Character: tusk (jjba)

post #805998

“Chumimi~in”-Tusk's stand cry

TUSK(タスク (牙), Tasuku, sometimes written as 爪) is the Stand of Johnny Joestar, featured JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run.

Similar to that of Koichi Hirose's Echoes, TUSK is a stand that evolves as the user grows and gains a better understanding of their abilities, undergoing tremendous changes in physical appearance and abilities. Unlike most Stands, TUSK exists as more of a visual representation of Johnny's Mastery of the Spin and rarely directly attacks or do anything when Johnny is using its powers.

TUSK's power is the ability to imbue Johnny Joestar's Finger and later Toenails with The Spin, causing them to detach from his digits and begin spinning at dangerously high speeds while building a supernatural amount of energy. Johnny can use these rotations to either generate energy, cut/pierce objects, brush his teeth, and even cure his paraplegia. He can also fire his finger nails as a long range projectile similar to that of finger gun. The energy generated from the spin allows him to grow back his nails rapidly, allowing him to quickly reload his 20 shots.

As Johnny's mastery of the Spin grows, TUSK's forms changes. These forms known as acts include:

  • TUSK ACT 1: resembles a small, neotenous animal. Its head is of equal or slightly greater size than its body, and it floats with two short, vague, and inarticulate arms and one such leg. Its posterior is marked somewhat irregularly by small stars, behind which dark circles radiate to their points; while four tendrils droop from the base of its trunk to the approximate length of its leg, bearing heart shapes. On its head, it bears two long, mammalian ears; small, reflective black eyes, under a brow of a troubled angle; a large star at the top of its forehead, behind which a dark circle radiates to its points, and from the center of which a string links with the tip of a cone fastened to the region of its nose. Eight wavering vestiges emanate from its head laterally: Two above; four from its sides, the lower of which, at its cheeks, are also surrounded by a dark circle; and on each side of its chin. It was designed with an axolotl in mind.
  • TUSK ACT 2: the first evolved form of Tusk, accessed when Johnny makes progress in the technique of the Spin and uses the Golden Rectangle. Mechanically, ACT2 possesses a small, sturdy torso and arms, greater in proportion to its head. From its head hang two barrel-shaped objects. A barrel-like unit the size of its head is suspended at the base of a short, flat spine.
  • TUSK ACT 3: Bears sharp spikes growing from both the underside of each of the three toes of its triangular feet and two from small, truncated, disc-shaped hands. On dark, spherical shoulders it bears the large, bold outline of a star; and from its upper lip to the rear of its head runs a tall, blade-like protrusion resembling a Mohawk.
  • TUSK ACT 4: The highest evolution of TUSK, accessed only when Johnny uses the Golden Spin. ACT4 is of humanoid shape and broad or square build; of articulated legs, arms, hands, and fingers. Its head is mounted in the front of its chest, and from the bottom of its chest hangs to its ankles a vestment comprising strings of vertical ellipses. Like Johnny, it wears a horseshoe on its forehead.

Tusk is usually depicted with a blue nose, yellow stars, blue eyes, and a primarily pink body.

Each form increases the power of Johnny's bullets with the Spin. Act 2 is capable of causing the bullets to home onto a specific target of Johnny's choosing and displace matter on contact. Act 3: Is capable of creating micro-singularities and wormholes that Jonny can use to reposition himself or avoid attacks. As well is inflict major damahge to his enemies. Act 4: Is capable of using the Golden Ratio while spinning, create a completely infinite rotation, and by extension, infinite energy that can bypass any defense and via inflicting infinite damage.

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