While it sucks when your team loses, and loses badly, it can be oddly fun to watch when such a surgical dismemberment by LAFC
While it sucks when your team loses, and loses badly, it can be oddly fun to watch when such a surgical dismemberment by LAFC
@French_Fried: Lulu, sweet thing...
See ya next Saturday!
@French_Fried: laters.
Alright, mortals. I’ll be gone for another week. Don’t let Lulu in the cookie jar
anonymouslurker99 said:
She disagreed with e621’s tagging rules.
Ok. Totally understandable coming from her.
@Grodrigues: thanks for the fave
@kamimatsu: I actually had the joke loaded up that you could carry your meds in a bindle.
But for gods sake man, do you live in the house of a 1000 corpses?
@KRC3 I mean, I appreciate the apology, but your record will still stay until it naturally degrades.
@KRC3 ???
@Doomguy666: medical dependency and corrupt authorities here. and the only train in or out is a MS13 hideout. not as dangerous as the authorities but it's not the severity, but the certainty
@Doomguy666: Really cool set you got! I only got the Boba fig (somewhere). Missing the small ship and Han Solo.
Honestly wish Lego made Republic Commando sets, I'd buy them in a heartbeat.
@vex714: ah I don't have that ship. I do have a boba fig with a lil carbonite Han solo.
Top 10 Times Anime Villains Saved The Day (ft. Todd Haberkorn)
Jesse and James make better heroes...
Had this knee injury healing. It hasn't felt right for a year. The running helped. Still didn't feel 100%. So then I take a hike up some hilly chaparrals and I feel better now more than ever before. Probably as good as when I was in H. School!
@ImpidiDinkaDoo: I'm sorry for deleting everything.
@Doomguy666: It's the 75060.
An impressive craft for sure.
I got a few sets. Some S. Wars and random 90's sets that I'm looking on finishing thanks to some help from Pink_Hat.
@vex714: the big one?
I have this one, I don't know if it's the big one or not.
@Doomguy666: Those cases were built like tanks. Used to be my lunchbox in like the 1st or 2nd grade.
Pink_Hats got "THE" big Slave 1 and also the tiny original.
@Chameloshi: considering how much damage it caused to thanos throughout the movies it's probably as OP as the user.
If you could put it on you might be able to pull a rabbit out of a hat before you die.
@Pink_Hat: I have that, did you get the slave 1 with it?
@vex714: I think I have that exact same case somewhere too.
@vex714: any set of weapons and armor that is powerful but not OP, because the Infinity Gauntlet is so overpowered that it'll take the fun out of adventuring matter who or what uses it
@Chameloshi: aye, but what would you put in that is higher value than the Gauntlet?
As for hiding stuff, I'd suggest Tenpenny Tower.
I'm the kind of person who would reverse pickpocket the Infinity Gauntlet off of Thanos and then either dismantle it, sell it to a random vendor, or stash it in a trunk at my base to never see the light of day again like all my other unique stuff
@FAYNALYTALE: just go to any image and find the "Set as avatar" and click it.
Did you just become a mod here? If so, welcome!
But Why Master said:
ok but is Lithier pronounce "Lithy-er" or "Lith-ear"
"Lithy-er," similar to how one pronounces "Lithium."
@FAYNALYTALE: were i can post somthing or set my avatar/donde puedo postear algo o cambiar mi avatar
@Pink_Hat: Sweet. I remember I got the Boba Fett mini fig. The bad part is that it is in a red case like this one and is stored somewhere in the storage shed. :/
Today on awesome new stuff in my Lego collection; classic Jango.
...and the rest of the set of course, but this minifig is what makes the set something special
@Xion: oh no, it's mystery girl from 358/2 days
@The_Shinx: eyes emoji
Furballs/Fur Fighters DC/PC texture count.
final_l1.ldc: 352
final_l1.lpc: 272
The Dreamcast version has more textures then PC, thinking PS2 version as well.
Some interesting unused ones in unusual places, too.
I’ll surprise y’all.
Chaser said:
@Denix:You mean like FA's tagging system of?: dog, lmao, i, am, putting, subtext, in, the, keywords, instead, of, description, because, im, funny
you forgot the most important tag
You mean like FA's tagging system of?: dog, lmao, i, am, putting, subtext, in, the, keywords, instead, of, description, because, im, funny
Mudkiplover said:
Just curious, has whygena publicly stated why she made her stuff dnp here?
She disagreed with e621’s tagging rules.
*Liiiiggghhht bulb!*
Got another song idea.
Please Stand-by. :3
Man, TWYS sucks!
I really hope they get rid of the system that actually works.
Yelloweye said:
@H2O2: almost seen you on everything I like
Ah you must have excellent tastes then x3
@French_Fried: wow you've heard of Eluveitie before?
I'm gonna see them in October, super excited.
Gunter04 said:
So apparently when people see a “floofy” dog, they assume it’s a Pomeranian and tag it right off the bat. Even though they really aren’t. Less of them who tag it accurately actually know what breed a Pomeranian IS.
@TheAmericanDragon: don’t worry my dude, we’ve gone down before, we’ll get back up again
@Doomguy666: Eluveitie is the shit, my dude. Probably my favorite metal band of today
@vex714: yeah that’s crazy, god I don’t like seeing my birth state going down
@TheAmericanDragon: 7.1 magnitude quake near Ridgecrest.
@TheAmericanDragon: another one striking S. California again.
I felt that again, a little quake when I came out from work
Mulcens Instrumentum said:
Topic this thread is more likely to sexually assault someone you assault someone you assault rifle in a way stalin.
Sooooo cute! <3
Fox= "They're considered dogs running on cat software after all"
@kamimatsu: I think it's about time you declare independence all over their asses.
Or become a hobo and ride the rails. you know just hobo across america.
@NotMeNotYou: you got me with that, I cannot argue facts. The point is though $30 for water is ridiculous.
aaand looking at the previous blip I saw it's $30 for bath water. what?
@laptop: lmao love the username
stable horse fucker said:
@Likeablewolf1991: hey
Hey! Sorry, still figuring out this website lol
I'm gonna remember every July 4th from now on as the day I was told by my own family that I'm not alive.
@_UNKN0WN4N0N_: thanks for uploading post #1896053 . I noticed you added tags unkn0wn4n0n_artist and artist_unkn0wn4n0n , so I assume you are the artist of that artwork. Have added artist tag unkn0wn4n0n.
Is Nuclear Power Actually Dangerous? | Because Science Footnotes
Gold play button get! :3
@SimAndJulia: Thanks for uploading post #1895757 & post #1894498 . I noticed you didn't include artist tag with either. Do you know the name of the artist? If you are the artist please tag with your artist name (simandjulia ? sim_and_julia ? other?)
@noodledapoodle: Do you have somewhere where I can follow you ? I love your animation !
Topic this thread is more likely to sexually assault someone you assault someone you assault rifle in a way stalin.
There's an unopened bottle of liquid raspberry flavoring sitting on a shelf above our kitchen sink and it's been there for at least ten years