Character: athena (deity)

post #1373725

Athena is the ancient Greek Goddess of wisdom, battle strategy, chariots, olive trees, olives, olive oil, owls, and handicraft. She is the daughter of Zeus, god of the sky and Metis, goddess of alchemy.

When Metis was pregnant with Athena, Zeus received a prophecy from his grandmother Gaia that Metis would give birth to two children. First a daughter who would be smarter than Zeus and then a son who would be stronger than Zeus and together, they would overthrow their father, just as Zeus overthrew his father, and his father overthrew his father, and his father overthrew his father. In order to forestall this from occurring, Zeus ate Metis, subsuming her wisdom and intelligence into himself.

However, Metis' child would continue to grow inside Zeus until one day Athena emerged fully grown from Zeus' head clad in battle armor, wearing a helmet, and with spear and shield in hand.

Athena is one of the three virgin goddesses alongside Artemis and Hestia. She has a rivalry with Poseidon and competed against her stepmother Hera and Aphrodite for the Apple of Discord. She is considered a patron deity for many heroes in Greek Mythology, providing them wisdom and tools to help them accomplish seemingly impossible feats.

In ancient Roman Mythology, she is known as Minerva.

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