@FeuerSeife: owo
The lions are taking notes, clearly.
Lab Notes: Failing to make Pyrimethamine in 2-steps
"We could all use a little Air. Life is better with Air."
Local Furry attempts to recreate The Great Escape by escaping a zoo.
Starring Steve McQueen doing a drive-by in a van.
Wanna complain further? Go visit Cancun, Mexico. High Humidity is the norm there.
@Doomguy666: Got eight bins of comic books. It's mostly X-Men. Everything between Ren and Stimpy to Spawn. Some Captain Harlock comics. This Batman one creeped me out
@Doomguy666: Toys we had as kids are rare now mostly because people didn't think to take care of them. My older brothers didn't think to keep GI Joe figures. They attached m80s to them or shot them with BBs. They were basically like Sid from Toy Story.
@vex714: my favorite manga was jing king of bandits.
I also have every issue of the Twilight princess manga that's still being written.
@vex714: I just think it's funny toys I got as a kid are rare now.
I do love me some cartoon and game merch, now I mostly collect and this my come as a surprise knives.
It's 27 degrees here and I'm dying. How do people survive in places that are just hot all the time?
@ParaleeZone: 'Hey, at least I'm not banned, right?'
Blacksad: Under the Skin Teaser Trailer
That Champies Ad.
@Kemonophonic: The only manga I got is Akira. Kinda want to read Golden Kamuy. I got various Xmen, Deadpool, Spawn comics. I'm sort of an anime collector myself, but out where I live, it's a dry bed. So if I wanted something it's through online purchases.
@Doomguy666: Never too old to collect things that resonate a special kind of feeling. Me? I'm glad I got PVC figures of Toko Fukawa and Komaru Naegi. I got some good rare games too like Einhander and Valkyrie Profile. Though my fav was Need for speed 4.
@vex714: yeah I have no idea how many there are now.
talking here apparently I have some cool stuff, haunting grounds, lego jango fett figure, old pokemon cards. my old toys being collectable makes me feel old.
@Doomguy666: lucky guy, all I got is a gold Poliwhorl and Pikachu among the other regular cards. Heck, I remember when it was 150 pokemon (memorized most). Now there's hundreds.
I used to have Yu-Gi-Oh cards and the original blue eyes white dragon.
@vex714: I still have those, and my holo charzard card, and the mew card from the movie. Plus all my other Pokemon cards.
@Kemonophonic: I used to watch sailor moon when I was a kid, I don't remember anything though.
@vex714: outlaw star was the first one I really got into, space and guns and aisha were all a fun time.
@Kemonophonic: I specifically remember Burger King selling "Gold Pokémon" cards when the first Pokémon movie came out.
Reminiscing about this stuff makes me want to watch some of these again.
@Kemonophonic: Ah Evangelion, now that was a trip. Course I was in, I want to say sixth (2006) grade when I saw it. I only saw the oirongal series. I was really big on the 2003 FMA that I refused to like Brotherhood. I Gave FMA:B a chance and I liked it.
Will somebody please cue that boid?
To this day, I can still recite the Samurai Pizza Cat Fan Club Oath~!
@Kemonophonic: Got Sailor Moon on VHS. Interestingly there was a Sailor Moon style done on Joker and morgana from P5
Toonami was where it was at. Big O, Outlaw Star, and many more.
laranja said:
Just a question, a dildo must be tagged as explicit, even if its sitting on the corner of the screen doing nothing, right?
Yep. The cover for Totally Just Good Friends is a good example of this
Just a question, a dildo must be tagged as explicit, even if its sitting on the corner of the screen doing nothing, right?
@Kemonophonic: I never got interested in going until I played Persona.
I started liking anime since late elementary. My first anime was Green Legend Ran on VHS (obscure post apocalyptic), second was Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust, then Funi DBZ on Toonami.
@Kemonophonic: I had the same opportunity too. Never took it up though. We did have a lively foreign exchange student from Japan. Said the best part about our school is dressing casually. Learned A tiny bit of English and Spanish from my group of friends.
