new621:rules (locked)

← E621 WikiCode of Conduct

e621 Community Code of Conduct and Site Rules

     Disciplinary Actions
     Disputing Staff Actions
1. Messages, Private and Public
1.1 Disruptive Behavior
1.2 Harassment, Doxxing, and Real-Life Threats
1.3 National, Racial, or Ethnic Hatred
1.4 Sexual Identity and Orientation
1.5 Refusal to Use Blacklist
1.6 Inappropriate Comments
1.7 Role-Play
1.8 Spamming
1.9 Advertising

2. Posts and Tags
2.1 Posting Abuse
2.2 Tagging, Rating, and Note Abuse
2.3 Plagiarism

3. Abuse of Site Tools
3.1 Abuse of Site Tools
3.2 Circumventing a Suspension / Ban

4. Illegal Activities
4.1 Extreme or Illegal Content
4.2 Posting Unreleased Content / Hacking Data Files
4.3 Age Restrictions


e621 is a community for artists, collectors, and admirers of furry artwork where everyone can appreciate the creativity of others while sharing ideas, giving advice, and conversing with fellow furries.
This community is at its best when everyone treats each other with respect and courtesy. Please conduct yourself in a civilized manner while you are here.

The rules on this page will provide you with a general guideline about what sort of behavior is expected of our community members. If you encounter messages or posts that violate these rules, please report them.

If you intend to upload artwork here, please look over the Uploading Guidelines first for information about what sort of content is appropriate for our website.

Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in your account being suspended or terminated.
The guidelines are not intended to cover every potential situation, and the staff may address any behavior in the method that they feel is appropriate.
Your access to this website is a privilege, not a right.

Disciplinary Actions

When a user violates the Code of Conduct, they receive a record on their user profile page.
A record usually indicates what parts of the code of conduct have been broken and links, if possible, to the place where the violation happened.

There are several types of records that can be issued.
Here is a list of them in order of severity:
1. Neutral record: A note that lets you know that you have broken one of the rules.
2. Negative record: An official warning. This is given out when someone has ignored the warnings in a neutral record or if the infraction is particularly serious.
3. Suspension: A temporary ban from the site and forums. This is considered to be a final warning, and while we may choose to give out another temporary ban, a permanent ban is usually the next step.
4. Permanent Ban: A permanent ban from This will not expire and is reserved for serious violations of the Code of Conduct, and repeated violations of lesser offenses.

If multiple rules are broken at the same time, or in short succession, you will receive a single record that summarizes each violation.

Any record that is not a permanent ban will decay over time. A negative record will become neutral after six months, and a neutral record will be removed entirely after six months. This assumes that no more rules were broken during that time.

Please note that the decaying process is not automated.
You may contact an admin to have your records reviewed and removed.

Disputing Staff Actions

If you are ever faced with a staff action you do not agree with – be it a post deletion, a warning, or a ban – the first thing you should do is contact the staff member responsible for that action via a DMail. If you are not satisfied with the results of that interaction, you may escalate the issue up the chain of command:

  • Janitors' rulings should be brought up with an admin.
  • Admins' rulings should be brought up with the lead admin, NotMeNotYou.
  • NotMeNotYou's rulings should be brought up with DasaDevil.

If you have been banned from the site, you may send your appeal or any questions you may have via an email listed on the Contact page.

1 Messages, Private and Public

1.1 Disruptive Behavior

e621 is an open and friendly community that people visit to share and enjoy furry artwork.
People can have different opinions and are free to state them, but that does not allow them to make someone else feel uncomfortable or unwanted.

