alternative fashion

post #3227267 post #2128528 post #3542963 post #3400607 post #2970353

Alternative fashion is an umbrella term for fashion styles that deviate from the mainstream norm, which are typically associated with specific subcultures.

Note that in this context, "fashion" refers to the character's overall presentation and personal style, rather than clothing in particular.

If a character seems to not fit into any particular style, or take elements from a number of styles, it may be a better fit to simply use this umbrella tag rather than tag several styles.

Common elements of alternative fashion

Alternative fashion tends to be darker and more macabre than mainstream fashion, often heavily featuring black and themes of horror and gore. Other styles tend to overexaggerate bright colors and sweet themes to a degree that is not present in mainstream fashion.

Alternative fashion is also very counterculture - political iconography is common, especially left-wing and anarchist iconography in particular. Gender norms are often either disregarded entirely or exaggerated to make a point (see lolita and gyaru).

In regards to specific visual elements:

Alternative fashion styles

See also

Not to be confused with

  • alternate_costume - When a character is wearing clothing different from their usual outfit.

The following tags are aliased to this tag: alternative_clothing (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: emo, flapper, glamrock, goth, greaser, grunge_(fashion), hippie, hipster, j-fashion, metalhead, punk, rockabilly, scene_(fashion), steampunk (learn more).

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