Species: enderium

a species in Athen's Paradise reality. It is pretty much based on Enderman from minecraft.

Enderium's consist of a monarch hierarchy, the "king" or Davoc is selected by The Voices, an eldritch being that causes chaos and mayham to enderiums. This Davoc difference is typically shown by the Enderium having stronger abilities and the ability to transform into a dragon. Their sanity level affects all the other Enderiums.

Enderium blood is magenta, which is very dangerous to come in contact to. If someone comes into Blood to blood contact a few things might happen:
-The victim turns into a Mutation variant IF THEY SURVIVE their body stretches out and their bones stretch out. This is actually a really painful process.
-The Voice's reject and kill the victim.
-If the victim is a void blood; the bloods explode violently. So death. (The Voices hate voidlings).

Enderiums cannot touch water, humidity is fine as long as it doesn't reach muggy stage. Enderium Blood basically turns into an acid if it comes into contact with water. Enderiums can swallow a certain amount of water in foods that are not juicy like watermelons or tomatoes. They however cannot drink water.

There are two variants of an Enderium: Species and Mutation

Species Variant:
Enderium's consist of dark and purple accents, albinism exists. Their eyes and mouths and internals are bioluminescent.
They have a type of crystal slotted right above their sternum, this is required to keep them sane and none volatile. Most can tolerate staring, some will lose it if a non-Enderium stares at them; this is do to a trained fear as an insane Enderium is a dangerous Enderium even to it's own kind.

Enderium's body ratio is abnormal compared to humans, their arms are 4 to 4.5 heads long and their legs are 4.5 to 5 heads long. They're considered monstrous and eerily creepy to humans. Some people can look past it.
Enderium's share the same social structure as humans aside from their Davoc (king) and some unusual characteristics.

Enderiums have a warmer internal temperature, Males are at 99F while females are 100-102F.

NSFW Details:
Female Enderiums have the anatomy of female humans. Male Enderiums share the anatomy of their animal counterpart (Wolf Enderium's have a canine dick, Horse Enderium's with a horse cock), however they have internals balls, so males have a genital slit and their cum is a magenta white.

Mutation Variant:
Mutations variants are those that have came into blood to blood contact with Enderium Blood and have survived The Voice's selection.
There are a few difference from the two variants. Mutations do not have Enderium Pearls, so they do not go insane. They are also skinnier looking if they have recently changed into an Enderium or those that haven't learned that they need to eat more food. Only their bones change and grow along with their blood and skin. They do not gain muscle or fat, so their original muscle mass and fat have to be spread out. Leading to a skeletal anorexic look.

NSFW Details:
Mutation variants share the same genitals as they did originally. Their cum has changed to the same magenta white and their internal temperature matches that of an enderium.

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