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In response to blip #105387

Oberschutze said:
Why exactly do you need to blacklist by domain instead of content?

I do not need to, it would simply allow removing many artist names from my blacklist;
blacklisting for content only works when uploaders bother to tag correctly :(

It is likely less of an issue with the new site, however,
as the character limit is likely done away with.

In response to blip #105366

@Sharp_Coyote: it's not that bad and usually only takes a few minutes. I just had the misfortune of purchasing the lower ( the only serialized part ) during a pandemic when everyone else was buying firearms at the same time. I think it just overloaded the system.

In response to blip #105377

savageorange said:
Nice posturing bro.

If you don't care about suffering you wouldn't be whining on here, eh.

I mean you could help with tags, sure, that would be basically putting off dealing with the problem that you yourself identified as a problem. An ok strategy but only in the short term.

My suffering is that I make shitty art and I can't give a fuck anymore. This website has broken my will and motivation to make art so now I don't care about anything and everything. Now please, go away and don't bother me again. Your help is not what I'm looking for, I'm looking for help from the people with actual knowledge of this site.

In response to blip #105372

Jakku_NoShi said:
Wow, so you can't be like others and simply say "you could help with tags or something" but instead write an entire paragraph about something that doesn't mean anything to me cuz I don't care.

Nice posturing bro.

If you don't care about suffering you wouldn't be whining on here, eh.

I mean you could help with tags, sure, that would be basically putting off dealing with the problem that you yourself identified as a problem. An ok strategy but only in the short term.

In response to blip #105362


As the CMR30 is based on the PMR30 pistol, in (most) US states it can hold 30 rounds of .22 WMR, and be a fairly short carbine rifle with a retractable stock; 22.7" OAL with a US-legal 16" barrel and (collapsed) retractable stock.

Not here; in Canada, as the CMR30 is based on a pistol frame (and not a centrefire rifle), it can legally hold up to 10 rounds (else it would be 5), yet can not be less than 26" OAL (barrel length irrelevant, so long as it is a factory barrel, so 16" USA for now) with a pinned stock, lest it be considered restricted, and treated as a pistol; the Canadian legal variant is 29.9" OAL.

Fucking laws, on both sides of the border ...

My milkshake brings all the healthy, and well-mannered professionals to the yard

And they're like, "Hey Bill, want to go try that new Cuban place for lunch? I'm feeling international today."

In response to blip #105362


Then again, our firearms laws are exclusively federal, and do not have to navigate a myriad of state laws as you likely do.

Cases in point: no tax stamp for SBR, SBS or AOW; if a firearm is 660mm (26") OAL with a factory barrel (sawed-off = you are going to jail), it is legally non-restricted, assuming not rimfire or centrefire semi-automatic.

All handguns are limited to 106mm barrels or longer, and a magazine capacity no more than 10.

Semi-automatic centrefire long-guns are limited to magazine capacities of 5 or less, and no less than 18.5" barrel length.

So I can have an 8.5" DA Grizzly 12ga pump shotgun (Google it) legally, yet a KelTec CMR30 can only hold 10, and must have a long barrel and pinned stock. Laws, go fig.

In response to blip #105360

Jakku_NoShi said:
What am I supposed to do?

When all else fails, you can simply .. suffer :)

(This is a seriously meant answer. Take your recently expressed attitude to motivation; I think that is incorrect in a way that poses significant danger to you, but I have no illusions that anyone can directly argue you out of it; if you are anything like the average person, you probably have a mild feeling of offense from me merely making this observation. Hence, what other option is there other than to suffer til you figure it out? )

It would also be perfectly useless to point out that you are consistently expressing an attitude of dependence on others opinions in order to progress in your own personal work, or at least to advocate any action based on that observation. That's what I think.

In response to blip #105361

Doomguy666 said:
@Sharp_Coyote: oh I bought those last year before everything went absurd. I just did the paper work electronically and my background check would go through in minutes.

Wow, a background check every time?
Way up here, we can get a possession and acquisition license that is good anywhere within the Socialist Republik of Kanuckistan, which requires renewal every 5 years (like our driver's licenses); no PAL or RPAL, no *bang*.

Twitch really needs to stop coming up with excuses as to why streamers don't get "Quality options".

You have a gigantic data-centre by now, I don't think it will break a sweat to atleast offer everybody equally a "360p" video option.

Especially when if any streamer stops and restarts their stream for any reason (any number of times even) the quality options suddenly appear with no rhyme or reason...

I have a question my manager said that if i want to isolate to minimize the risk of family members getting the virus from me (im living with my parents my dad has pretty bad asthma) that i would have to book it off as holiday is this even legal??? I live in the u.k btw, if anyone knows it would be a great help.

I've lost all motivation to find an art style or to make art.
Guess I'm going bavk to doing nothing. I can't even be motivated to write the rest of my book too.

On a positive note: I've noticed that my drawings have gone from being semi realistic to cartoony like.
The drawing I did last night looks more cartoonish than my others.

And I'm STILL waiting for my ar 15 lower and my benjamin bulldog trigger blade is in the process of getting titanium coated, I am now rifleless. Aaaaaaaa!

On a positive note I got final fantasy 7 remake so that'll be super fun.

In response to blip #105323

Jakku_NoShi said:
May have found my art style while making an NSFW sketch.
Not like anyone cares...

That could be because you act like a self-pitying midwit.

And frankly, I see few actually workable reasons to care about 'having a style'. Developing a style is the natural result of tons of work. Expecting to get one without a lot of work is expecting to produce some kind of generic cookie-cutter thing that only comes out consistent because it's so basic it's hard to mess up.

Just do the fucking work.

Anyone else here plays fallout 76? I know the game was a mess i preordered it but the wastelanders update is coming out soon i
wonder if it will go how no mans sky went?