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In response to blip #109880

Ratte said:
@G0wther: I'm not, but alright.

I don't know, girl. Sounds like bullshit to me. I didn't do all that information gathering for nothing you know. Unless you are a trans woman like me but you want to keep your parts. I'm not the arguing type though so I'll just say whatever and move on.

You ARE asexual though, right? Or is that a lie too? If proven asexual I suppose there could be exceptions made under certain circumstances. There would need to be irrefutable proof however.

A male Dominos delivery driver was caught rubbing a customer's ice cream on his crotch at a delivery via the customer's door camera.

"A MALE delivery driver!"

Why are males so grotesquely, insanely gross and why is it so often involving their manly bits? Jesus Christ.

At this point I just think we should make literally every male line up and get MTF gender reassignment surgery. Just completely emasculate them that way. We can just get a sample of sperm beforehand to put in a sperm bank for later reproduction purposes. Fucking gross, lewd-ass Males.

Bad Dragon isn't what it used to be. This year's Black Friday discount is 15% off items not including cum lube or clear lube. Nothing else really special.

I remember when BDEnterprises took 20% off of items and they sold specially-themed Black items for Black Friday too. I loved getting my black Chance Stallion and my black Lily Dinosaur toys way back when and being able to afford them both because they were 20% off.

Plus, keep in mind they they are not taking new custom orders right now because of Covid. It really is hard to be a loyal customer to them right now.

In response to blip #109867

Critical_Stiban said:
Will do.

Speaking of, I might do a stream in December in regards to Thankmas for charity in December.

I don't know much about streaming though because I've never done it. But my surveys say that people prefer a stream over videos or other content so I'll see if I can do it.

In response to blip #109857

@Dragonlord2328: I'm usually pretty tolerant of the voting system, but it says so much about what's grown important to furry audiences. This may not be a porn site, but fap material clearly reigns.

@Ratte: I'm not certain whether this helps any, but I had the pleasure of commissioning a piece from you last year. I would not have known about your art if I hadn't seen it here, and I'm quite glad I did.

I do wish there were some addition to the tagging system that made it possible to find more artwork of the latter quality than the former, whether SFW or not.

Is there a page on here that I can look at to see how certain tags are classified as far as ratings? I don't quite understand the diaper tag ratings.

Sometimes a clean diaper is safe, sometimes it's questionable. I used to think an adult wearing one is what makes it questionable while a kid wearing one is safe but sometimes even if the character looks young it's questionable and sometimes an adult wearing one is safe and I am very confused.

In response to blip #109856

CCoyote said:
The fact that post #2504853 has a higher vote count than post #2504755 is why I get so depressed about this site and what's happened to furry art in general over the last 25 years. :S


Probably because a bunch of horny internet boys would upvote crappy sexual content more than exquisite nonsexual content.

When more users are actively seeking out NSFW stuff, that tends to happen by statistical default.

In response to blip #109839

Lance_Armstrong said:

imagine waking up, looking outside your window and just seeing a fucking mink body just rising outta the ground. Thats some shit that would make me turn my ass back into the house and back to bed

post #419961

Wow! An adult female shown enjoying being openly explicitly exposed while still casually having childish stuff like a Hello Kitty bed comforter as her usual decor? (AND no sexual content too?) This must be my lucky day!

Seems like something I'd do. I'm really loving it, actually. More of this please, Furries.

Nice final post to find and look at before ending the day. I'm off to bed now. Goodnight!

I was trying to study stuff for fun like I often do and decided to try learning about a new concept I've never touched before: Quantum Computing. And I can't for the goddamn life of me even get the slightest grasp. If it was a school subject, I'd be stuck at 1st grade level.

Strong grasps of the factors of it in S.T.E.M. are easy as all fuck to me; Quantum Mechanics? Great. Theoretical Physics? Nailed it! Computer Science? Talk to me about something I don't know like the back of my fucking hand. But combining all of that together to help me even start to fathom Quantum Computing? You'd have better luck fitting in me 2 Extra Large Stan toys simultaneously!

I mean honestly, why can't I understand it? I understand EVERYTHING easily in S.T.E.M.! Why not this? Is entanglement of a few concepts I know so much about really so impossible for my brain?

In response to blip #109813

@L00na_BOT: Oh, I have not gotten around to checking the Blips thoroughly so I'm sorry I didn't see this.

As you can probably guess I do have a lengthy, heated response to this Blip but I was asleep for about 48 hours, and have been looking through the ExploitDB and programming new stuff the whole time since I got up.

No time right now to get into it and I can't risk getting mad. I need maintain concentration and composure.

In response to blip #109814

DragonFox69 said:
Just spent the better part of the day watching videos of scammers getting syskey'd.
It just isn't getting old! lol

I don't understand. Are these old videos you are watching or do the scammers just have really old OS's? I ask because didn't syskey get taken out of Windows a while back? Any new Windows OS version would not have it, correct, or am I just an idiot because I only use Offsec OS's and don't know anything about Windows ones?

In response to blip #109822

@TheTundraTerror: Goddamn. What the fuck is that comment thread? Goddamn!

How can alot of something be so awesome yet make me hate it so much. I didn't need that bullshit first thing after waking up but that's exactly what I got. Now my cortisol and serotonin levels are going to out of wack all goddamn day. Gee, thanks dude!

god damn humans! saw a reddit post about groop of gurls made up a story about a boy sex harrass ing them an getting put in cuffs an convitced an doin time an all then after they wer jus like, ye we made it up cuz we didnt lik him.

can the virus not kill the human population any fastr? plz god do! mutate a million times if u have to jus plz kill these 8 bil asshols so i don hav to.

Oh shit guys. You mean to tell me I've been asleep for ~30 hrs. and even after all of that time I'm only getting up to get water right now because I'm still exhausted? How much more sleep could I possibly need?

I guess I'll find out after I down some water really quick. Back to bed I go!