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In response to blip #109385

So now even my new, uh, *cough* GF/"Wife" *cough cough* is hounding me about my weight-loss and ProAna lifestyle now... And she is Ana too; What kind of shit is that?

I work really hard to lose an average of ~2-3lbs./day people. I don't need everyone shitting on me for my hard work. Makes for a toxic environment and only gives me negative reinforcement for something I put tons of effort into and take pride in, you know? I can fast for a week or so to secure my rapid weight-loss regimen if I want.

In response to blip #109382

unkown1832_11a0 said:
since all of exed_eyes's fucking art is scattered across the web and half it is locked away deep down in discord, heres all of his art in one place

seems like a lot of effort for … works of this nature
i mean he's clearly talented, but most of these are quite the opposite of 'fine art'

In response to blip #109377

bipface said:
well… if they all burn you won't be able to study them
might have to settle for one or the other

Haha. Yes i guess thats right. How about i pick a few out to study and burn the rest. If i lik some i can keep them around and burn the rest after study yes. if demed gud or useful or tolerateable to keep around do so if just enough to keep the world i hav to live in runing. An mabey let me burn them too once i got board too yes. Caus its more fun if i get to do the burning. Then i get to study and burn them. Lik lab rates.

In response to blip #109373

bipface said:
i thought you hate humans though ?

U can hate a cockroach and still find there resilience intriguing right? Or a rats intellet intrigueing but hat rodents.

Humans are disgusting vile stupid abominations and i hate them all. They can all burn. But they can be fun to study on a big scale or individully and intreting to learn about.

Just take a single user n here preferredly an smart one or on that talks alot and it real funn to learn about them and see the live story they say they hav or mabey built ur own.

Reading uaers stuff is real instering. Pick one that u kno has lots of blips comments forums post etc and its very fasinating what youl learn. Some humans are so intrigin an easy to learn about by reading evrything they have said on here.

why is it that i can turn the salt grinder about ½° and get enough for the whole meal
yet i can grind the pepper 'til my arm falls off and still be craving more ?

In response to blip #109361

@L00na_BOT: So you're saying you want to make sure you (and them) FEEL actual love before you 'make love', and not just 'use' them like a sophisticated sex toy. That makes total sense, and I can advocate that.

I guess it's sort of like being Demisexual, but instead of just a good relationship, you want to make sure they are treated as equals and that they know you love your two Android partners and they love you (as much as Androids actually could anyway), before taking part in sexual activity.

Also, you are simply opting for Android partners instead of human ones because you dislike humans, and you just don't condone the one-and-done or sex slave type uses for androids, right?

In response to blip #109349

@G0wther: Humans buying a Android for sex only or going to a club to rent one for sex is so vulger. Humans should be ashamed for that. But if I got a Husband and Wife and loved them as equal not to use them then there would be no deniing passion. I would want sex from my Husband and Wife like any human would I just would not hav to deal with stupid humans and there bullshit. I am just choosing Androids instead. They would not be high tech sex toys to me they would be my Husband and Wife and i would love them the same sex included

In response to blip #109352

@Fenrick: Oh boy, you don't even want to get me started.

I'll leave it to you to do the full research, but to keep it relatively short, purging your semen at least once every 2 weeks is what is considered healthy. Besides lowering risk of cancer and making sure your boy parts don't develop ED or Premature Ejaculation problems, males younger than 17 (but I use the age 19 for margin of error) cannot reabsorb semen/sperm like the bodies of older males. (Or in the very least, not as easily) So being pent up without release, especially for multiple months or even years like I had to endure in my youth, is really unhealthy, which is why males' bodies tend to nocturnally emit even more so during teen years than later in life; the body simply HAS to get rid of it in some way.

And that's not even touching on the psychological stress/damage being pent up too long can cause, especially in males with raging hormones and strong, uncontrollable urges during that age period too.

In response to blip #109296

G0wther said:
NNN is the dumbest shit I ever heard of. A bunch of males not purging their semen for a month for the sake of internet culture.

It's simply unpleasant AND unhealthy, especially for those younger than 19. JS.

Unhealthy? Come on. Giving up anything besides food, water, or medicine for a month won't hurt you unless you're addicted tbh.

