Aw fucking fuck my new pistol barrel is lost somewhere.
The lying mailman said it was signed for and then put it in a random mail box. I paid extra for this exact situation to not happen, I waited months to get a pre order on that barrel.
Aw fucking fuck my new pistol barrel is lost somewhere.
The lying mailman said it was signed for and then put it in a random mail box. I paid extra for this exact situation to not happen, I waited months to get a pre order on that barrel.
@furballs_dc: now you got me imagining a tripped out Pink Floyd laser concert happing in some random nebula
The Cosmic Lasers That Form in Outer Space
Natural lasers. =^_^=
Word of the Day:
@Ratte: oh ho ho, saucy
I want to rub my face on the large man's fluffy cheeks
Doomguy666 said:
@Sharp_Coyote: good lord, you're still laid off?
Yer, has really only been about 7 weeks now, but feels longer (and will be [at least] a couple weeks more) :(
My company has (3) locations in town, and only (1) so far is getting slowly back to regular hours, and bringing staff back. I am @ the smallest one.
@furballs_dc: interesting thing about the Xbox is the XBMC and it's legacy. It was a free open source media player for the Xbox. Today the XBMC foundation uses its software and some familiar sounds in the Kodi system. A free and open-source media player software app.
Squirrel contestants:
Rick, Marty, Frank, and Phat Gus.
Building the Perfect Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder
Oh it was intentional from the squirrel at dat point...
Doomguy666 said:
@Sharp_Coyote: good lord, you're still laid off?
And here I am grousing about work as a joke, I feel kinda bad now.
He's not the only one. Never thought I'd miss minimum wage so much.
I’m reaching up and reaching out
I’m reaching for the random or whatever will bewilder me
Whatever will bewilder me
French_Fried said:
So Matemi’s Silver Soul really hit 1000 posts, eh?
Ah yes. 1000 pages of the same mediocrity made by the same assholes. That takes talent.
@Sharp_Coyote: good lord, you're still laid off?
And here I am grousing about work as a joke, I feel kinda bad now.
The things you notice while in layoff binge watching: Sansa Stark looks nearly identical to Boy George during the '80s
So Matemi’s Silver Soul really hit 1000 posts, eh?
French_Fried said:
Word of the Day:Hinge
The hinge on my watch needs some wd40
Well it looks like I'm going to be drawing again, could test my shitty skills on a character other than Jakku or just do NSFW art of Jakku.
Word of the Day:
G0wther said:
Oh, I can assure you its wicked. The bumps are lovely.
i have one of those too, incidentally
furballs_dc said:
Best Headlight Restoration Kit? Let's find out! 3M, Sylvania, Meguiar's, Mothers, Turtle Wax & HF
Kemonophonic said:
I used a headlight restoration kit once. It actually made it look worse.
I have not seen the Sylvania kit available in my market, yet have had fair success with the 3M kit; any kit that tries to do the job without multi-stages of decreasing grit sanding, ending in a foam polishing pad/compound will fail. You are literally needing to grind away the oxidized and damaged plastic, often at 1mm or more depth.
These kits do not make plastic headlamps 'like new', yet the 3M kit makes an appreciable improvement. Most would take the tradeoff of a $40 temporary improvement, vs. buying a pair of new halogen lamps from at least $300-400, and especially against needing newer xenon or LED units which can cost thousands of $$ each.
Kemonophonic said:
I used a headlight restoration kit once. It actually made it look worse.
Uh oh. =>.<=
Chapter 17: post #2267054
Consider supporting my project maybe so I can keep putting up weekly updates. This project means a lot to me.
Interesting Whitekitten interview:
What other characters could I put in the coom jar 🤔
bipface said:
I was trying to think of what accent would pronounce wicked like that …
until i googled it
Oh, I can assure you its wicked. The bumps are lovely.
G0wther said:
I got a whelked unicorn horn from bad dragon.
I was trying to think of what accent would pronounce wicked like that …
until i googled it
@French_Fried: I like some of her songs and it's only recently that I found out that she sung them. I like "Don't Stop Now" and "Levitating" for something less mainstream. Love the bass in those
Confession: I have never listened to a Dua Lipa song.
Anyone still up. I'm bored.
I got a whelked unicorn horn from bad dragon.
<TITLE>Big Tittied Brunette with Pink Pussy Pal</TITLE>
Oops! :V
Seems about right with all the other things they did. :V
Some horns are naturally whelked
@French_Fried: I had an ice cream. It was one of those whelked drumstick waffle cones
Word of the Day:
Why is my manager such a nob? I get in trouble for literally just having my phone out not doing anything just sitting there question is why the fuck is he watching me on a day he wasnt even on a shift and there was no reason to go back 2 days
bipface said:
@Critical Stiban
well i was never questioning what you can or can't do
it was about factors which could influence your decision of whether to request takedown or not
Well either way it was taken down and the old one is back. As it should be since the hirez is supposed to be private.
@Critical Stiban
well i was never questioning what you can or can't do
it was about factors which could influence your decision of whether to request takedown or not
@Dragonlord2328: Hey thanks, pal!
Well that reassures my stance. As long as I commission it I'm able to take it down.
That aside the original was brought back. That was a nice surprise. I didn't realize they could do that.
@blitzdrachin: I'm too lazy to enter raffles that ask me to do stuff, can I use money instead?
Jakku_NoShi said:
I just got told horrible news.
My nan who was in hospital has 6-12 months to live...She has cancer in her lungs, liver and somewhere else.
That's a tough stick kiddo. I have it in my brain, it some REAL fun shit. The good news is doctors are shit at guessing how much time you have left, donot believe anything over a week. 14 months ago they said I had 6 to 12 months and I'm still here but now the shit is really showing itself. Give your nana a hug if you can, hearing someone say you only have a year left as a best outcome is one hell of a drug
@French_Fried: hey welcome back
post #2267163 post #2267028 post #2267255
Meow! <3
Word of the Day:
@G0wther: Your service and sacrifice has been immensely appreciated and will be remembered. We salute you.
G0wther said:
Word of the Day:Fickle
Fits me oddly enough. Don't know if that's a good or bad trait to have.
I have to take a break from the reading the news way more often now cus dang
Eastbound and down, loaded up and truckin’, a’we gonna do what they say can’t be done,
We got a long way to go, and a short time to get there, I’m eastbound, just watch ol’ Bandit run!
Word of the Day:
I just got told horrible news.
My nan who was in hospital has 6-12 months to live...
Rhyasa said:
I was given the same a year ago. what is wrong in your nan?
She has cancer in her lungs, liver and somewhere else.
Adult Swim announced a new season of Tuca & Bertie for 2021. I’m hyped
Jakku_NoShi said:
I just got told horrible news.
My nan who was in hospital has 6-12 months to live...
Im so sorry to hear that i know how you feel i had the same happen a few years ago
@-Apple-: the unwritten third nipple only spoken of in hushed tones.
Jakku_NoShi said:
I just got told horrible news.
My nan who was in hospital has 6-12 months to live...
I was given the same a year ago. what is wrong in your nan?
@Jakku_NoShi: that's terrible, sorry to hear.
Dusk_To_Dawn said:
I don't buy into any of that flat earth bullshit, anyone with a functional brain knows that this is what the earth really looks like.
all that she needs now is a donut