Character: jormungandr (mythology)

post #3754395

Jormungandr, The World Serpent is a figure in Norse Mythology.

He is the son of Loki, God of Mischief and his consort Angrboða the Giantess, alongside his siblings Hel, Goddess of Death and the Fenrir Wolf.

When the three children were born, Loki tried to hide their existence from Odin. When Odin discovered them, he recognized them as the monstrous children of Loki, destined to bring about Ragnarök and the end of the world. In order to forestall the prophecy, Odin threw Jormungandr as a child into the ocean in the hope he would drown. However, Jormungandr instead grew to fill the space of his environment, growing endlessly until he was able to encircle the earth with his body and swallow his own tail.

Despite everything, the Prophecy of Ragnarök will still come to pass: Following Fimbulvintr, Jormungandr will release his tail and do a little wiggle, causing Naglafar, the ship made of Dead Men's Finger and Toenails, to break its moorings an set sail to Asgard with Hel's army of the dishonorable dead and Gleipnir to loosen, allowing Fenrir to also escape. As the battle of Ragnarök begins Odin will lead the Aesir, Vanir, and Einherjar into battle, flanked by Thor, God of Thunder, Tyr, God of War, and Vidar, God of Vengeance. However, Thor will see Jormungandr attacking Midgard, and the guardian of Earth and mightiest of the gods will break formation to try and stop the snake. This results in Odin getting easily overwhelmed and killed by Fenrir. Thor meanwhile, will challenge The World Serpent to Single Combat. After and arduous battle, Thor will win and strike down the mighty World Serpent, but not before being heavily injured and poisoned by the serpent's breath and bite, taking only 9 steps away from Jormungandr's Corpse before dropping dead.

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