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Well after spending a whole day trying to root a device with not only common patched img methods but also taking the time to rebuild img's myself to try to trick the firmware and such using MY OWN skill, I am giving up (for now.) My device was just relentlessly being a little bitch, so I tricked it into installing my hacking tools and PwnieExpress ports without root access using "proot" to gain elevated access and some sneaky repo links, a vpn, and a BT connection.

Decided that the only thing I need root for anyway was to install and use this shit so jokes on you bitchFone, I can just do that by faking elevation in isolated programs any time I run the terminal, Stupid fucker. (Metasploit is just about the only thing that won't work fully too, so Android 11 can suck the huge dicks of the other tools.)

Alright, I'm pretty sick of this whole "post nut clarity" bull. I get it, not being 'horny' (such a gross and barbaric word anyway) when doing stuff and making decisions might be a thing and might make you less impulsive, blah blah blah. But what exactly is the logic in that especially in situations not inherently sexual in the first place?

"Oh I thought I was going to order a burger but nutting just now in the bathroom I think I'll get the salad." You are not drunk people, you are pent up. This does not make sense. Maybe because I'm asexual I just don't get it, but it doesn't seem to make any sense logically.

Someone (maybe one who is a total horn ball) want to explain this to me? I'd be greatful to know how this works to better understand you normal people.

In response to blip #109077

@kamimatsu: I think the term for that is "psychological reactence"?

Basically, people don't like to be told that they can't have something, in this case it's seeing an asexual character have sex or be portrayed sexually. So the natural response is to make the character have sex anyway. Also in this case, since the reason seems unfair or completely arbitrary, it just feels like the only way to not be 'controlled' by the creator for a 'stupid reason' that 'makes no sense in the first place' is by rebelling and making it happen regardless.

In lamen's terms, just think of the classic situation where someone says not to do something and the other says "you don't own me!" and they proceed to do said thing.

kamimatsu said:
im still trying to figure out why, whenever there's an ace character, they always have the most porn drawn of them.

I think the answer to this is one more obvious reason and one based on psychology.

Firstly, rule 34'ing characters is appealing in and of itself. The desire to do so is only multiplied when said character is ace for the simple reason that people want what is not allowed more than what is.

Put simply, if the creator says that this character is ace, people tend to get the urge to want to have/see the character have sex or do sexual stuff even more than they normally would if the character wasn't ace. It's more enticing to have something that's forbidden and feels more valuable and lucrative when you get it. By saying one is ace, it becomes more desirable to make them not so.
Is my explanation clear enough? Do you need more details or did I do well enough?

Sorry everyone. I just woke up from hibernation, which is the term I use for when my body randomly decides to sleep for around 24 hrs. or more. I saw a few things I can answer and give insight to so just let me get woken up good and I'll jump on it.

In response to blip #109062

G0wther said:
Can anyone explain to me the appeal of gay people, or more specifically gay characters to wear rainbow colored stuff like rainbow stripped socks/stockings and underwear and stuff? I know it's representative of gay pride and all, but why is it seen as attractive to display it in such a blatant manner through sexy clothing?

I have no problem with a person or character being proud of it (cause they should be), but I just want to know why it's appealing to viewers is all, especially in gay [furry] art where it should be obvious anyway. Does it turn people on more or something?

im still trying to figure out why, whenever there's an ace character, they always have the most porn drawn of them.

In response to blip #109072

bipface said:
well security's a big field, are you sure there's nothing that you could get into?
you could be designing/installing/maintaining/selling physical security systems, consulting for software/IT/network security, penetration testing / auditing, investigating breaches/fraud, coordinating personnel …

I was thinking about cctv operations

In response to blip #109071

Dragonlord2328 said:
i did wanna be in security but being aspergic its kinda hard

well security's a big field, are you sure there's nothing that you could get into?
you could be designing/installing/maintaining/selling physical security systems, consulting for software/IT/network security, penetration testing / auditing, investigating breaches/fraud, coordinating personnel …

In response to blip #109064

the first is basically screaming I'm super gay. The second is more just implying the other character being presented a penis not a vagina with direct gay sexual implications, and the last is more subtle but the rainbow underwear still implies the the character is inviting to the viewer or an unseen character gay sexual thoughts or actual gay sex, or in the very least displaying his own gayness regardless of sexual implications or not.

