Copyright: gravity falls

Gravity Falls is an American animated television series created by animator Alex Hirsch for Disney Channel, now on Disney XD. The series follows adventures of Dipper Pines (voiced by Jason Ritter) and his twin sister Mabel Pines (voiced by Kristen Schaal) in the fictional town of Gravity Falls, Oregon, while on summer vacation. At the start of the series, twins Dipper and Mabel are sent to spend the summer with their great-uncle (or "Grunkle") Stan, in the mysterious town full of unexpected situations that involve various paranormal and supernatural creatures. Grunkle Stan has the kids help him run The Mystery Shack, the tourist trap that he owns. The twins try to adapt to the weird surroundings but sense there is something strange about Gravity Falls and begin to unlock its secrets. When Dipper uncovers a cryptic journal that offers insight into the town's mysteries, he and Mabel use it and their enthusiastic desire to solve the imminent mysteries that surround them. The series officially premiered on the Disney Channel in the United States on June 15, 2012.

On November 20, 2015, creator of the show Alex Hirsch announced that the second season of the show would be its last. The decision was made by him in order for the show to not lose its original spark. The show will conclude with a one-hour special event titled "Weirdmageddon 3."

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The following tags implicate this tag: bill_cipher, dipper_pines, ford_pines, mabel_pines, pyronica, stan_pines, waddles_(gravity_falls), wendy_corduroy (learn more).

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