Character: libra (zodiac)

post #1403396 post #1402493 post #593297

Libra, the Scales, is the seventh sign of the Western Zodiac. Libra's symbol is based on the Scales of Justice held by Themis, the Greek personification of divine law and custom. Themis is an early version of Lady Justice.

This tag should be used for things directly concerning the sign Libra. Typically, this will be some sort of personification of her: Likely a beautiful young person, often a woman, representing justice, law and, balance. She frequently will carry scales with her with which to judge the world around her.

The symbol of Libra is a pair of horizontal parallel lines with a large U-shaped bend in the top bar. ♎ Images containing the astrological symbol of Libra should be tagged Libra_(symbol).

post #1405511

The dates when Libra rules vary depending upon the system of calculation used. For more information, see western_zodiac.

Astrological SystemDate
TropicalSeptember 23 – October 22
SiderealOctober 18 – November 16
IAUOctober 30 – November 23

<-- Virgo | Libra | Scorpio -->

See also:

This tag implicates western_zodiac (learn more).

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