  • Do not make messages with the apparent purpose of upsetting someone. That includes picking fights, baiting arguments, calling names, or making remarks regarding personal grievances, quarrels, or malicious rumors.
  • Do not purposefully spread false or defamatory information.
  • Do not mention any actions of suicide, self harm / mutilation, depression-induced pain, or other malicious acts directed towards the self.
  • Do not encourage other users to engage in harmful behaviors, including suicide, eating disorders, or other forms of self harm.
  • Do not give other users medical or veterinary advice that could result in harm coming to them or their pets.
  • Do not promote ideologies harmful to public safety.
  • Do not brag about saving DNP or pirated material, and do not encourage others to do so.
  • Do not try to impersonate others, including users, artists, public figures, staff members, or Bad Dragon employees.
  • Do not demand that certain administrative actions be taken against another user. Do not indicate personal influence over staff decisions.
  • Do not disobey any direct instructions made by a staff member or a Bad Dragon employee.

1.2 Harassment, Doxxing, and Real-Life Threats

  • Do not stalk or harass anyone. Do not repeatedly try to contact someone if they expressed that they do not wish to speak with you.
  • Do not make any messages that call for or may lead to harassment of any user, staff member, Bad Dragon employee, or anyone else.
  • Do not promote or threaten violence in any capacity against any person, entity, company, or property.
  • Do not share or try to obtain any personal or identifiable information. That includes any privileged or personal information of other individuals or businesses, such as real-life names, addresses, unlisted contact information, social security numbers, credit card numbers, and correspondence (logs, emails, notes, etc).

1.3 National, Racial, or Ethnic Hatred

  • Do not promote, allude to, or express national, racial, or ethnic hatred. That includes usage or allusions to slurs or symbols as well.
  • Do not identify with, allude to, or promote terrorist organizations, mass murderers, serial killers, or their ideologies.

Usage of these themes in artwork will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

1.4 Sexual Identity and Orientation

  • Do not insultingly refer to any aspect of sexual identity or orientation, both in reference to yourself and to other users.
  • Do not purposefully misgender or deadname users or characters.

1.5 Refusal to Use Blacklist

This site hosts a wide variety of content, and not all of it may appeal to everyone.

  • Do not complain about image and video content that could be blacklisted. Simply add the corresponding tag to your blacklist. If you believe that a post is missing a valid tag, you should add the tag yourself.
  • Do not make messages announcing that you have blacklisted a specific tag or certain kinds of content.

1.6 Inappropriate Comments

Everyone who browses the website has the right, within realistic expectations, to not encounter sexualized comments that may make them uncomfortable.

  • Do not create messages that share explicit details about sexual encounters, fantasies, fetishes, or actions.
  • Do not create comments that exceed the post's rating.

You may find a few detailed examples here.

1.7 Role-Play

  • Do not initiate, encourage, or partake in public role-play sessions, either between users or by yourself.
  • Do not impersonate or partake in roleplay with either fictional or non-fictional characters.
  • Minor cases of role-playing may be excused if they are short, either humorous or otherwise non-disruptive, and are made in response to a situation or joke set up by the content of a post, or in similar context.
  • Do not solicit roleplay from other users.

1.8 Spamming

  • Do not excessively communicate the same phrase, similar phrases, or gibberish.
  • Do not make non-constructive or derailing messages, including fad statements like "first", "TL;DR", "ITT", and so on.
  • Do not excessively post in old threads without adding anything to the discussion.
  • Do not create pointless threads like forum games, asking for free art, and so on.

1.9 Advertising

Do not promote any external sites, resources, products, or services.
If you are an artist or content owner, you are permitted to advertise products and services you may offer. You may do so in the "description" field of your posts, on the artist page, and in your profile description.

If you wish to promote your products or services through a banner ad, please contact [email protected] with any questions. See the advertisement help page for more information.

2 Posts and Tags

2.1 Posting Abuse

  • Do not knowingly or repeatedly upload content that goes against the Uploading Guidelines.
    • Do not post works made by any of the artists or publishers on the Avoid Posting list.
    • Do not post any commercial or pay-to-view content. "Free" pay-to-view content – where you are allowed to set the price to $0 if you so choose – cannot be posted unless 60 days have passed after it was made available for free.
    • Do not knowingly upload or share previously deleted content. If it was deleted once, it will almost certainly be deleted again. If you wish to dispute a post's removal, contact the staff member responsible for the deletion via a private message.
  • Do not knowingly or repeatedly upload or share unauthorized edits of artwork after the original artist or character owner asked others not to.
  • Do not knowingly or repeatedly upload content made by minors or featuring characters created or owned by minors.
  • Do not upscale or otherwise manipulate images to artificially create a "better" version of an existing image.
  • Do not upload content that is involved in, depicts, or glorifies recent real-life tragedies.

