Character: collins carter obrian
Collins Carter Obrian is an autistic, heavily introverted trans-woman gamer from Texas with strong and proud Irish heritage (regularly shown with a well-trained accent). Despite not seeking out sex and prefering an emotional attachment beforehand, she's what many might consider 'the purest form of degenerate' with kinks that would make the most grizzled sex workers faint at the mete thought. She lives her life online de to mental and physical health issues, regularly spending sixteen hours a day sitting infront of a computer playing games, writing, managing online community servers, watching videos, learning Blender or just watching porn. Pretty predictable and easygoing lady with some family issues and an undying urge to escape her stresses of life at home.
Character Type: Fursona/Self-Insert (Thoughts, feelings, opinions, politics etc. are in line with character's owner.)
Species: Bull Terrier/Irish Red And White Setter mix breed (BT visually dominant)
Date of Birth: May 17th, 1999
Disabilities: Visually impaired, Photosensitive, Overweight (but working on changing that!), Autistic (Asperger), ADHD/ADD, Suffers from undiagnosed heart problems (over-stress can lead to heart attack warning symptoms)
Political Leaning: Fanatical Egalitarian
Religious Belief: Atheist (I know, surprising as a proud Irish, right?)
Contacts for character owner, if making a new friend or discussing being featured in art!
Discord: chubbyirishidiot
Twitter: @ChubbyIrishDog
This site: CollinsObrian
I browse Twitter regularly on my phone and I always have Discord in the background on my computer and have the phone app paired, so I should be easy to reach! I've never been messaged here on E6 before, and sometimes go a few days without logging in, so that's not as reliable, but if you do try to message me here, I'll try to get to you when I see it, if I do! Don't know how notifications work here.