can't enjoy and etc created by chromethefox
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look up the tags "eevee sandwich"

  • Comments
  • chromethefoxbutts said:
    how do you add artist tags

    If the artist is already in the tagging system it'll show up when you edit the tags as a yellow text. If the artist doesnt exist you can create it yourself by
    1.) Create the tag you want to use and add it to your submission
    2.) Click "Tags" at the very top of the page
    3.) Insert the tag you want to change into the search field and click search
    4.) Click "Edit" besides the tag
    5.) Select the category that's appropriate from the drop down menu
    6.) Save the change
    7.) Bask in your accomplishment

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  • sekriess said:
    If the artist is already in the tagging system it'll show up when you edit the tags as a yellow text. If the artist doesnt exist you can create it yourself by
    1.) Create the tag you want to use and add it to your submission
    2.) Click "Tags" at the very top of the page
    3.) Insert the tag you want to change into the search field and click search
    4.) Click "Edit" besides the tag
    5.) Select the category that's appropriate from the drop down menu
    6.) Save the change
    7.) Bask in your accomplishment

    You probably already figured it out, but its nice to spread the knowledgep

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