Been biking for weeks, I figure going for runs/sprints wouldn't leave my body too achy.
@Doomguy666: if I could go to a place I'd either go Norway(Bergen, Alesund), Japan, or France.
Oh Annie Leonhart. She kicked everyone's ass.
@IguanasAreCool: Iguanas are Cool and so are You, just thought i'd brighten your day a little
@vex714: if I traveled it'd probably be France or Switzerland.
I liked the female titan she seemed the smartest, in either case Levi grievously injured both of them.
I'm OK with YCH if the image is unique and wont be reused. But if the YCH is reused, that's scummy. It is max scum if recycling a old image that someone commissioned.
@NotMeNotYou: same
Me whenever I see a Mulcens_Instrumentum blip
@BooruHitomi: I've been seeing it in the news too. Serious stuff. Though it doesn't shock me. I didn't know about him till today. Etika should have stayed in an institution longer. There were many signs that showed he seriously needed some help.
Idk for sure, but I think @weirdoslam might be in support of lgbtq+. Just a hunch
@AdiCordo: Aw, shit, man. I loved that guy
@AdiCordo: My God, just reading about his death everywhere... It's hard to bear it all.
To everyone reading this, suicide and mental health are not to be ignored. Please talk to someone.
Remember that time when you tried to be nice to someone, but everybody else then collectively flipped their shit at you because we can't have nice things?
Yeah, that time.
@AdiCordo: Just saw the news. I still can't believe it
@Doomguy666: moved to china, that's pretty neat. I always would have liked to travel abroad. See the the country side.
I had a feeling AOT was going to be popular since day one. My favorite Titan so far is the beast Titan. He likes baseball.
@vex714: that was like a really long time ago, my brother got married and moved to China since then. That account is dead. I've been really enjoying this season of attack on titan.
@eduymario: hellooo
F***, man. Rest in peace, Etika.
@Doomguy666: That works. I think it can be shared on up to four devices(PS4 works). Netflix was also where I first saw Spice and Wolf. I watched Attack On Titan on there when I missed out on a few episodes. I currently keep up with it on Toonami.
@Da_Black_Guy: Hi there, thanks for the faves. <3
@vex714: I'm gonna have to try that at some point, there's a few shows I want to watch.
I first saw spice and wolf there with my brothers account.
@Versperus: I'm usually sarcastic, but I'm as serious as an employee on his way to a performance review by a CEO. Well done for the effort the site made to find a change to the tags.
Gonna look different not seeing the old tags that I'm used to.
@vex714: I can't tell if you're being sarcastic
@Versperus: Oh. I. C.
Dgirl and Cboy still get the new results. Well done. I guess this is the first site to change the tag unlike r34 and Gelbooru. Gelbooru just uses futanari.
vex714 said:
Out of simplicity, can gyno be implicated to gynomorph and andro to andromorph?Because lazy.
you can still tag the old tags to get the new results
Out of simplicity, can gyno be implicated to gynomorph and andro to andromorph?
Because lazy.
@Pink_Hat: looking like it is gonna be gynomorph and andromorph now. At least dickgirl is aliased to gyno, that way I just tag dgirl instead of typing up gynomorph.
The fuck happened to the dickgirl tag?
@Doomguy666: You can probably get a free trial from Netflix if you haven't gotten it before. Then you can binge watch and cancel.
Castlevania was a good adaptation of a video game. Netflix did good there, but did an injustice to Death Note.
@weirdoslam: hey I also defent trans and am proud, can I also spam the whole blip page?
@Doomguy666: A little slow paced in the beginning of the first season, but towards the end of it, it gets really good. Season 2 was really good, especially the ending fights. They played Bloody Tears during one of the final fights. Highly recommend it.
@vex714: was castlevaina any good? I want to watch it but I don't have Netflix.
I hear the zim movie will be on there, I'll have to get a subscription then.
@biyamuu: trans furries forever 💖
@trans~pepsi: thank u for being trans and proud here. soildiary forever
@emilysylveon: thank u for being trans and proud on this site. it rlly means a lot to me ;w; 💖