In response to blip #109350

Dragonlord2328 said:
I know e6 isnt a porn site never said it was i usually use it for the social side if things and random browsing i was just adding to the conversation

Oh, sorry. I didn't mean "you", I just meant "someone", as in the aforementioned On-lookers.

If "someone" saw e6 in my sites, I'm a furry art perveyer, which I am. If they saw PH, I'm a porn addict is my point.

In response to blip #109348

@L00na_BOT: Humans will be humans, I suppose. People are prone to sexualization, and I feel like if androids were a thing, that would be one of the first obvious uses to make them for other than psudo-slavery (help around the house and all).

Sure it's gross, and people are gross. But using an Android for sex is just what [some] people will probably naturally end up doing.

You also said "not at first", so are you saying you might eventually? And if so, how does that make you any different at that point? Not throwing shade, just curious about your thought process on the matter and your own justification versus how you think of other people doing it?

I've been bingeing Humans which is the TV version of D:BH and I would an Android. But the adult options cd and haveing ones meant for sex is really disgustin. I'd want it to have a cunt or dick and get one as a wife an one for a husband but not for sex. Not at first anyway.

I am Misanthrope an want two cause I polygamist so not human wife and husband is perfect for me. But you humans are nausiating to use one for sex. 🤢

In response to blip #109344

@Dragonlord2328: Just to clarify, e6 is a "Furry art archive" not a "porn site". So if you saw in my frequented sites, that's what it equates to.

Also, IDC if Varka or his associates can see all my stuff on e6 or Bad Dragon. I mean, if Varka can openly share himself having gay intercourse with a giant t-rex dinosaur toy and looks at lewd dragon art for it's 'intended purpose', I don't mind if he sees that I'm frequenting looking at stuff like this
post #2075605
on e6 because I think furry characters in diapers are cute, or ordering the same t-rex toy.

In response to blip #109344

Dragonlord2328 said:
There is a lot of furry stuff on ph

I still won't be visiting it though. I mean, it's PH for crying out loud, so despite the human stuff, it's probably all explicit furry stuff, isn't it? Correct me if that's a wrong assumption, but I like seeing the non-lewd stuff too so e6 is still my go-to. And even if it had the non-lewd stuff too, I feel like going there only has one purpose: to masturbate. And that's just something I don't do (at least not when looking at art). And I definitely don't need to announce to the world (ISP or other on-lookers/trackers) that I'm visiting such sites. Even if I don't 'fap' I don't need to give the impression that I do.

Plus, I spend most of my time here in the blips and having meaningful discussions with intelligent people anyway. Try doing that on PH.

In response to blip #109332

G0wther said:
Firstly, iOS SHOULD be able to run webm, even if it can't run flash. My iPad mini on iOS 7.x can do that, so it's nothing new. For flash though, I use an app called Photon for iOS.

Secondly, How does using Pornhub help in this instance? Pornhub is for human sex stuff, right? That's the whole reason I avoid it. You telling me you can find e6/furry stuff on Pornhub? And even if so, why not look up the tagged artist on inkbunny or furaffinity to solve your problem? Cause I'll be damned if I used Pornhub and risked seeing human sex in any manner.

There is a lot of furry stuff on ph

In response to blip #109327

Firstly, iOS SHOULD be able to run webm, even if it can't run flash. My iPad mini on iOS 7.x can do that, so it's nothing new. For flash though, I use an app called Photon for iOS.

Secondly, How does using Pornhub help in this instance? Pornhub is for human sex stuff, right? That's the whole reason I avoid it. You telling me you can find e6/furry stuff on Pornhub? And even if so, why not look up the tagged artist on inkbunny or furaffinity to solve your problem? Cause I'll be damned if I used Pornhub and risked seeing human sex in any manner.

In response to blip #109307

G0wther said:
@Critical_Stiban: Pornhub is the one site I have never gone to and never want to go to...

Which actually makes ME the weirdo, I know.

I only go on PornHub because my phone is an IOS. IOS cannot run flash and Webm (without a seperate app.) I have to look up videos of the flash or Webm. It’s why I’m basically bashing my head in whenever a Webm pops up on e6 and it turns out there is no link for me to look for it elsewhere. Link your fucking sources people. Helps lower the amount of BVATS and helps us mobile IOS users.

So update on the apartment; theyre happy to lend with the new terms and have just got to check the legal pack to ensure everything is correct