Character: wendy pleakley

post #1284793 post #1217183 post #1236603

Agent Wendy Pleakley, known mononymously by his surname Pleakley, is a one-eyed, two-tongued, three-legged alien character from the Lilo & Stitch franchise. He was an agent for the United Galactic Federation working as its Earth "expert" (even though he actually knows little about the planet) who was forcibly paired up with Jumba Jookiba to retrieve his Experiment 626 on the planet. However, he was fired and exiled there when they failed to so. After the original film, he plays the role of Lilo and Nani Pelekai's "aunt" in their ʻohana (family), crossdressing in the role. He also became close friends with Jumba. Very effeminate, Pleakley is highly fascinated by Earth and human society. His first name Wendy was revealed in Lilo & Stitch: The Series, where despite being a feminine name on Earth, it's a masculine name on his home planet Plorgonar (doubly ironic for the effeminate Pleakley as he hates his given name). Pleakley's species are called "Plorgonarians".

The following tags are aliased to this tag: agent_pleakley, agent_wendy_pleakley, pleakley (learn more).

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