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@Avalanch1: Some smut site yet you're still alting to get back in


@Avalanch1: If you honestly consider an upvote or comment from someone on some smut site an ego booster, than that is really pathetic. But what ever it takes to make you feel special XD.

@Avalanch1: Don’t worry Ava the comments you have posted are not creepy, especially in a place like this. Funny someone would even consider them as such.

In response to blip #94692

@Avalanch1: Imagery is allowed because people can blacklist images which make them uncomfortable, but not comments. Sure, the comment threshold can be adjusted, but that does not always block creepy comments.

In response to blip #94691

@Avalanch1: The rules explicitly prohibit “initiating or partaking in explicit role-play of any type” as well as “Initiating or partaking in role-play with characters in the related thread/post.” Role-play doesn’t have to be with another user.

@Avalanch1: Also it’s on an image of two anthropomorphic creatures in post anal with everything gaping and a mess, I don’t think that is to creepy of a response, especially considering some imagery that gets allowed to be posted on here.

In response to blip #94659

@Doomguy666: It's that big-ass Bastion set they made. I may not really ever play the game anymore, but I do love Bastion. And I did very specifically say that if they made a big Bastion model that transformed, I'd get it. Had to honour my promise

In response to blip #94534

@Rattw: @Mairo: It is an impressive job of cleaning up spam and working hard you do to make the art here the best for us to enjoy. I was disappointed that a decent animation got cleaned up and I wondered why. Sorry for the abrasive way I brought it up. :(

Heard loud gunshots last night. No screaming though. Huh...

I'm leaning to the fact, and hoping that that’s coming from the Army base where late night training is occurring.

In response to blip #94650

@Ipsi: Mostly it's was agitating, as sometimes the only reason a post didn't have an artist tag, it's due to the fact a user changed the artist tag type to general or character. It's why I'm happy metatags aren't member level anymore.

Does anyone esle click on the random button, and like what you see so much you leave a comment? Even though a image is years old?