breast crush

post #1667421 post #1351669 post #9241

Breast crush describes an object or character being forcefully compressed between, or underneath, another character's breasts.

When a character is being crushed, this usually involves some degree of size difference between the bearer of the breasts, and their smaller target. Macro art often depicts giant female or gynomorph characters using their titanic mammaries to crush people, cars, buildings, even entire planets. Likewise, micro characters may be crushed under or between the breasts of normal sized characters. Characters and objects may also be crushed by hyper-sized breasts

A breast crushed character may merely be temporarily trapped and uncomfortable, they may be flattened in a toony manner, may suffer injuries, or may even be crushed to death, with bloody/gory results. Objects crushed by breasts may be dented, bent, cracked, or entirely destroyed, surfaces such as walls and floors may have cracks or craters where the breasts impacted.

Not to be confused with breast smother

Breast smother requires the "target" to be a living character, and specifically involves the "target" having their face covered by the other character's breasts, potentially causing them to be suffocated.

  • If the character is being squeezed uncomfortably/painfully between breasts, but their face is uncovered, breast crush is more appropriate.
  • If the character has their face in the other's breasts and appear to be uncomfortable by the weight and/or force of the breasts, breast smother and breast crush may be both applicable.

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