Copyright: futurama

post #144249 post #3489050
An animated comedy show created by Matt Groening (The Simpsons) that originally aired on the Fox Broadcasting Network. The story followed the antics of the protagonist Philip J. Fry who was cryogenically frozen on December 31, 1999 and unfrozen 1000 years in the future on December 31, 2999.

The series was cancelled by Fox in 2003 and aired in re-run format on the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block from 2002 to 2007. In 2008 a direct to video release was made and reworked later into an additional season of the show for 2009 and aired on the Comedy Central Network. The series continued on the network until 2013 when it was again cancelled after the Seventh Season. Matt Groening had expressed an interest in continuing the series with other networks, but co-developer David X. Cohen expressed that this was the "series finale".

Notable Characters

This tag implicates comedy_central (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: amphibiosan, amy_wong, bender_bending_rodríguez, cygnoid, decapodian_(futurama), doctor_zoidberg, edna_(futurama), hermes_conrad, hubert_j._farnsworth, hypnotoad, kif_kroker, labarbara_conrad, neptunian_(futurama), nibbler, nibblonian, omicronian, philip_j._fry, scruffy_(futurama), trisolian, turanga_leela, venusian_blob, zapp_brannigan (learn more).

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post #5279394