Species: civil engineer dragons

Civil Engineer Dragon is a new furry species created by


Background Story

It's slightly start is from 65000000 yrs ago,some logic-reprogramming matter was brought to earth by Chicxulub Impaction. It usually been enriched inside of dinosaurs' fossils so why this species called dragon,though it's latter members may not looks like a dragon.
Then in late 20th century,China reformed its resident policy,real estate start replace low tech-status goods production became the country's new core industry. This is the biggest scale of urbanization of history, enoumous materials was dig out from ground saw the sun they've never seen before,eat the unclear possibility waves they've never eaten before,and those matters end up add in buildings.
10 years later,to deal with the effect of subprime crisis, AD 2008 November 8th, C.CCP-EWT ordered State Council put out a revolusis measure series that in the end been called Project 4E12. Urbanization progress soon come to the peak with unimaginable industry increase,which drive yearly cement produce volume of this huge cement produce nation who has already reached 1 billion tons per year increased over 18%.After that, the logic-reprogramming matters in building increased self-awareness