standalone balls

post #3871670 post #4493017

When a character has balls, but no penis. This can either be censorship or an intentional part of the character's design. The reverse (penis with no balls) is sackless.

See Also

  • penectomy - The gory process of removing the penis.
  • penectomized - A character that has had their penis removed.
  • featureless_crotch - A character with no evidence of genitals having ever been present. It's usually just an artistic choice to not draw the genitals, but it could also be that the character canonically lacks genitals (See: null).
  • virile_pussy - A character whose pussy can ejaculate sperm.
  • detachable_penis - A character whose penis can be removed and reattached, possibly independent of their balls

The following tags are aliased to this tag: nutgirl, standalone_testicles (learn more).

This tag implicates balls (learn more).

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