Character: aphrodite (deity)

post #2049659

Aphrodite is the ancient Greek Goddess of Love and Feminine Beauty. She is technically the daughter of Uranus, Sky Incarnate.

When Kronos conspired with his brothers to attack their father and seize the throne of king of the universe, Kronos arranged for his Mother Gaia to seduce him, and once his guard was down, 4 out of his 5 brother grabbed each of his arms and legs. Kronos the proceeded to use the adamantine sickle to castrate his father. For not assisting them in their plot, Kronos threw his father genitals into the body that was his older brother Oceanus, Ocean Incarnate. Over time, the testicles' genetic material began to foam up and from that foam Aphrodite emerged in all her physical perfection and literally naked beauty.

Aphrodite is consort to Ares, the God of War, as well as Adonis, God of Masculine Beauty, Hermes, Messenger of the Gods, and Dionysus, God of Wine and Revelry. However, she was forced to marry the incredibly unattractive Hephaestus, God of Fire and Forge. During the Judgement of Paris she won the Apple of Discord and awarded Paris with the most beautiful woman in the world to be his wife. That woman being Helen (soon-to-be) of Troy who was already married to Menelaus, King of the Spartans. This event is what caused the Trojan War.

Aphrodite is also the mother of Eros, God of Carnality; Phobos, God of Fear; Deimos, God of Terror; Harmonia, Goddess of Concord; and Anteros, God of Requisition of Love; Hermaphroditus, God of Hermaphrodites; Priapus, God of Penises (yes that was a thing); and the Three Graces.

In ancient Roman Mythology, she is known as Venus.

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