Species: android
post #1257753 post #482402 post #219961 post #1585811
Androids are humanoid or anthropomorphic robots that are biomimetic; Meaning that their machinery and overall visage are designed to emulate the functionalities, behavior, and appearance of a biological organism. A mechanical artificial lifeform if you will.
- Superficially, the android tag can apply to any humanoid robots or robotic furries that leans more towards looking more life-like and less mechanical looking.
- One of the telltale signs of an android is if their skin has an unusual coloring, a synthetic texture, panel linings, industrial iconographies (such as serial numbers, barcodes, hazard signs, and company brand logos), tron lines, or screws or rivets.
- Internally they possess many parts that are similar to those organics such as synthetic muscles, a flexible skin-like exterior covering, organ-like internal components, and a skeletal internal frame.
- This means that they can do just about anything that their flesh and blood counterpart can such as eating, drinking, feeling, and they're fully equipped to engage in sexual activities.
- Behaviorally most androids are fully autonomous with their learning and decision-making processes primarily conducted by their on-board computer brains which, overtime, develops its own personality and behavioral quirks (if they weren't already prepackaged/preprogrammed with one).
The word "android" is a combination of the prefix "andro-" ("human" or "male") and the suffix "-oid" (with the appearance/form/likeness of something). This would make the literal meaning of the word pertain to a being that is "human-like" or "man-like".
Due to this some have proposed the term "gynoid" which replaces the prefix with "gyno-" (female) to refer to feminine androids.
Tagging notes
- Due to the tag what you see policy, characters that are androids in lore but are visually indistinguishable from organic life should not be tags as such.
- Biomimetic robotic ferals should not be tagged as androids.
Not to be confused with
- cyborg - Organic lifeforms fitted with mechanical components.
- Android_(os) - An operating system developed by Google for mobile devices.
See also:
Forum discussions:
- forum #141131 - Cyborgs, Androids, and Robots. Oh my! (Oct. 2014)
- forum #145008 - Calling all robot, android, mecha, etc. experts! (wiki project) (Dec. 2014)
The following tags are aliased to this tag: anthroid, gynoid (learn more).
This tag implicates robot (learn more).
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