In response to blip #105065
Fuck diaper furries fuck you pedophile furries! I hope all of you fuckers, especially the ones that reported me, die in a dumpster fire like you deserve! I'm fucking done with this site and it's sympathizer staff.
Fuck diaper furries fuck you pedophile furries! I hope all of you fuckers, especially the ones that reported me, die in a dumpster fire like you deserve! I'm fucking done with this site and it's sympathizer staff.
Fuck diaper furries fuck you pedophile furries! I hope all of you fuckers, especially the ones that reported me, die in a dumpster fire like you deserve! I'm fucking done with this site and it's sympathizer staff.
Fuck diaper furries fuck you pedophile furries! I hope all of you fuckers, especially the ones that reported me, die in a dumpster fire like you deserve! I'm fucking done with this site and it's sympathizer staff.
Fuck diaper furries fuck you pedophile furries! I hope all of you fuckers, especially the ones that reported me, die in a dumpster fire like you deserve! I'm fucking done with this site and it's sympathizer staff.
Fuck diaper furries fuck you pedophile furries! I hope all of you fuckers, especially the ones that reported me, die in a dumpster fire like you deserve! I'm fucking done with this site and it's sympathizer staff.
Fuck diaper furries fuck you pedophile furries! I hope all of you fuckers, especially the ones that reported me, die in a dumpster fire like you deserve! I'm fucking done with this site and it's sympathizer staff.
Fuck diaper furries fuck you pedophile furries! I hope all of you fuckers, especially the ones that reported me, die in a dumpster fire like you deserve! I'm fucking done with this site and it's sympathizer staff.
Fuck diaper furries fuck you pedophile furries! I hope all of you fuckers, especially the ones that reported me, die in a dumpster fire like you deserve! I'm fucking done with this site and it's sympathizer staff.
Fuck diaper furries fuck you pedophile furries! I hope all of you fuckers, especially the ones that reported me, die in a dumpster fire like you deserve! I'm fucking done with this site and it's sympathizer staff.
CCoyote said:
You can't even follow the rules on a furry art archive. I doubt you have the self-discipline to be a historian. A historian would have more sense than to flippantly call someone a Nazi because they held him accountable to something. And why are you telling us you're a weapons collector? That has literally nothing to do with the conversation. 🙄
Generally if you're working with weapons from World War II you know a little bit about World War II but clearly You're more interested in claiming that I'm some sort of moron and defending people who protect pedophiles and perverts so you can go fuck yourself.
Fuck diaper furries fuck you pedophile furries! I hope all of you fuckers, especially the ones that reported me, die in a dumpster fire like you deserve! I'm fucking done with this site and it's sympathizer staff.
"the grass is never greener" is a fallacy. would you say that moving to Syria would just be "moving somewhere else on the globe"? there's no perfect or magical place on the map, that much is true. but to say "you wouldn't have pride/more happiness in this country if you moved there because things can only seem better somewhere else" can't be true unless the reverse is also true. which, it clearly isn't.
it's also a personal thing. the things here (like individualism, liberating and nondescript societal behaviors, and unchecked democracy) that really bother me are probably seen as boons by others around the glove. it's just really, really not my cup of tea; even on top of all the things that are indisputably fucked in our government/society. i can't bring myself to a positive or patriotic state of mind in this place.
also, the country i'm moving to doesn't deal with the globalist movement 😁
Can You Get Kicked off the Island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?
Self isolating indeed. No space to move around though. :V
Hey all im back did i miss anything?
Someone: how you holdin up during this outbreak?
Me under lockdown in stride:
post #2192269
post #2201361
@Shishigumi: You realize you're not saying goodbye to the self centeredness or unhealthiness you're really just placing yourself somewhere else on the world map. The world is connected by climate, economies (globalization), etc. That said, you're going to meet good or bad people no matter where you are.
@Shishigumi: @French_Fried: I mean, generally speaking, I'm not a huge fan of Americans because most of them are definitely all the things you described. But the country itself isn't that bad. Plus I think most of what you've described is also accurate for large swaths of Canada and Europe, as well. It's less America than it is unrestrained capitalism, corruption, and greed. That goes beyond us.
