In response to blip #98593
CaveStory said:
@LurkingLupinoydI did some research and he died after he was arrested.
Ah, thanks! That's that then.
CaveStory said:
@LurkingLupinoydI did some research and he died after he was arrested.
Ah, thanks! That's that then.
@Chaser: you can call me Caligula ( which means little soldier boots ) all I ever wore since I was little was boots. Now I work in a factory and get a nice selection of free steel toe boots that are actually in my size.
Size 7, the name is still apt!
Socks, shoes, or any type of footwear are horrible. My feet do not like to be imprisoned.
> (older) male
Same here, I'm over 40 :-/
/me goes back to nursing home
@TheHuskyK9: oh yeah, I 'member
Kemonophonic said:
@French_Fried: My bass came in today.
It’s SLAPPING time!
Huh, didn't even notice that I passed 180,000 tag edits. Remember when we were all racing to see who got the most? Good times
@Fenrick: post #2076388
Where i couldnt draw a picture of pony in the hack him get a box on top of that tumblr.
P enis said:
I know..... but it was in a copypasta so I technically didn't write it
I apologize if I offended anyone
kahen kilon vittu said:
@P_enis: I don't know how to tell this to you, but using racial slurs is racist thing to do.
I know..... but it was in a copypasta so I technically didn't write it
Hard Question:
What’s your favorite post out of all your favorites?
vex714 said:
@Siral_Exan: saucenao wasn't working when e6 wasn't loading images. Now that works too. Odd.
Yea, now it's working.
furballs dc said:
Image loading seems broken, slow for page loading, too.
And it's working again. =^-^=
@Siral_Exan: saucenao wasn't working when e6 wasn't loading images. Now that works too. Odd.
vex714 said:
@furballs_dc: I can confirm.Edit: looks ok now. Probably a hiccup.
Not fixed on my end, yet.
@furballs_dc: I can confirm.
Edit: looks ok now. Probably a hiccup.
Image loading seems broken, slow for page loading, too.
pot pie without a bottom crust is just soup with a hat
Cactus said:
it is impossible to vibe check a melon as they are always vibing
Gallagher sure seems to think so.
@CuauhtemocI5MAL: oh i know this one!! I was a text image :/
@tobiasnana: :v
@Lafcadio: now you got me favoring some gold
@uoykcuf: THanx for the favs!)))
super8horns said:
@CheK: Hello t ! 8horns Can I repost your Dot warner webms to my Dot flood gallery ?
Yes u can
@Cactus: that's cuz melons 'r dum.
@Watsit: you explain to me well why you have denounced me in a publication? :(
Cactus said:
it is impossible to vibe check a melon as they are always vibing
what's wrong with youre eyes
it is impossible to vibe check a melon as they are always vibing
CuauhtemocI5MAL said:
What was the first picture which has been posted on this site?
i dislike both human children and animal children
actually i just dislike animals in general. the adult animals are as bad as human kids: smelly, unintelligent, always in the way, etc.
French Fried said:
Is it common for a girl to resent a guy when he asks her out?
not unless he was rejected before or creepy/awkward.
@French_Fried: Can't blame a guy for trying tbh. I think it takes some guts.
post #2075648 thumb #2075648
post #0000001 thumb #0000001
post #0000000 thumb #0000000
@NotMeNotYou, What was the first picture which has been posted on this site?
I didn't think photos were... wait a minute. :O
Is it common for a girl to resent a guy when he asks her out?
@Rhyasa: I think they got floored :/
@Wanda_Is_Sexy_OP: They don't really take care of that stuff currently, need any help? [dmail please]
@Ratte: hi I sent you a note on fa is I don’t know who to on here hope you can check it out
If pedophilia is attraction to children, does that make me a pedophobe? 🤔
Does that only apply to human children because I will protect smol animal babs, but couldn't care less about human child tho.
@Chaser: I had a good laugh reading your page, haven't had a good laugh in a while, thank you for indirectly providing me a good laugh sir.
kahen kilon vittu said:
Suggestion: auto-ban every e621 user with a roblox account for being underaged.
yeah how about no, lmao
@P_enis: I don't know how to tell this to you, but using racial slurs is racist thing to do.
KynikossDragonn said:
@Denix: but you want to alive!!!!!!!
Wow and slandered
furballs dc said:
Longer range. :3
ok boomer
P enis said:
Wait who is making these fake ass rumors about me???????
I think they said I was "racist" because I said the n word as a joke
Wait who is making these fake ass rumors about me???????
@Denix: but you want to alive!!!!!!!
Denix said:
you're a dragon, why do you need missiles lol
Longer range. :3
Odisaodi said:
@Denix: Can I cast magic missile yet?
you're a dragon, why do you need missiles lol
KynikossDragonn said:
rep0rted for spem
@Denix: Can I cast magic missile yet?
Odisaodi said:
@sulcata_lord: Nice profile.... definitely doesn't look like a personal attack....
He didn't roll dice so no damage was taken, advance 4 spaces
Hello all! W is not UU. Cya!
@Rad_Lad: 38
One of the most entertaining things about writing comments on e621 is using Grammarly and seeing the emotion-detection emoji change as you edit tags imo
I want to go to a fur con just to see fursuits ;_;
@kamimatsu: I hope you don't give up on me, or the rest of your friends here!
pbadkitty said:
Hi, sorry. Did you need something?
TinyDevilHorns said:
@TinyDevilHorns: I finally made a fur affinity page! Check it out if you want to see my deleted art!
Added to my watch list. :)
I'll admit the comments i left are pretty freaking stupid
furballs dc said:
More are having sprites in main ram, and not just vram then I first thought.
Rocket Knight Adventures, Phantasy Star 2-4...
@sulcata_lord: "Heh. Nothing personal, kid."
But seriously people have a real bad hit me and I hit you back attitude here and it doesn't matter who hits first. Careful playing that game - you might get floored!
@kamimatsu: it depends on where you work, a bad job tends to make people bitter while a decent job has more people there because they want to be.
The hell do you work for?
real life job has had people turning on each other, resorting to forging evidence to get people fired to keep their own job. more than a few are pissed off at me for being related to someone they don't like, and for turning down sex. i give up on people