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In response to blip #96855


There's nothing to be sorry for. If people want to be this pressed about a comic that commits the apparently serious crime of saying Lucario sucks, that's on them.

The sentiment is appreciated, tho. Thanks.

woooo 1000 favorites! crazy to think of all the awesome butts people have drawn :)

In response to blip #96903

@vex714: yep, (we also try to take good care of the environment so dead foliage is minimal.) When a wild fire stars on its own, we're all over it like a blitzkrieg.

We got with that fire though, showed them flames whose gangsta, Fire Brigade!

In response to blip #96899

@Syderen: you guys must actually do control burns or create defense space. Here it's hilly chaparrals. Issue is -Private Property-. Some got lots of property but do they maintain it? Nah. State can't do anything unless they get permission from owners.

@BeeGeeFrix: Hi, everybody! I'm a vixen that likes object shows. I'm not always active here, because I'm not supposed to be here. Have a nice day! UwU

In response to blip #96887

@vex714: It's pretty fun. @hiekkapillu is in my list. I had never looked at their favorites before and I had no idea they have such good taste haha :V

Of course, I don't like some things at all, but that's to be expected.