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@The_Real_Slimshod: I apologize about coming off as so butthurt from seeing that vore comic. I don't usually mind vore, but I tend to get vocal about some stuff. And I couldn't resist saying something then. My bad on that.

@Millcore: I see I got a neutral tag and blacklist offer from you. I apologize about coming off as butthurt over some vore. Honestly I don't mind seeing vore most of the time. I do not wish to make trouble or make problems for my account here.

GTA: Hexagon City (reference to the e621 Hex pattern.)

@TheHuskyK9: O.G.Husk(y)


@vex714: O.G.Vex

@Doomguy666: O.G.Doom

@Syderen: 3×O.G.Syderen

(My apprentice, God rest his soul: O.G.J-Money)

In response to blip #95858

@W0LFB3AT5: O.G. WOLFB3T5 be blasting them mixtapes and O.G.Husky be spewing some fire of his own too.

Being from a previous era, I'll be blasting some jazz (when I'm not using the Chicago typewriter.) But I can still drop some modern beats.

In response to blip #95860

@Odisaodi: yeah, neither do I. I use win 8 not 8.1.

I'm assuming it's all versions.

What does end of support mean?
When Windows 7 reaches end of support on January 14, 2020, your computer will still function...

In response to blip #95828

@vex714: they respond by calling me a bloody hun wanker.

*I whack them with my club*
You don't f* with the mighty Count Syderen!

*the other fool runs for his life while Smiley follows in pursuit*

I honestly didn't know they were coming out with a sequel to the Shining, staring Ewan McGregor. Also coming soon is a Joker movie starring Joaquin Phoenix.

So, i didn't expect this, but thank uuu !!! <3

TIL the Matoran alphabet also has symbols for Æ, Ø and Å. And they've already stuck to my memory, which is nice. Now I can use it for my native tongue too.

Saw an NHK World news feature on the Telenoid "Life With Robots" and its use for the elderly with dementia

I thought to myself, there's no way in hell that people can get over the Uncanny Valley

To my surprise, it can work. Harp Seal Bots work too

@ZW3RN4: Your art is lovely! Do you happen to have a ko-fi or patreon? I'd love to support your work or commission you in the future!

In response to blip #95785

@vex714: I have almost all the Slave I sets, actually. And my dad gave me some birthday money, so I just ordered the new one. Figured I might as well just go for a complete set at this point. Just the 2006 one left now, but that's pretty easy to find