Copyright: chuunibyou

post #3858679 post #3336874
A fictitious disease discovered in Japan that apparently affects characters and people into believing they're cool know-it-alls who are secretly very special (compare to "Mary Sue".) Patients are frequently categorized into three distinct types:

  • the "subculture" type who reject mainstream culture, or look at it through a purely cynical lens, in favor of the niche and unusual, such as listening solely to American music but not understanding the lyrics.
  • the "antisocial"/"DQN" (dokyun, "dumbass") type embrace fictitious delinquency, and discuss fighting and drug use despite having no experience with either.
  • the "evil eye" type believe in having supernatural abilities and properties, and use unusual words and expressions. Their fashion sense also tends to include black clothes, unnecessary eye patches, crucifixes (especially among irreligious characters), and accessories such as capes or hand wraps.

While some cultural parallels exist for the first two (hipster subculture which embraces alternative music/fashion, "edgelords"), the "evil eye" type has largely remained a Japanese phenomenon, and several characters are explicitly designed with elements of "evil eye" chuunibyou.

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post #3858679