Copyright: ma natsu no yo no inmu

真夏の夜の淫夢 (literally "A Midsummer Night's Lewd Dream", named for the work by Shakespeare), often abbreviated to 淫夢 (inmu), is a gay pornography. Inmu began to enter the public eye in 2002 when it was revealed that baseball player Tadano Kazuhito (this is the Japanese name order, "Tadano" is his family name) was among the actors, and viewers picked up on the the low-quality, amateur nature of the production, including the writing, acting, and cinematography. Later in 2004, Tadano Kazuhito, at the time pitching for the Cleveland Indians (now "Guardians"), spoke about regretting his involvement.

Characters associated with Inmu are often referred to in "Tadano notation", where each kana in their name is reduced to a single English letter, as such that "Ta-da-no" becomes "TDN". In tagging, however, the names will typically be spelled out in full so as to make the nature of the tags obvious to people unfamiliar with the content.

Cookie☆ and Touhou Project

Following the publishing of "Marisa and Alice's Cookie Kiss", a Touhou video drama by several amateur artists and voice actors, fans of Inmu began incorporating characters and voice actors from various Touhou video dramas into their creations. Often, Inmu-related video edits begin with Cookie☆ characters, and then transition towards using characters and scenes found in Inmu.


On this site, users speaking Japanese or Chinese occasionally leave strange memetic comments that may come across as unreadable spam.

Inmu-ism English
114514 "It's alright, come here!"
1919 "I'm cumming!"
4545 *fap fap*
8101081 or 810100081 Yajuu-senpai (one of the characters depicted)