Character: tany (doneru)

post #3881715 post #3521436
post #3436009 post #3455774
Tany (ターニィ), Character by Doneru, A Female Bamfear, despite her young appearance she is atleast 20 years old (Source)


An orphan from the village she came from, she was offered up as a slave at age 13 to a group of bandits for the safety of her village.
During that time as a slave, she met her
post #3885602

Years passed, and they eventually escaped, though not uninjured, Elisity fatally. She died not too long after.
For over 4 years, Tany searched for a way to the other side of the world, a peaceful world. She fought tooth and nail, and would even kill anyone or anything that stood in her way. Until at last, she found a massive wall, only to collapse immediately after crossing the wall.
post #3408901

She now lives a peaceful life and works at a facility that manages dangerous creatures, just like Clive did to her.
She goes on all sorts of shenanigans, sexual or not, with her group of friends.

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