name drop

Name-dropping is the direct mention of a character's name through dialogue, inner monologue, message, or narration. This narrative technique removes the ambiguity surrounding whom the character is referring to in a given situation. Even when there is no doubt, the mention of someone's name is useful for indicating personal attachment. To know of one's name is evidence that the two characters know each other. Furthermore indicating a name provides information to an unfamiliar viewer.

This theme is often utilized in scenes with crowds, and is particularly common in comics.


For best results, try searching this tag with a well-known copyright.

What's included

- Character names, both full, and partial
- Generic names, and nicknames (as long as it still sounds like a name).

What's not included

Related themes

See also

The following tags are aliased to this tag: name-drop, name-dropping, name_dropping (learn more).

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post #5315836
post #5313630
post #5309330
post #5295909