reverse mouth shot

post #3882876 post #2392757 post #2028838

A "reverse" mouth shot depicts the inside of a character's mouth as viewed from inside of the mouth or from the back of the character's throat, looking towards the character's lips/teeth and out of the mouth.

Reverse mouth shots are often in the context of internal oral, where the inside of a character's mouth is shown as they are performing oral sex. Reverse mouth shots are also frequently seen in the context of oral vore, whether it's from the the first person perspective of the character being eaten, or "framing" a character who is about to be eaten with the predator's jaws.

A reverse mouth shot will almost always show...

Related Tags

  • inside mouth - inherent to this tag
  • mouth shot - this may be used if the character has their mouth reflected in a mirror, or another part of the image shows an external view of the mouth looking in
  • oversized oral - size play where a smaller character is having oral sex acts performed on them by a larger character, can easily be confused with oral vore

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