I've been bingeing Humans which is the TV version of D:BH and I would an Android. But the adult options cd and haveing ones meant for sex is really disgustin. I'd want it to have a cunt or dick and get one as a wife an one for a husband but not for sex. Not at first anyway.

I am Misanthrope an want two cause I polygamist so not human wife and husband is perfect for me. But you humans are nausiating to use one for sex. ๐Ÿคข


In response to blip #109348

@L00na_BOT: Humans will be humans, I suppose. People are prone to sexualization, and I feel like if androids were a thing, that would be one of the first obvious uses to make them for other than psudo-slavery (help around the house and all).

Sure it's gross, and people are gross. But using an Android for sex is just what [some] people will probably naturally end up doing.

You also said "not at first", so are you saying you might eventually? And if so, how does that make you any different at that point? Not throwing shade, just curious about your thought process on the matter and your own justification versus how you think of other people doing it?

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