Character: andy vazquez (usuario2)


Also Known As: Lazy Twink(Vicky), Author(in his own webcomic series), Usuario2's fursona.

Jobs: Usuario2's fursona and main avatar, Real God/Author(SIRIDIA Series), Artist(Mainly),

Gender: Mainly male.
Age: 26 years old (Jul-14-1998)
Height: 1.69 meters tall.
Weight: around of 60 kilograms.
Specie: Mexican Wolf.
Body built: Slim.
Nationality: Mexican.

Body Appearance

Andy is portrayed as a mexican wolf of a thin build. His fur is multicolored in two brown colors, one cream and one black color on his face, and tail while his belly, forearms, some part of his knees, calves and feet are cream color, his back and shoulders are black and grayish-brown and the rest of his body such like his arms(not forearms), hips, part of his knees and thighs are brown color. His ears shares the same black color as his long black hair, the back of his fur and tip of his tail. His eyes may be brown or green.


His personality is hard to describe for himself, but he likes crossdressing, toying himself, reading comics, playing videogames and drawing. And for the last one, he's sometimes too lazy to keep his times on his artworks and he's a silly enough to look so calm sometimes.

When Andy talks, he sometimes stutters, mispronounces some words and sentences because his english isn't perfect while his writting is very pretty good but also imperfect.


He mainly dresses a green dress shirt with black pants and shoes or barefood. Alternatively, he also has dressed clothes from different videogames, being mainly green clothing.

  • Clonning: Andy has the knowledge and technology to print himself and create healthy clones with the differences that his clones gets a different tattoo number and optionally a hairstyle to differentiate from the others. They all have the same height but different weight depending of the lifestyle they're following such as diet or activities.
    • This is a reasonable reason of why Andy can be easily portayed as both male and female, however, female clones are known for having an odd number in their clonned number to follow consistency.
Trivia/Notes/curious facts
  • Most of the posts featuring Andy were used as avatar pics by Usuario2 himself.
  • In some drawings he's seen with this tattoo ๐Ÿ‘‰ "โ™ฃ-16" of green color on his right cheek because the Andy shown in the drawings is a clone.
    • The numbers next to the clubs tattoo is to differentiate the clones.
    • Alternatively, he's lately seen with a bandaid covering his right facecheek where his and the rest of the clones' numbers should be.
  • Spoiler NSFW:His cock size varies around of 15 centimetres/6 inches long and it is canine with a fat knot.
  • He shares the same name as Usuario2 because he's his fursona.
  • His back's pattern heavily resembles to a clubs symbol. โ™ฃ
  • Usuario2 had slight inspiration from Jimmy of Hardcore Henry and Dr. Genus from One-Punch Man to make his own fursona, Andy, create clones of himself but with each one with a few differences.

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