison) pages, and changed the red and green colors to something a bit easier on the eyes

commit: 89a87bc

Updated by anonymous

October 21, 2014

  • Inline DText can now be used in flag and deletion reasons
  • New DText tags: \[o][o]overline[/o]\[/o], \underline\, \subscript\, and \superscript\
  • Fixed the wiki sidebar search bar not working
  • Fixed tags with apostrophes and such breaking links in alias/implication suggestion topics
  • "Flags" link on user profiles is now visible to everyone
  • Added "Approvals" link to janitor profiles
  • Hopefully fixed username histories being out of order sometimes
  • Added a bit more padding above the leaves in the autumn theme since they were sometimes behind stuff and looking ugly

commit: e79f829

Updated by anonymous

October 29, 2014

  • The new 'flag reason' system is now enabled. Instead of being able to type in any reason when flagging a post, you must now select from a list of predefined reasons.

Updated by anonymous