French_Fried said:
@Shishigumi: I take it you’ve had a less than favorable experience with the United States in some way or another
I'm leaving by 2/21. Saying goodbye to this degeneracy of self-centeredness, physical unhealthiness and government run worse than a McDonalds franchise. It can all collapse for all I care. Let Canada have whatever's left; they'd make much better use of it at least.
@Shishigumi: I take it you’ve had a less than favorable experience with the United States in some way or another
Merica' baby. Get fat and think individualistically even though you'll end up doing nothing of importance in your life.
Let's hope this pandemic drops the US into such a hard recession that it leaves the first-world.
I look through tickets about once a month because it's an easy way to find some quality cringe
I show up there fairly often, which isn't at all surprising. Luckily I've learned to walk the line here pretty well and they get denied. But it's always funny seeing a ticket pop up from something I posted, especially comments from months and months ago.
Best I've seen put up of me was "spoils shows on other websites"'
Praise kek
small doodle of a not-so-small man post #2200936
@French_Fried: I always wondered if there was a way to search for yourself in the tickets, I wonder if I ever got reported.
I poke fun at people sometimes but I'm pretty benign and most of my comments are just bad jokes.
Shu_Lover said:
Trump cares more about his own money, than he does about human god damn beings. He's doing very little now, but he acted too late. Nothing can save the people in the states now unless they stay the fuck inside. If you think this is going to end in a week, you couldn't be more wrong about that. Disease experts have said it will not end so soon. Canada where I live, is safer than the states, because my prime minister actually knows how to run a fucking government.
So again, I'm sorry if your business has to be shut down, but you could probably pick it up again once it finally does die off
Rhyasa said:
This wont last for months-- my business cant last that long. Fuck sake thing of what that would do to the economy if this shit went on for months. The government wont let that happen. This will be gone soon and people who are paniccing now and buying lifetimesupplies of TP and stripping all the meat from the marts will look and feel like idiots when this shit blows over.
Trump cares more about his own money, than he does about human god damn beings. He's doing very little now, but he acted too late. Nothing can save the people in the states now unless they stay the fuck inside. If you think this is going to end in a week, you couldn't be more wrong about that. Disease experts have said it will not end so soon. Canada where I live, is safer than the states, because my prime minister actually knows how to run a fucking government.
@Lafcadio: I like to look through the tickets cuz I’m afraid I’ll find myself there
@Sharp_Coyote: I'm lucky my company is legitimately essential and production hasn't slowed down at all.
We have contracts with the defense industry, manufacture medical supplies, as well as food production.
Super Mario World Joke Hacks! - April Fools Rom Hacks - BTG
Some really good ones too.
Having said that, while Yellow Tail Shiraz is not a particularly good wine, it does come in 1.5 litre bottles ...
Having a full 10 hour day / week cut from my schedule sucks mightily, yet it still means I am above the unemployment insurance payout line, and can still pay rent.
Also drinking way more as a mechanism to deal with stress.
I ran the numbers today: monthly sales down 33%, but staff cut 50%
COVID profiteering?
Thankfully, my company is large enough to soak up a couple of body blows,
and I am like 2 bodies away from being laid off.
that's quite the april fool's, e6
Pastebin also removed search. =>.<=
Zelda: A Link to the Past Remade in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?!
Thanks to map editing. :3
Only took four days?!
Pastebin is also having issues. Shows the latest ones were from 19+ hours ago. Made a test paste as a guest and it did post, but not showing on list.
Kemonophonic said:
@furballs_dc: Who lives on your island?
Sweet Mercy! Some ACNH wallpaper has particle and sfx.
Cherry blossom trees wall. <3
Wasatch said:
Easy there... Not everything is meant to be taken absolutely literally and I know plenty about world War II I'm a historian and weapons collector...
You can't even follow the rules on a furry art archive. I doubt you have the self-discipline to be a historian. A historian would have more sense than to flippantly call someone a Nazi because they held him accountable to something. And why are you telling us you're a weapons collector? That has literally nothing to do with the conversation. 🙄
CCoyote said:
@Wasatch: If you think the mods are Nazis, then you don't know a damned thing about World War II, the Holocaust, or actual Nazis. Read the site rules and grow up.
Easy there... Not everything is meant to be taken absolutely literally and I know plenty about world War II I'm a historian and weapons collector...
@Millcore: Millllllllllly....
why does the world have to be terrible!
Doomguy666 said:
@CaveStory: get both?
