Character: negro matapacos

Negro Matapacos was a real-world dog made famous in Chilean culture for appearing in the events of the 2011 Santiago student street protests. Over the course of the marches, he became a symbol for the nationalization of Chilean schools, and the abolition of profit in higher education within the country. During the marches, Negro Matapacos approached and attacked members of the Chilean national law enforcement police, a move that resonated with protestors and attracted media attention. This cultural memory influenced his reintrodiction as a symbol in the 2019 Chilean 'Social Outburst' Protests, despite having died in 2017. His likeness was portrayed in graffiti, statues, and other street art as a gestured opposition to police brutality. In recent years, the image of a black dog with a red handkerchief has become an international symbol of left-wing political movements, especially those which relate to the opposition of police.