@SkyNaya: I eat ass
@SkyNaya: I eat ass
@Doomguy666: huh, didn't know you could do that with a psp. No matter how old I get I find something new about older consoles. The game I wish I could play was the psp version of Persona 3. Ps2 version ok but needs an add on disc or something for it.
furballs dc said:
post #1681724:V
Cock a doodle do motherfuckers!
@vex714: I found a great many new bands to listen to from my psp internet radio, specifically the goth and metal station.
That and Dissidia was pretty much all I do with the thing.
@Kemonophonic: Glad you enjoyed! (^ω^)
Love finding non-mainstream artists that are good.
@Kemonophonic: You know a wide range of artists for sure. It's always nice stuff. I keep a text doc of songs I like. I get most of my music from various media. Like the Adult Swim Bumps featuring Noble Oak
@Aster_Viridian: Nope, never heard it, but man those hard beats sound nice. I was thinking if you've ever heard of Powerglove? They did Far Cry: Blood Dragon. They actually released an album this year.
@vex714: Did you ever listen to WoodenToaster? If you haven't heard Energy Sway it's pretty good.
Yikes. The Google page says
People also search for
Artists like Ken Ashcorp
Nostalgia kick man.
@vex714: Hmm, I'll have to look at them too when I get decent internet...
Speaking of Newgrounds, I enjoy listening to a few of the songs from Geometry Dash and a couple of the artists are on there, as well as YouTube.
@Syderen: like it says in the book Syderen, we are blessed and cursed
I'll keep up.
You know me, cool as a Shaolin monk!
@SolarChroniclesXII: I'm bored. :P Months pass by, still just favoriting images.
@Aster_Viridian: Hey hey, album's pretty good. Feels nostalgic for some reason. Reminds me of when I used to go through songs on Newgrounds by artists like Psybot, Chronamut, Redse7en, and a few others I can scarce remember.
All we had to do was follow the damn train Vex!
@Aster_Viridian: all I remember was the music from some animations Makoto and Rudolphs Revenge. I think mittsies did Rd's Revenge. I haven't heard other music, but I'll check it out if it's nice nightdrive stuff.
Mulcens Instrumentum said:
Mittsies. Man that takes me back to 2013. By the way, does anyone else like his music for it's own merits? Some of them are quite good for night-driving, etc.
@Mulcens_Instrumentum: yeah mittsies animations are ok, some conditional DNP and stuff.
A horse of course
Revealed and can show up with an artist is the course mittsies and luck getting the coworker he doesn't seem to how this thing i.
@Midnight_the_Umbreon: software upgrades and maintenance issues and such that was about five hours ago.
Midnight the Umbreon said:
I'm just annoyed. I was gonna talk to a friend on thereOof
3 hours later it’s still down lmao
Made in Abyss the Movie: Dawn of the Deep Soul coming in January 2020.
W0LFB3AT5 said:
@Midnight_the_Umbreon:And that’s news how exactly?
I'm just annoyed. I was gonna talk to a friend on there
And that’s news how exactly?
@Liquidmech: b r e a t h e s
@Silver_Spoon: you are my friend
@onlyothergirlone621: you are friend, hello
F in the chat
@Midnight_the_Umbreon: oh wow, furaffinity is down again
@Doomguy666: Probably best that you had kept going if there was nothing much you could see. These days you don't know what you'll encounter on the road. Someone hitting a deer or a Forensic Files murder case.
@vex714: I leave for work before the sun's up and I going like 70mph so I didn't get much of a look. There was a car parked a few feet away but I didn't see if it was damaged.
@BooruHitomi has kinda taken over the howto:sites_and_sources and it's constantly looking better and better ;_;
Should maybe start fact checking and simplifying some parts so it's not as intiminating but still, beauty.
@Samael_Morningstar: Howdy howdy!
If a large part of the ten foot stretch was pooled evenly and not spattered, then it's probably nothing. Not enough blood in the body. No crash and odd texture or color give it away.
I'd hope it's nothing, but I'd check the news later.