2.2 Tagging, Rating, and Note Abuse

  • You are expected to add a minimum of four general, non-implied tags to any post that you upload.
  • Do not add any tags that are invalid, and do not remove tags that are valid.
    • Tags in the general category are considered valid if they follow the Tag What You See principle – that is, they must be describing what is visible in the post.
    • Tags in other categories are valid if the information they are conveying is objectively true, such as the artist's name or the image's aspect ratio.
  • Do not add any disruptive tags or tags that could be considered defamatory or spam.
  • Do not apply post ratings that are wrong or go against the Rating Guidelines.
  • Do not engage in disruptive behavior in post descriptions or edit reasons, including flaming, insults, personal feelings, drama, fanfiction, and so on.
  • Do not edit post notes with irrelevant information or remove existing valid notes. Do not add any notes in languages other than English or that go against the Translation Guidelines.

2.3 Plagiarism

  • Do not wrongfully claim ownership of any artwork.
  • Do not upload or share any traced artwork without the consent of the copyright owner.
  • Do not upload or share any artwork that had original watermarks or signatures removed from it. Similarly, do not add third party watermarks or signatures to unrelated content.

3 Abuse of Site Tools

3.1 Abuse of Site Tools

  • Do not use any site tools in a fashion that can be construed as disruptive, spamming, or defamatory.
  • Do not knowingly or repeatedly submit invalid or unnecessary requests, such as incorrect tickets or flags.
  • Do not encourage other users to make duplicate reports for the same violation.
  • Do not use multiple accounts to abuse the voting system or manipulate public opinion.
  • Do not indiscriminately downvote posts based on their content. You should blacklist the offending subject matter instead.
  • Do not attempt to game the voting system by offering incentives in exchange for upvotes, downvotes, or favorite counts.

3.2 Circumventing a Suspension / Ban

  • Do not use alternate accounts to circumvent bans, records, upload limits, or any other site restriction.
  • Do not suggest or coerce another user to post on your behalf while currently under a suspension or a ban.
  • Do not delete and re-create an account to get rid of previous records.

4 Illegal Activities

4.1 Extreme or Illegal Content

  • Do not engage in, promote, encourage, plan, post, or link to any content or activities that violate federal US law or anything that could be used as directions for committing a crime.
  • Do not discuss details or experiences of committing illegal acts, such as drug use, sex, violence, or abuse against any human or creature.
  • Do not post images or videos depicting real-life children or animals in sexual situations or acts. Do not discuss the details, morality, or attraction to such acts.
  • Do not link to explicit real-life material featuring animal genitalia or animal mating.
  • Do not link to any content featuring or referring to extreme real-life violence or violent sexual activities.

4.2 Posting Unreleased Content / Hacking Data Files

  • Do not share any content or data that has been obtained through unauthorized or illegal means. Do not discuss or share methods or resources used to obtain such content.
  • Do not create messages that link to content only available through paid subscription services. Do not quote or otherwise reference other users doing that either – simply report them and move on.

4.3 Age Restrictions

By using e621 and/or registering an account, you agree that you are at least eighteen years of age. No individual under the age of eighteen may register an account, use our services, provide any personal information to e621, or otherwise upload or transmit personal information through our services.

Even though laws may vary depending on your location,'s management and service office is located in Arizona, USA, and it is those laws that we are required to abide by. We cannot knowingly allow any minors to view pornographic content, so we must be proactive in preventing underage access. This includes accounts that are either legally or illegally accessed by minors. Furthermore, we require official, government-issued photo identification as proof of you turning eighteen in order to release access to your account. Please email us at [email protected] for further details.