At least this is my interpretation a of these images.

In response to blip #109062

G0wther said:
Can anyone explain to me the appeal of gay people, or more specifically gay characters to wear rainbow colored stuff like rainbow stripped socks/stockings and underwear and stuff? I know it's representative of gay pride and all, but why is it seen as attractive to display it in such a blatant manner through sexy clothing?

i kinda feel like it's usually intended to be more 'stylish' rather than sexy
not to say that answers the question though

maybe throw some examples up

Can anyone explain to me the appeal of gay people, or more specifically gay characters to wear rainbow colored stuff like rainbow stripped socks/stockings and underwear and stuff? I know it's representative of gay pride and all, but why is it seen as attractive to display it in such a blatant manner through sexy clothing?

I have no problem with a person or character being proud of it (cause they should be), but I just want to know why it's appealing to viewers is all, especially in gay [furry] art where it should be obvious anyway. Does it turn people on more or something?

In response to blip #109059

@IguanasAreCool: You'll get there. It might take some practice or even getting friend to proof read stuff if its for a story or comic, but I have faith in you my dude.

@French_Fried: PhD? Aww, sweet friendolino! That's dope!

In response to blip #109057

@Dragonlord2328: I hope your work is something you enjoy and it pays well.

I would love a job such as IT or analytics or something in that field because that's what all my past jobs have been since my very first one at age 16. I'm good at it and it pays good (plus it's anti social and I can do it even as a male) but I'm "unfit for employment" now. My dream jobs though are more along the lines of entertainer as well as some not so sfw after dark jobs on the side like stripping (as a female) and stuff but uhhh... Won't get into that RN.

Anyway my point being, simply having a job is a godsend, and enjoying the work and having good pay is a cherry on top. Don't take it for granted, friendo!

In response to blip #109054

@Dragonlord2328: I'm exhausted. I only slept about 2 hours this morning before I had to do stuff. I feel great though. How are you beautiful?

@Kemonophonic: Oh noes. I hope it turns around.

@furballs_dc: Yummy! I just got done cooking some Tuna steaks and Lobstertails. Don't know when I'm going to eat them, (anorexia and all) but cooking them was the fun part.

In response to blip #109047

@bipface: in order for you to not be able to quit, I'm pretty sure you have to be either physically or mentally addicted to a drug, which as far as fags I am not. Something in my body, be it my fucked up genetics or chemistry doesn't allow me to get a lot of common addictions and some drugs don't even have effects in the first place. (I.e. cannabinoids don't produce in me any sort of buzz or high. It's just uselessly inhaling smoke.) In case you are wondering why I would smoke in that case, I do it partially to stop my autistic 'ticks' and fidgeting by distracting my hands, partially out of boredom, and partially in an attempt to hopefully develop cancer and die faster without exerting much effort.

Update though, I found out that I wasn't freaking out from withdrawals, it was just a weird anxiety filled panic attack sort of thing combined with my lack of sleep. Timing was coincidental. Also update, I just got back from getting more fags so yeah.

Am literally addicted to Genshin Impact. I cannot for the love of me stop playing that game and it's taking away my time from other games I had planed D: First world problems lol.

Is it ACTUALLY possible for me (male anatomy) to fully enjoy the largest T-rex (stan) BD toy available, which is extra large I think? Just want to know before I buy if it is anatomically possible considering depth, shape, and diameter to fully hilt since I kinda want to do it at least once just to say I did/can. And if so, is fitting something of that size exclusive to softer firmnesses, or could one contain all of Stan even when made Firm?