Oh my damn. On my way into work this morning there was like ten feet of highway that was just covered in blood.
Either that or a paint truck carrying exclusively red paint tipped over.
@CCoyote: 15 minutes of fame and memes. I also think people on the net want to see someone dumb enough to try it. They want to see who is desperate to take on such a ridiculous task. In a darker tone, I'd think a small few want to see someone get shot at.
Some say justice is best served cold,
If it were severed warm it would be
Good morning, good morning!
@BlackLicorice: That one has some cute songs, like Shooting Star, but I hate Good Time. I also like many of the tracks from All Things Bright and Beautiful. One of my favorites is his Tokyo EP, which he did with Sekai no Owari. Know that one?
johnwolf109 said:
@johnwolf109: hello im artist
If you are an artist, where is your art found?
Aster Viridian said:
@BlackLicorice: 21p along with Owl City on my list of artists I love that many find cringy.
OMG I FUCKING LOVE OWL CITY!!!! midsummer station was my fav album XD
@johnwolf109: hello im artist
post #849048
I remember going by on I-15 there was a place that sold invisible Alien Jerky.
Area 51 raid is spreading like wildfire.
This is like an alien hunters dream...
@Kemonophonic: @Doomguy666: Flee, flee from getsuyoubi.
Or breaks...
Saw a person in a Prius C with a Brazzers framed license plate and a big sticker that says "it feels good to be a gangsta". Gave me a little laugh and made my day.
Every Monday it rains and knocks out my satellite connection while I'm trying to watch cartoons and only Monday.
I'm not Garfield but Monday is starting bug me.
@Pupslut: gratz
@Pupslut: Gratz on privileged!
@Kemonophonic: Speaking of music, I remember you said you wanted to get music out of a cassette. I've seen tech out there that could get the audio out. PC USB Cassette thing. Just gotta be careful because anything can go wrong and that's your only copy.
@Kemonophonic: Brothers would be surprised if they could hear some JFK coming from a player. Come to think of it, my grandpa had this desk sized monstrocity that was a media player. Could try it one day... if it even works. I mean we're talking 70's here.
@Pupslut: nerd
@Kemonophonic: Cool stuff. All I got is JFK's speech and whatever genre of music Amadeus is. Never listened to them because I don't own a player. Lady at a sale gave em to me for $1. If there was vinyl I could own it would be FO:3, FO:NV, and Bioshock.
Bookmarking e621 pages is superior to favoriting them because you can also bookmark tag searches
@Siral_Exan: hey, who let me back in here?
@Doomguy666: Checking my spam mail. My latest one, a parcel containing an ATM Master Card valued $10.5 million. They needed a copy of my license. Whatever they can do to screw people.
Annoyed when I get calls from local numbers that end up being bots.
@Mairo: I can notice it on Johannes face more than anyone else's. Lowered the brightness a little, looks way better, not all washed out. Still pretty fun. I hear folks on Switch got it pretty rough. Frame rate troubles and what not. Can't wait for P5:R.
A while back I took an online IQ test out of curiosity and they said I could join the smart people club, which as far as I could tell involved me sending them lots of money. The fuck out of here with that nonsense.
@vex714: dialogue parts are capped at sub-1080p.
Like, literally unplayable.
@furballs_dc: Also there were attempts by Gizor Dellso (Geonosian) to reactivate the CIS Droids in the original Battelfront 2 during the Rise of the Empire. Not sure if that's even canon, but that's what happened when you played the campaign mode.
@furballs_dc: That's pretty interesting. Didn't know of the Vong. I was recently playing Jedi Power Battles and there are droids you never see in other media. The Grapple Droid would eventually be replaced by the B2. Then there was the T4 Turret Droid.
Bloodstained: Ritual Of The Night is actually pretty good. The ship scenes were kinda rough, but it gets better. Plays pretty much similar to SOTN. VA is so-so, but David Hayter makes up for it. Go for the Bunnymorphosis shard. Dat damage output.
Rotom fangirl no2 here! :)