Pink_Hat said:
I did it! After completing the second save-file on the GBA-version of Bionicle Heroes and getting it to rank 1, the rank 1 reward finally unlocked. It's pretty nifty too, some kinda Space Invaders/Galaga clone, a pretty nifty little game. Only took me like, at least 7 years to finally get unlocked. This file also brings my total Bionicle Heroes completion up to 1700%
1700%? thats gotta be a world record
@Kappaz-Jaxson11011: Yea right, we all know it's a dodecahedron
I did it! After completing the second save-file on the GBA-version of Bionicle Heroes and getting it to rank 1, the rank 1 reward finally unlocked. It's pretty nifty too, some kinda Space Invaders/Galaga clone, a pretty nifty little game. Only took me like, at least 7 years to finally get unlocked. This file also brings my total Bionicle Heroes completion up to 1700%
Betty White is a national treasure
Wanted to be productive today, ended up playing online chess for hours instead. I hate how my brain works sometimes. lol
I had not eaten Burger King in years, and years; I am now remembering why :/
How did this SEGA Genesis Game achieve the 'Impossible'?
(The Adventures of Batman and Robin)
why gena why
anonymouslurker99 said:
She disagreed with e621’s tagging rules.
a little based
What happens if you put 1000 BOWSERS in a SINGLE MARIO LEVEL?!
"...Nintendo's worst enemy, their own fans."
The Earth is ACTUALLY a globe. Seriously.
What in the world does that mean...?
starting to feel a little bit better now i need to remember to stay on top of my meds tbh and probably try and sleep more
Queen_Tyr'ahnee said:
I can do the Jack-O pose, but I won’t be able to get up for about 30 mins
we are アイドル新鋭隊
I have a toothache
@Kemonophonic: They named the lizzard lizzie that's adorable!
@Kemonophonic: I didn't even realize there was a lizard anthro, too. Wow. SailorFailures is a legend.
So recently I’ve been squealing like a chibi anime schoolgirl seeing the RETURNING cast member(s) from the new Marvel movie: “Spider-Man No Way Home” trailer, and I CANNOT wait to watch it! :D
no sleep. no good.
Major Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion After Decades of Research
This is a big step indeed. =^_^=
Doomguy666 said:
@furballs_dc: oh hey you too?
I don't know what happened to mine yet, just that it's dreadfully warm now.
It wasn't catastrophic. The three circuit boards were out of sync. If any would have fried, would have gotten expensive though.
I'm house sitting for a neighbor and the only thing they want me to do is water their plants, feed the fishes, and talk to their Alexa so it does not "feel lonely".
Canvas is the bane of my existence
@furballs_dc: oh hey you too?
I don't know what happened to mine yet, just that it's dreadfully warm now.
I've taken down all of my livestreams.
Don't ever ask me about them.
ive had enough of life tbh everythings going to shit
Why Cloning Characters is Nightmare Fuel in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
The vines certainly breaks characters not intended to use them.
imagine being smaller than small man lmao (chapter 79): post #2889202
Dragonlord2328 said:
yooo happy birthday!!
thank you all so much!! i really appreciate it!!
Well, R.I.P. Air conditioner part. Seemingly the outside compressor coil/fan unit. Had a power failure for a second or two while the AC was on. Only got warmer since then.
garfieldfromgarfield said:
today is my birthday!!
yooo happy birthday!!
thank you 🥺🥺🥺
French_Fried said:
Thank you all so much for all your love! I didn’t think I’d be so accepted and supported here. I love you all!
Welcome! =^-^=
W0LFB3AT5 said:
Wow! Everyone’s birthday is in August this month!Happy B-Day, man.
thank you so much!!
garfieldfromgarfield said:
today is my birthday!!
Wow! Everyone’s birthday is in August this month!
Happy B-Day, man.
today is my birthday!!
post #2891381
wow, Audie must think she's Sans or something!
Thank you all so much for all your love! I didn’t think I’d be so accepted and supported here. I love you all!
Kemonophonic said:
I didn't end up recording anything but I did take a picture of the knob positions and patch cable locations.I used this video as a reference.
Nice! And the video is a perfect reference. Kinda feels and sounds like I’m in a suburban futuristic civilization. 👌🏽
@garfieldfromgarfield: The more I read this, the more confused I am. It's an interesting story, tho.
post #385829
post #3000000 will arrive by around Halloween.
Kemonophonic said:
@W0LFB3AT5: I still have that recording from the other day, you know. What would be the best way to share it with you?
Maybe through Mega Limited. Or maybe through Google Drive. Those are the only options available for me.
Kemonophonic said:
@W0LFB3AT5: Pretty good actually. I'll be making a generative patch with my Behringer Crave later. I might record it if it sounds alright.
Wish you could record a sample and send it. But I’m stumped as to how you do it.
So today there was 4 live baby mice lodged inside a box of “Minute” rice. That explains the weird hole at the side of the box. Thought it was damaged from shipment. Two of my co-workers scrambled away in fear. Heh!
So we were forced to let them go through the grassy field.
But anyways, how’s everyone else’s day going?
i had a dream where i had 100 percented pokepark with my sister and went to talk to mew and he brought up e621. i was understandably shocked. apparently it was supposed to be this surprise or secret way to communicate or do something or other. he played a video for us to demonstrate and it was a video of a child pushing on his dark grey mother’s stomach which was full of milk and it came out either her mouth or breasts. when we rewinded it it was a video of a presumably the same mother (though she looked different) worrying about her child and about whether it would hurt when she breastfed him. the milk was foamy and spilled all over his face. it was very strange and unnecessarily lewd
di di discommunication
what the hecc!
mehwhocares said:
Hey Lyra! We're all glad, super excited and incredibly proud to see you! Enjoy your time at school.
Thank you my friend <333
Baked beans are cool
Rare Sega Mega-Tech (8 Megadrive / Genesis Slots) Repair - Part 1
Rare Sega Mega-Tech (8 Megadrive / Genesis Slots) Repair - Part 2
Got it working after all, but still more to do. =^.^=
Heh! The singing scene gave me Les Misérable vibes.
@W0LFB3AT5: Holy shit, that was awesome! This series just keeps getting better.
Meow! <3
Episode 6 is finally out.
Kemonophonic said:
ohhh yoou heccin' kemonononononono....!