Species: slayer (baldur's gate)

post #4368870 post #4294504 post #4400297

A monstrous creature, named after (but not ressembling) one of Bhaal's avatar in Dungeons and Dragons lore. Some of Bhaal's mortal spawns have been known to turn into it, a power either discovered through strange dreams or bestowed by divine favour, and has been used by a few characters throughout the Baldur's Gate saga.

In Baldur's Gate 3, the Slayer looks closer to the Ravager of Baldur's Gate 2, with its two horns and tusks, four clawed arms with holes through the hands, segmented maw and towering height.

Baldur's Gate 2's Slayer is smaller, and reuses a Pit Fiend sprite. It has a red body civered in spikes, and its face is a circular leech-like mouth framed by six large claws, with seemingly no eyes.

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