Nah I got the ps4 and paid rent I got just enough groceries until my next paycheck so I'm good lmao
Images are broken again. =x.x=
i like to look at the list of tickets sometimes and watch people report posts they don't personally like, or report comments while attempting to reply to them.
@Millcore: Gods, how I wish I thought you were wrong.
@CCoyote: Want to know what's kinda sad? With the way people are acting regarding supplies it make me believe that if we were on a sinking boat there would be people hoarding life vests.
@Odisaodi: People assume the worst. They think society is going to fall apart and they'll need to defend their prepared stashes of canned beans and powdered eggs from hordes of looters. I think some of them even want that to happen.
As one person put it in 2008, "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
@Critical_Stiban: I hope you stay safe, adorapanda...
@Rhyasa: Those are numbers reported by someone who spent the first two months of the pandemic pretending the pandemic itself was fake news. Calling something "fake news" doesn't make it fake. Saying something will be bad for the economy doesn't mean it isn't happening. Those are circular arguments. People who were in perfect health before this outbreak have already died from it.
It can last for months, it has lasted for months already, it will probably last into May at minimum, and you losing your business isn't going to stop that. You're not thinking clearly.
Oh he got blocked. Predictable. Kinda figured he was acting childish.
Anyways things here have gotten worse on my end thanks to the Quarantine. It’s been quite crazy from where I’m working.
@Odisaodi: god I wish that were me
@vex714: what do ppl think they r going to do? Shoot the virus?
I'm looking for a video, it's description is "milk your Italian", does anyone know where it is?
furballs_dc said:
Oh cool. For ACNH, if you place a Seahorse in your house/outside you can press it to turn on/off a light for the tank. :3
Other fish tanks does this too.
@Rhyasa: well, less cars on the road is good for the environment. Might want to rethink about things and cut your losses. Volunteer or go where essential work is needed. You will be sheltering for a while. No ifs ands or buts. These are orders.
The numbers are out there and it's not just TP the people are buying
Just be lucky that people have been pretty well behaved so far.
Shu_Lover said:
I hate to break it to you, but this won't end in a week. Nothing like this dies off instantly. It will last for a couple more months at most before slowly dying off. I don't understand why some people think this will end in a week, because it's not going to. Sorry to ruin your day, but it's the truth.
This wont last for months-- my business cant last that long. Fuck sake thing of what that would do to the economy if this shit went on for months. The government wont let that happen. This will be gone soon and people who are paniccing now and buying lifetimesupplies of TP and stripping all the meat from the marts will look and feel like idiots when this shit blows over.
CCoyote said:
Coronavirus case growth is multiplying exponentially right now, and that's without us testing everyone. God only knows what the numbers would look like if we were testing people and catching all the cases we don't know about. The most conservative estimates involve 100,000 to 200,000 deaths in the United States alone before this is over. It will NOT "be gone in a week for fuck sake."
Thats a bullshitty fake news number to scare people. No one is going to die from this thing who isn't already in poor health.
AN ACNH glitch? I'm in a villager house, but she's not home. The doors are locked if a villager is outside.
Edit: Left the house and now the lights are off and door locked.
Golly gee, I really hope I catch something tomorrow, a nice thicc redfish, or even Whiting to fry.
French_Fried said:
Loving the update!
Yee. It RAD!
Holy shit. Today is a great day as a phone user.
Thank you MODS for finally putting the Vote/Favorite buttons in the right place and making them pronounced and big enough.
Oh cool. For ACNH, if you place a Seahorse in your house/outside you can press it to turn on/off a light for the tank. :3
We need claudette and boss ships like now.
CCoyote said:
@Destroyer1177: It's a perfectly legitimate answer. I'm just not going to do the work to look it up for you. The forums have a search feature. Go for it!
I just said ok in my last comment
@Destroyer1177: It's a perfectly legitimate answer. I'm just not going to do the work to look it up for you. The forums have a search feature. Go for it!
CCoyote said:
@Destroyer1177: Admin have spelled it out in the forums at least a dozen times.
Was expecting a more legit answer but ok
French_Fried said:
Loving the update!
It really does look much nicer, and I greatly enjoy the new translation stuff. The only complaint I have is that it broke every single userscript, but that's to be expected.
@Destroyer1177: Admin have spelled it out in the forums at least a dozen times.