encapsulated vore

post #2432640 post #2308212 post #3944188

When the prey in a vore scenario is confined (possibly trapped) inside some form of container, either physically (e.g: car, dildo, etc.) or otherwise (e.g: pokéball, magic lamp, etc.). Said container may or may not help with the prey's survival.

In all cases, it needs to be clear the container really does contain a prey. Pokéball insertion on its own doesn't count if it's not established that the pokéballs do contain pokémon. Likewise, it's not a given that a car being swallowed on its own has someone inside (as it may come from a parking lot), so there should be some evidence that the car isn't actually empty. A first person view is generally enough proof that the vehicle is understood to contain a person, even if the viewer isn't visible.

See also

  • vore_tether: Use of a vore or leash to maybe pull the prey out

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