Copyright: elinor wonders why
Elinor Wonders Why is an Educational based show that's intended for children 3-6 years old and is aired on PBS kids. The show is revolved around Elinor Rabbit, a bunny anthro in the Town of Animal Town - just north of Natural Forest, California, being an observant and curious child which leads to adventures with her friends Olive and Ari. Each episode consists of two 11 minute animated stories along with extra content where Elinor and her classmates enjoy either Señor Tapir singing about famous nature explorers or Ms. Mole reading stories.
As of December 13th, 2024 - The show is still running on its second season since its creation in 2020.
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The following tags implicate this tag: alejandro_possum, ari_bat, ashley_(eww), beatriz_(eww), elinor_rabbit, medhi_(eww), mr._antelope_(eww), mr._rabbit_(eww), ms._mole_(eww), olive_elephant, ranger_rabbit, silas_cheetah (learn more).