I'm not interested in just buying something to mantle and admire that I can't use myself.

I wish I could get some kind of license to legally experiment with drugs on myself for research. I want to try and create a cognition boosting 'psy hypo' possibly using a mix of stratera, adderal, concerta, and caffeine. Maybe also a minimal amount of numbing/uninhibiting agent to increase steady flow of logical thought without causing impairment to prevent over thinking and obsessiveness like alcohol. And with all those stimulants, it would probably be good to add something to balance heart rate to make sure it's safe and steady, possibly also cutting out jitters but retaining increased motor speed/strength.

I've hit hour ~65 of being continuously awake.

At this point it would be irresponsible to not take notes.

My skin is now a smooth, solid ghostly white, hands no longer having a translucent "blue-blood" appearance. I feel the entire flow of blood in my veins and it is weirdly warm and cuddly feeling. My heart feels tired out, every beat a powerful struggle.
My cognition is still pretty high; I still feel like I could outsmart/outmatch an average Detective or behavioral analyst with only moderate difficulty at most. Normally I feel like both are a breeze one-on-one with a noticeable challenge only coming when facing two or more at once. (Without the extreme boost I get from Aderall)
Emotions couldn't be better honestly. I'm the happiest I've been during sobriety in a literal decade. Everything is fun and giggly, even with sad videos or sounds playing.

Should I succumb to sleep or keep pushing?

In response to blip #109030

@Ratte: DM me. Given that you seem to depend highly on a healthy and balanced support-to-production ratio to survive, I think negotiations are in order. I'm willing to make a sacrifice to help you survive as long as we can come to a reasonable agreement that ensure we BOTH can survive given your circumstances and my borderline destitute lifestyle.


Former Staff
In response to blip #109029

@G0wther: It is entirely up to you. I lose more patronage than I gain and with my roommate unable to find work the past few months and winter starting early where I live I'm getting a lot more desperate and irritable. All the writing for this project is already finished so all that's left is illustrations, which take me about a week. Those go up every friday with WIPs every saturday and anything extra I make usually on tuesdays. I try to post enough to make it worth people's while rather than the "maybe I'll post twice this month" comics that make 12x what I do.

In response to blip #109027

@Ratte: I think I'm going to try your KoFi first since it allows single time support and I'll move up from there going from KoFi to patreon if I find it possible to sustain continuous pay.

If I can afford a copious chainsmoking habit, should be easy-peasy, right?

In response to blip #109027


You know, I don't have much money to spare, especially for luxuries like artist support. However, as an artist you ARE great despite our interactions and my past relationships keeping us from getting along most times on the human level.

Therefore given my true goal in life is bringing peace among all in spite of what tries to keep humans apart, as an effort to prove this as more than just fancy words and that I am willing to take the necessary steps to mend past scars and form an unlikely bond for the future (and to show I do try to support art/artists when it/they truly deserve(s) it) I'm willing to shift some funds around to give to you in the near future.

I want to change things for the better and try to show my will to support you both as a human and as an artist.

Until then, only the best.

In response to blip #109021

~WolfyTheWolf~ said:
Sometimes I wonder about how some apps are neglected. Yet they are pretty good to use and chat on. Like Telegram... I neglect that like hell XD

Yes. I totally get that.

But to be fair, I am an anomaly with the opposite problem: Awesome apps you never heard of are the ones I have more of. (Bluelines/Bridge anyone?) But Facebook? Twitter? what's app? Spotify?...The fuck are those?

In response to blip #109021

~WolfyTheWolf~ said:
Sometimes I wonder about how some apps are neglected. Yet they are pretty good to use and chat on

probably because the current landscape is like this:
i.e. crowded; too many options with very little interoperability
to gain traction, a chat service needs some very compelling aspect(s) that sets it apart
(or force it upon captive users, in the case of MS Teams / iMessage)